All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
192 chapters
141. Look around.
It took quite a long time before they were able to trace their way out of the woods without running into those beasts again. When they were finally out of the woods there was this joy that overwhelmed them, showing greatly on their faces as laughter filled their mouths and the next few minutes were used to celebrate their survival in that wood even though they had gotten injured, especially Zach whose wound was worse as Eric had used his powers to heal himself. While in the mood of celebrating their survival from the woods, Zach's eyes caught sight of the orc which Eric had trapped there with his magic before venturing into the woods to find him. The orc was really tired, with its face stationed to the earth, it heard their celebration but could not call the attention of the wizard who was able to set him feet from the boud it was put in. It spent a good trying to break free but none of its attempts was successful and it was worn out by that. It had even at some point since Eric staye
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142. Are you sure about this?
With the stone rolling towards, it then made the first move, removing its face looking downwards to looking up at Eric, yet it did not utter a word. It was still surprising as to how Eric had survived that wood and the beast therein without being hurt. Even while it stayed out there, it had heard the noises made by the beasts which proved to it they were after someone which it also knew Eric. Another thing that had made it baffled was seeing Zach, it never believed that Zach would survive encountering those creatures as it knew that the moment when they heard the scream that caused Eric to venture into the woods, it was the beasts dealing with Zach. Yes, it was surprising, but Eric was more surprised, he never believed that his powers were that strong to have kept the beast there for over two days. Aside this, he was made to understand before now that if a magician dies, his powers and everyone or thing under his or her spell would be free, so it was confusing to him that the orc was
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143. Unknown creatures.
Well, Zach did not like the idea of its hesitance, it took it to be an act to keep them there till another monster attacks. He had come to know that the orc wants them dead, and if it is given the slightest time, then it would do so of which it was seeing this moment to be one of the times when it wants to execute that plan of its. Thus, he was more impatient than Eric so he had to draw his sword, point to the neck of the creature and said not minding the fact that it does not understand him. "Are you going to speak or will you have me slice your throat?!" His actions alone told the orc what he was saying in words and it did reply at once, "I'll continue." "What did it just say?" Zach asked Eric as he didn't understand its language, but still his sword was on its neck and he was still looking at it in anger. "You can lower your sword now," Eric answered him indirectly, and it was understood very well by Zach whom he was referring to, thus put back his sword into its sheath and with
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144. Warning.
When they came to the city of Riverston, the city was already down, commander Benjamin and his men had literally done everything within their power to stop the creatures but none was working, every strategy which they would use against the ogres, trolls and even orcs had been put in use before now. Thus what they were doing at this time was to protect as many as they could. The creatures that they had come to fight against, were the same beasts which had killed Eric in the woods, and this time they had come in their numbers to bring down the country and warn humans never to send any more man into their territory. The attack on Riverston was only a warning to man. When they saw the king approach the city, they ceased fighting. Even though they had not known king Luca before now, they knew from his armor and the way the soldiers rallied with him that he was the king, therefore the right person they wanted to see. Commander Ben, who had been trying so hard all this while was baffled wh
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145. Why what?
The journey in the outer world continued in a smooth way as the orc resumed leading them through the lands, this time with the magnitude of calmness put in by the orc, they felt safe following its landings for the first time. Their instincts were totally okay with the directions which it was taking them through. The orc was following instructions given to it concerning stopping and moving as it knew that their speed would not be the same since Zach wounds was still healing and he need not to be in any form of pressure. Though Zach was the one that loved them to move without wasting time, he was still the person that gave the instruction of when to stop and when to move. Since the orc was now cooperating very well with them, Eric saw no need to still keep it in chains, so the magical chain which he put it in to make sure it was on check had to be revoked at the moment when they were observing a rest which Zach had asked for. It was a huge surprise to the orc that the chain went off,
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146. Wrong choice of words.
Now this brought them back to the question which the orc had asked. Eric knew that things would surely come to this point that was why he chose to wait till this time, keeping the orc’s question pending so that he would not have to repeat himself separately to Zach and the orc. So he spoke in the usual English which was being understood by both the orc and Zach, but he was kind of referring to the orc since that was the only way for it to understand the words that were coming out of his mouth. He also knew that Zach would understand his response to be an answer to his question too. “You have proven yourself worthy to be without those chains around your legs that is the reason why I had cursed them to leave you. I am sure that you will continue in this good attitude of yours until you bring us to the camp of your kind and lead us to wherever cage you are keeping Harris. You will help us save the kid and that way your life will be spread even though we are forced to kill the rest of your
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147. Look! It's gone.
The night was quite long unlike the previous ones, but they could not question nature, as it was a certain thing that the sun would surely rise even if it wanted to take extra hours to do so. With the long wait for twilight, both Eric and Zach for the first time both fell asleep, leaving the orc to keep watch and this was mainly because the orc had gained their trust. Their falling asleep was nothing to the orc, it did not make a single attempt to run away even when it was not in chains. Though it was not in chains, but surely it was in fear that Eric might have said a spell that would get it trapped if it makes an attempt to escape so for it to be on a save side, it had to maintain patience as it was already close to accomplishing the plan which it had been working towards all these while. It was also happy that they had fallen asleep because that way, they would wake up when the sun was up and then behold the sight which it wanted them to behold upon their waking. On a normal, sinc
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148. Can't you see it?
Looking around as he was told, he still did not notice anything strange because he had looked around before now when he was looking for the orc. He maintained a still posture for a moment trying to figure out what had made Eric ask him to look around. Initially. He thought that it was the orc that Eric had asked him to look at but he was not seeing anything that he could say was the reason for his turning around. Eric noticed that he did not get the reason why he was asked to turn around, so he asked. “Can't you see it?” he was surprised that Zach was not observing the same thing which he was looking at. “See what?” Zach asked back as he looked at Eric for a second and then returned his gaze to the direction which he is meant to notice something strange in. Still in surprise that Zach was not beholding the sight which he was, he felt like allowing Zach to figure this out on his own, but there was no time for that, he had to air it out to save them the time which he would waste in t
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149. Just turn around....
Zach was not happy to hear the word ‘sit’ but he was left with no other choice. It took some minutes before gradually lowered himself to the ground. He did not give Eric any audible response to the request he had made, but his action of sitting down was enough to tell that he agrees to the request of sitting and making a plan. Since he had responded positively to the request, Eric then sat down too but he did not know where to start the talk from, thus he began by saying. “Thank you for heeding my words.” He paused after the appreciation, thinking seriously on the next thing to say. While thinking of what to say, the orc was sighted by him and instantly a smile filled his face slowly. Zach was surely curious of what was behind the smile on his face because they were sitting face to face, thus, he was backing the direction which the orc was coming from. He did not speak immediately, giving Eric some time as he believed that Eric would say the reason for his smile as he had already c
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150. Interpretation.
Even though it had lied, about why it did not run away, Eric for sure knew that it was lying due to the way it stammered. He could now be bold to say that the orc was scared of being manipulated but there was no need of prolonging the talk. He just pretended to take the words of the orc as it had said. “So where did you go? We have been awake for quite a while now and couldn’t find you nor did we pick any track.” “I was looking around for a way through the mountain.” The orc claimed. Meanwhile that was not what it was doing, it just decided to take a walk and also to put their minds high when they woke up without finding it and that aim was achieved as they were really troubled about its disappearance, especially Zach. “Do you not know the way around these lands? Or let me guess, you are leading us to another place instead of the base of your kind where we would find the young soldier that had brought us out of our lands.” Eric was suspecting that it was lying, so he asked to be sur
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