Maks, Abramo and also Siena could only be silent. The bloody tragedy happened right in Maks and Siena's room. Siena even saw that her biological father killed himself because he realized that what he killed at that time was Barnes, who was the only sibling he had. Abramo was also frustrated by what he saw that night. Siena didn't know what to do at this time, apart from remaining silent and her body not moving at all, panic fear, now everything was mingling into one within her. She was afraid if something bad happened and worried if something untoward happened next after that bad thing.

"Just let it be at their risk. Because they have bad intentions towards other people and don't ever blame yourself for what happened," Maks said to Abramo. Even though he saw the tragedy with his own eyes and the blood that just splattered on on the floor of his room, but Maks was still able to behave calmly and was not affected by anything at all. It was Abramo who had bowed down to him, and Maks had
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