All Chapters of I AM BEYOND HUMAN: Chapter 441
- Chapter 450
466 chapters
Inside the GHA Forces Units command building in Richmond City, Michael and the commander as well as a few other Agents which mostly involved those who had been sent to call him outside earlier and a few extras already there in the command center at the time were in front of a monitor in the command center where they had a meeting and briefing about what has been happening so far.The heart of the war was the Jurisdiction district in Metro City which was being shown in one side of the screen that had been segmented into four different parts.One segment showing an overview of the war in the Jurisdiction district, with the footage panning around while heading to the Rendezvous point. One being a live broadcast call from Roman King in the Academic Training Facility as he talked to Michael and the others on the next possible moves,. One of the Holding Facility which showed the Agents there tidying up the place and Argent still resting but on one of the trucks and the final
Up in the sky, it would seem like Michael wasn't going to face any opposition while on his way to the Rendezvous point because majority of the Stealth Drones which were supposed to have been in his path had already been annihilated by Daniel which was evident to Michael seeing all the damaged parts on the ground and on top of buildings he eventually flew past.On the other hand, the remaining drones all seemed to have been sent elsewhere so that could focus on more important areas and keeping watch of the sky in case a United States territory helicopter is flying about wasn't as important anymore.They could have also been kept just in case another Arc Agent was going to be flying around but what they had to do now was too important to be put on hold on the off chance that another Arc Agent flies by. Their numbers which wasn't that much for what they need to begin with had been greatly declined so they were making best with that they had.Their original plan whi
"What's on your mind? Even though you have your head pressed against the window glass like that somehow something tells me that you aren't doing it because you're looking out for our safety, so what's the matter? This might not be the perfect situation or place but I promise to do my best and listen" The second attorney asked Angel after noticing that she seemed very much distracted at the moment and aside from genuinely being concerned for her because she reminded him of his own daughter, he wasn't sure if that was good or bad for their safety.The girl has been showed to be more than capable to handle situations that he nor any of them in both trucks could even think of so regardless of her currently being distracted that might as well be a none issue if a similar situation like before arises once more. Or, on the other hand it could be a major problem, her being distracted because the matter is that none of them knew for certain what to expect from any of this.They
The strange manner at which the object in the mirror of the truck that Angel was in was approaching it made it so that there wasn't any other choice for Angel and the Second attorney other than for them to notice its presence instantly.From the horizon, only the truck with the Bionic Soldier who Angel had broken his Force-field staff had made its reflection shown on the mirror yet and for Angel's truck which was in the far most front of this drive to see it, that naturally meant that the truck behind with all the Nobles, government men, their Dallihands and security detail had already been alerted by the sight.Once the driver of the second truck, the one driving behind Angel's saw the figure on their mirrors and realized what it was on their tail, they began to drive faster, covering the small distance between their truck and the one in front, even trying to overtake so that they could at least have the truck with Angel in it in the way between them and their assaila
From her experience going against the Uprisers she did when she rescued the Hunters on her way to the High Court and then to the Court House when she fought all those Uprisers, Angel knew what their pill guns and what their actual live round guns looked like and the distinct differences between the two of them so just from seeing the Uprisers on their tail wielding the pill guns at first she knew that there wasn't going to be much damage.However, now that things had changed and looking out the window she was seeing them welding the live round guns she knew that there was no other choice than for her to take this seriously in how she's to react so she went over it, internally, all the ways she could stop their pursuit.She looked at her hand and the only Impact glove that she had on at the time had been completely spent with not a single shred of energy left in it to work against any of the Uprisers and that limited her options if she wanted to deal with them without u
Once she stood Upright after the roll handing, Angel got in a prepared stance. From there she would look at at all the Uprisers trucks coming right for her and at their guns which they had aimed right at her central location.Because this was an open road, the Upriser trucks were no longer in a single line formation as the approach and had spread themselves out so that they could fire their shots from multiple angles for a more effective outcome because with what they knew about the girl from the other Bionic Soldier and his testimony about when they were all firing bullets at her back while she was waiting for her blood to replenish, multiple opponents was the way to go even if at the end the result wasn't that great for the uprisers at the High Court at the time.As they approached, the Emerged girl with blonde highlights started to go into Hyper Time which caused them to appear slow to her and as she wanted to take the first step into actualizing her plans of stoppi
Normally when the Elite rank of Bionic Soldiers all go out for a specific mission together, they always yield the best results for the short amount of time they have been created until the old Soviet Alliance territory got into the state that it currently is and the remnants either had to become immigrants and then New United citizens or hide in the Underground Market for the time that they did.They have gotten to the point that their battle formation and strategizing on the spot was in tune and perfect with each other and after the Arc Agents or all those who are Emerged and have that sense of understanding when it comes to each other's objectives, the Elite rank Bionic Soldiers were the closest to what regular humans could accomplish in terms of cooperativeness in battle.Of course that meant that for specific missions, as part of the plan and planning ahead of time they divided themselves into different segments and practice for just that and since most of the oper
The moment that Angel dropped to the ground and was spilling blood all around her which was coming solely from the hole right at the center of her chest, all the Bionic Soldiers remained unfazed because they all saw the blue target dot created when the weapon in the sixth Bionic Soldier's hand is aimed at a something or someone and so they knew that this was going to be the outcome a second or so after they had seen it. The time the explosion takes places depends solely on when the welder decided to pull the triggerTalon turned his head over to his far left to look at the sixth Bionic Soldier and because the both of them were the tallest out of the six, once he looked in that direction there would be direct contact, with none of the other two Elite rank Bionic Soldiers in between them being able to obstruct his view. He saw the satisfied and intense look in the man's eyes"I guess that's one way of doing it" Talon said with an indifferent tone of voice and the sixth B
'Hmm, what's that?' One of the Bionic Soldier standing there thought to himself when he for some reason just decided to take his head to the sky and then surprisingly he saw something which was moving so fast that it was giving off that streak in the cloud that jets do when they hit certain speeds. Unlike jets, the exact object causing the cloud streak was so small that from the distance it could only be seen as a black Dot and that made no sense to this Bionic Soldier as he watched that. He wondered if that was one of the Stealth Drones heading off somewhere else but if that was really the case then he shouldn't have been able to see that black shape being the cause.He seemed perplexed, but unfortunately he wouldn't be given a good amount of time to think about it or ask one of the others for their thoughts because from his side Talon spoke to inform all of them that he was about to commence the operation of having Angel's healing stopped for a while.He
The first to take aim was Marrow whose blue target dot was already seen by everyone there and most especially felt by Angel on her forehead and unlike last time she didn't go trying to touch the area to find out what it was, she already had an idea. Second was Talon who was quick when it came to the draws with the fact that he was the last to get up and grab a hold of his weapon after the dive to safety but somehow the second to take proper aim was impressive. He was a natural when it came to this but not as much as the two who ranked above him or else he would have been above them instead.Their previous line up had completely changed and there was no longer a single horizontal lines with each of them having a spot. Now they were in somewhat of an Arc formation with Angel being the point where the angle is and that from the looks of things wasn't a position that came with any positives.This new formation was as a result of all of them diving to wherever