Chapter 33. Ricky's Warning

"What do you want from me, Sir?" Made asked with a curious look at Ricky, who still seemed confident that this Balinese man would accept his offer.

"I want you to harm Dennis when he returns to this place tomorrow,"

Those words startled Made; how could he hurt his own student when Dennis had been very kind to him. Made firmly shook his head. "No! I do not want to do that to Dennis. He is a good person!"

Ricky sighed, knowing that he couldn't easily instruct Made to hurt Dennis, as he had anticipated beforehand.

Made then prepared to walk away from Ricky, even though the man hadn't even started his surfing lessons yet. "I don't think I can teach you surfing if your intentions towards me are so malevolent, Sir!" Made walked away while Ricky stood on the edge of Kuta Beach, smiling because he had already planned their next move.

On his way home, Made's face still showed his frustration. He hadn't expected to discover another student who wanted to harm

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