The sky overhead was gloomy, dark clouds hovered over the gray sky and cold wind whooshed around the area. Leon was leaning on the railing of his mansion when he heard a knock came on the door. He asked his servant after she identified herself.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, master, but you have a guest outside," she said. Leon looked at her with a flat stare and then nodded. "You can ask her in," he replied. Without seeing or even asking about who exactly it was that wanted to see him, he could tell who it was. "Send her in," he replied briskly and the servant nodded as she left.

A few seconds later, the click of heels could be heard just as the door opened and the sounds of the flap steps got even closer. Leon didn't turn from his place on the balcony, but he could smell Fiona as she walked into the room.

The soft scent of lavender and vanilla wafted into his nose and he couldn't help but compliment her. "You've always smelled nice, Fiona, lavender?" He asked.

Fiona blushed
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