• Cyrus's Men Aren't Toddlers

After hours of flying, they finally landed at the international airport in the capital city of Ivar. The warm summer breeze crashed against their face as they made their way out of the airport.

They made sure that their scarves covered their faces, however in the final checkpoint before they could leave an immigration officer suddenly stopped them.

“Hey, you too, remove the scarves.”

Keith and Ethan exchanged a glance. Ethan was so widespread and popularly known as the legion commander. There was no way that security personnel's of their enemies wouldn't have a good idea of what he looked like.

Keith started coughing. “Bad cough,” he croaked, nearing the immigration officer. Just as he was about to take off his scarf, the man gestured for him to stop.

“Okay that's enough, don't infect me with whatever disease you're carrying from Davenport.”

With that the two men were dismissed and they left the airport. “So, do you know where their address is?”

“Yes I do.”

“Great, stop a taxi t
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