
While the terror was going on, Oscar had dropped Bradley with the authorities and ensured through his influence as the leader of the Jones League of Consortium that Bradley was going to be sent to jail as soon as possible.

He was heading back to the event hall. He hoped that the program had not ended because he still had a few more people to humiliate especially George Morgan.

George Morgan destroyed his precious heirloom which was the only thing that belonged to his late mother. Oscar wouldn't also forget how George humiliated him after Inara and Arabella faked a situation of him hurting Inara’s baby bump.

Oscar had prepared George’s share of humiliation and even though it may not be as potent as the others, he was banking on the possibility that it would unbalance George in some way.

He had been putting calls through to the announcer but his calls weren't picked up or returned.

Oscar was beginning to wonder what was going on. Layla was also not picking up his calls and that was quite strange. Some of the officers who were close to him also refused to pick up their phone calls.

Oscar took a deep breath, his hands fixed on the steering wheel as he thought about what could be the issue.

He was trying not to get worried but he couldn't deny that it was a strange situation that probably needed some sort of urgency.

He soon noticed that there was a text message notification that popped into his phone.

He clicked on the notification and saw Layla’s message, informing him about the presence of assassins in the event hall.

Oscar’s eyes went wide open in alarm as he realized that the invasion of assassins in the hall was an obvious response to Bradley’s organ trafficking cult.

“Damn it!” He gritted his teeth in anger, lighting punching the steering wheel of his vehicle in frustration.

Oscar started wondering who the assassins came for but he knew that their presence there meant serious problems for him.

They could kidnap or even kill anyone and if it was an influential member, it was going to shake some of his companies.

He knew that for the assassins to have invaded the area, they had to have killed a number of his security officers.

He had gotten his hands dirty with an organ trafficking group and they were going to stop at nothing to destroy him.

Oscar was also ready for them though. Now that the battle was on a much bigger scale than just Bradley, he was determined to bring down the organ trafficking cult at any cost.

He could have called the cops but he chose to do it his way. Some of the cops may have been bribed and eventually released the organ traffickers.

It wasn't a coincidence that they had been operating for many years and no one had been able to apprehend them. Such kind of cult groups obviously influenced some areas of the cops and it was going to be a risk involving the cops.

All he had to do was to ask his father for some of his trusted and trained officers.

He pressed the screen of his phone and dialed Henry Jones’ number.

“Hello, Dad.”

“My son, I am so happy to hear your voice. You know I was just telling an old friend of mine about you not long ago.

“Dad, I’m sorry that we have to skip the pleasantries but there is a serious issue of which I need to make a small request.”

“Alright, son.”

“I need just 7 of your best security details to help me because the event hall where we planned to hold the anniversary event has been invaded by assassins.”

“What?!” Henry exclaimed. “Why do you have to ask me for security when I have already given the keys to you? They are all at your command. Didn't Layla give you the service code?”

“Erm, service code? What's a service code, Dad? Oscar asked, his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

Henry let out a rasping cough that echoed through the phone line, the effort of his speech was painful as his body racked violently.

Oscar was made to remember Henry’s difficult condition once again and he felt sorry for stressing him.

“Easy, Dad. Have some water,” Oscar spoke, his voice laced with concern and pity.

“Oh, I am good son,” Henry responded. “Why don't you ask Layla about this service code? Everyone is under your command son, are you telling me that you have not had any security protection these past few days?”

“I have been with some officers but I guess they are the subsidiary officers you assigned to me,” Oscar responded.

“Okay, okay, we will get these sorted. I will send you several convoys instead, maybe ten or eleven. You have a host of security men in your command, I mean a very large host.”

Oscar intentionally avoided the question about Layla because he didn't want to tell his father that Layla was also kidnapped by the assassins.

He knew that he might get overly concerned about it and didn't want to trouble his old man at all, especially with the health challenge he was dealing with.

Oscar only needed a few men to complete the operation but he couldn't resist what he had been offered a large convoy. All he would do was select a few of the best men.


Back at the event hall, the assassins were still causing so much terror to all the guests present. Their heads were bowed in fear and their hands behind their backs.

The assassins had called out their third victim, Kenneth Dave and he also knelt along with Anna and Alison.

They were going to call the last of their victims before leaving as soon as possible.

They planned that with four of Oscar’s most important CEOs, they would have crippled the consortium very much and they would also be able to negotiate that the evidence that was released to the public be handed over to them completely.

“Now, to the last person,” the head of the assassin's group spoke in a loud tone. “If your name is Jamie Lowie, come outside now!”

There was a collective gasp among the guests in the hall. Jamie Lowie was no ordinary man. He had many assets and many employees under him.

If anything were to happen to Jamie, it was going to be a huge loss to Oscar especially because of the plan that he had mapped out with him in an attempt to execute business goals.

Jamie was like a cornered animal his body was tense and coiled as he tried to blend into the shadows.

His breath came in short, sharp gasp and his hands shook with effort.

He decided in his mind that he wasn't going to heed the assassin’s call.

No way! He wouldn't just submit himself so easily.

Perhaps the cops were going to come to rescue them soon. He had to hang on for a moment, he reasoned.

The assassin’s tone was a brutal, unforgiving force that threatened to strike fear into the hearts of the guests. “Jamie Lowie! Where is he?”

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