
The next day, Matthew and Judas entered the dimly lit holding cell, the air thick with tension. Stephen slumped against the wall, his eyes sunken, and his skin pale.

Matthew's gaze filled with concern, while Judas's eyes softened with empathy.

Judas approached Stephen, his voice gentle. "Stephen, did you take an oath with Smith?"

Stephen's head jerked up, his eyes darting between Matthew and Judas. His voice barely above a whisper, he asked, "What do you mean?"

Judas's expression turned understanding. "We know Smith's tactics. Did he make you swear loyalty, perhaps under duress?"

Stephen's gaze dropped, his shoulders trembling.

Matthew stepped forward, his tone reassuring. "We're here to help, Stephen. The truth will set you free."

Stephen's eyes flickered, a glimmer of hope sparking within.

Judas's voice remained soft. "Tell us, Stephen. What holds you back from speaking out?"

Stephen's chest heaved, his words barely audible. "I...I don't know if I can trust you."

Matthew and Judas e
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