Chapter Twenty-one

After a long day sorting paperwork, Ryan finally returned home.

He walked into the dining room where Jane and Lauren were chatting over dinner, but they immediately went quiet when he stepped in.

The tension in the air was palpable, like stepping into the calm before a storm. Still, he decided to act casual, flashing a smile as he greeted them.

"Weren't you supposed to be that the office today?" Jane asked him, noticing his casual outfit, despite the briefcase in his hand.

"I did," he replied.

When they questioned how he got back, pointing out that he did not taken his car, he casually told them he took public buses, surprising them.

"Why put yourself through that?" Jane asked, confused.

He just shrugged. "It’s no big deal. I just felt like it. Kinda missed that life."

The disbelief was evident on their faces, but he was too hungry to care.

As he headed to his room, he asked Lauren to serve his meal and said he would return after freshening up.

He joined them later, but they had alre
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