Chapter seventy eight

In a completely different location, a man in a white coat was staring at a test tube in the middle of the room but this time, he wasn’t alone. There were two other people with him and if Rhys had been present at the scene, he would have been able to recognize one of them as his uncle.

“So Doctor Mikhail, what are we looking at here?” The other main present aside from the doctor and Christopher was clad in a suit and held a suitcase close to his body. Even though they were just three present in the room, he still looked around warily, prepared to bolt if necessary.

“We are looking at evolution of science sir, one that is going to change our world for good. A breakthrough in human evolution.” There were dark circles under Doctor Mikhail’s eyes and it was certain that he had not slept for days but irrespective of that, he still looked energetic.

“What are you talking about Mikhail, I haven’t got much time and I have a plane to catch in an hour.”

“I have been working on a new drug,
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