Chapter 0012
“Mr. Reyes, this tramp is not worth your time and energy, allow me to deal with him for you. He is nothing but a useless and rejected son-in-law of a low tier family. How can he be married to your woman?” Sebastian quickly added, hoping to court Nico’s favour.

“Ryker, do not become the proverbial fly that followed the corpse to the grave, get down on your knees, kiss Mr. Reyes’ feet and beg for forgiveness, maybe then he will spare you,” Sebastian added with a smirk, narrowing eyes at Ryker.

“Why would I kiss his stupid feet when I have a beautiful woman like Fiona to kiss?” Ryker shot back with a smirk, curling his hands around Fiona’s waist.

Fiona was shocked at his confidence. She did not expect him to talk back to a powerhouse like Nico or insult him.

Nico lost it, seeing Fiona in Ryker’s arm.

“Guards!” He yelled and immediately, ten hefty men, all dressed in black suits ran to the front and bowed to him.

“Break this joker’s leg and toss him out of here.”

All ten of his bodyguards rushed towards Ryker immediately and Ryker leaped into the air.

It was as if an invisible force suspended Ryker up there and he threw his leg forward once but kicked all ten men in the head simultaneously, knocking them unconscious in a matter of seconds before he gracefully landed on his feet.

A hush fell over the crowd afterwards, no one, not one of them had seen such a martial art move before. It left their jaws dropping and their eyes bulging in awe.

“What do you think you are doing Nico Reyes?” Samantha stepped forward, noticing the commotion.

“My apologies Miss Samantha,” Nico bowed. “You shouldn’t be witnessing this, I’ll take care of this trash immediately,” he said, pointing to Ryker.

“Trash? You really have some nerve. If any of you dares to lay a finger on him, you will be facing the full wrath of the Grey family,” Samantha replied harshly.

‘Samantha Grey is defending Ryker? How does she know him?’ Fiona asked herself.

“It seems Fiona’s new husband has ties with the Grey family, one of the great houses. Maybe she made the right decision after all,” Sophia whispered to her husband, suddenly looking at Ryker admirably.

“If he does have ties with them, he would be our best bet to becoming a second tier family, faster than the Reyes family ever could help us,” LLoyd replied, his eyes fixed on Ryker curiously.

“Miss Samantha,” Sara stepped forward, seething with jealousy in her heart. “How do you know this man? He’s my ex-husband, a common plumber that I dumped. Awoman of your status should not be associated with a low life like him.”

“Who the hell do you think you are to question me?” Samantha asked furiously, sneering at Sara. “Cage, make her regret that.”


Immediately, Sara’s vision was blinded by a slap from Cage, sending her to the floor in tears.

Sebastian did not dare step forward, hiding among the crowd in fear of Cage.

Nico swallowed slowly, looking at Samantha and then at Ryker in shock.

“Apologise to him this minute or you can forget about any collaboration with my family,” Samantha ordered Nico coldly.

Nico gritted his teeth but his grandfather scowled at him and he was about to open his mouth when a deep velvety voice sounded behind Samantha.

“Hold your tongue Nico, this little girl is all bite and no bark.”

Samantha turned in anger to see none other than Leo Yates.

“Leo,” Samantha frowned at him. “We may be on the same turf but we are not on the same level so back off.”

An airy chuckle immediately filled the air. It was from Claudia Yates.

“Is that so my dear Samantha? Tell us, why is old granddaddy not here? Did his terminal illness kill him yet?”

Nico and his grandfather looked at each other in shock before they both looked at Samantha and the way she had her mouth open with her eyes wide was enough to confirm that Claudia was telling the truth.

“Do not look so surprised Nico,” Claudia continued. “The old geezer is terminally ill and will drop dead any minute from now, I wouldn’t trust any cooperation with their family.”

Hearing that the Grey Patriarch was terminally ill to the point of death and seeing that Samantha did not deny it, Sebastian smiled to himself and stepped forward.

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