Chapter 6

Patricia's voice halted Liam but Lady Mary decided to wave it off. It was important for them to hastily start the meeting.

“It's ok Tricia, let them go and have their seats. We don't have much time now.”

Liam already knew the reason for that urgent meeting. He also promised to always stand by his wife no matter what.

“Settle down everyone.” 

Lady Mary cleared her throat, she casted Liam and Miranda one last glance before starting.

“I'm sure that some of us already know about the LR latest project. It's a very huge estate and would certainly help our company achieve greater heights if we secure the deal.”

Lady Mary paused for a while and scanned the faces of everyone present. When she was sure that all their attention was on her, she continued.

“From what I've gathered, Navey interiors is trying really hard to secure this deal and we won't let that happen. All hands should be on deck as we work towards achieving this milestone.”

Turning to Piper, Miranda's older cousin, who was Lady Mary's favorite amongst the grandchildren, she said with a smile.

“Piper dear, get on it immediately. I believe you can secure this deal for us.”

“My wife can also secure the deal, if you give her a chance.” Liam interrupted Lady Mary and everyone else turned to their direction in a stunned gaze.

“What do you think you're doing?”

Shocked and confused, Miranda spoke in a low voice and reached out to nudge her husband. “You know that I'm not cut out for this. I have my own business. Moreover, Lady Mary won't even give me a chance.”

Liam smiled lovingly at her, patted her on the back and nodded reassuringly at her. “I think you're the best person for this job.”

“Just shut up loser. Who gave you the right to speak?” Manual Weston, Miranda's Uncle was the first to speak and his quiet wife nodded in support. Of course they'd want their daughter to seal the deal and gain more respect in the family.

“Liam, can you not interrupt Lady Mary again. She's the head of this household and knows what she's doing.”

Although Patricia, Liam's mother in-law wanted her daughter to be the star of the family, she didn't want to go against the old lady.

Patricia gave her daughter and son in-law a disgusting look before uttering. “The first job I'd like my daughter to do is get you divorced then the rest can follow.”

More than anything, Patricia wanted Liam out of her daughter's life and their lives.

“Look at Kimberly, she got married to a wealthy man. Unlike a….”

“Mom please.” Liam swiftly interrupted his mother in-law before she could finish her words. “I'm going to make more money than your so-called worthy son in-law.”

Liam's declaration caused an eruption of laughter among Miranda's cousins and their parents. “Did I hear him right? How's that going to be possible when he's a full time house husband.” 

“You can say that again. A completely worthless man who lives with his wife's family. What the heck did grandpa even see in him to get him married to Mira.”

“Poor Mira, I feel so sorry for you. You're really more unfortunate than any of us. No one will ever take you seriously with that loser as a husband. It's even worse that he's now very ugly.”

Piper and Allison continued to make jest of the couple and everyone else was quiet. “And as for this deal, don't even try to challenge me because I'd surely be the one to get it.” Piper continued.

Furious, Miranda pursed her lips and stood up. She walked up to the annoying Piper in a challenge. “Don't you think that the people you should be challenging are Navey interiors, not your own cousin who's on the same side with me.”

“Well, that's not how I see it. From your husband's words, you guys sound like the competitors.”

“That's enough, you two.” Lady Mary, having had enough, decided to stop the exchange of words between the ladies.

“Since Allison is busy chasing after her modeling career, Piper will get this deal for us.” Lady Mary spoke finally, putting an end to the meeting.

“Everyone can go back to their homes.”

While the atmosphere was still tense, everyone dispersed back to their homes. However, Patricia wouldn't let Liam be.

“That's it Liam, you're going to divorce my daughter now. Moreover, she doesn't love you which is why she signed a contract agreement with you. Now, Ryan is dead so you can set my daughter free.”

“I'll only leave if my wife doesn't want this marriage again.”

Liam turned his gaze at Miranda who was on her way to their room. “Honey, tell me to leave and I'll leave forever. However, you must know that I love you and truly want our marriage to work.”

At that moment, all eyes fell on Miranda to say the word. As expected, her parents were waiting for her to accept the divorce so that Liam would be thrown out of that house.

After staring at everyone for a few seconds, Miranda let out a deep sigh and declared. “I'm not divorcing my husband because he's a good man.”

Those words from Miranda brought a glint on Liam's eyes and he smiled to himself.

Walking back to where her parents were, Miranda stood before them before she continued. “Mom, Dad. Remember when he was earning well as a manager in that company. He used to treat you well. Why do you guys suddenly want him out of here? Is it because he's no longer rich?”

As Miranda threw those questions at her parents, the silence among them was deafening. They stared at each, disappointed in their own daughter.

She was clearly out of her mind.

Seeing that no one was saying anything, Miranda quickly went to have a change of her outfit before leaving for her diner. Liam, on the other hand, left the house. 

He was so happy with his wife and decided to get her a special gift.

Once he was outside the house, he quickly called Bruce. 

“Young master, is there something you'd want me to do for you?” 

“Yes, I need you to deliver something to my wife at her diner. I'll send you the details now.”

Liam ended the call, typed something on his phone and sent it. He got into the next taxi before him and was on his way to the bank.

He was going to see his account officer who had been expecting him. As usual, Liam was dressed in a simple outfit.

As he stood outside the gate, the security guard gave him a thorough scrutiny before letting him in. The man was wondering what someone like Liam was doing at the bank.

It was obvious that he was poor and wouldn't have anything in his account.

Ignoring the man's disdainful look, Liam proceeded into the bank. However, he was stopped by a familiar voice.

“What is a worthless pauper like you doing in a bank, Liam?”

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