All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
192 chapters
151. Are you thinking what I am thinking?
Zach was a little bit convinced by what he said as regards to the he was the interpretation of what the orc had told him after it returned from looking around the place. He had his mind still telling him that Eric was lying and wanted him to stand by the words which he had said. So he was not ready to give in to the idea of making further delays. “You have said that which please you , now it is time for me to tell you what I have decided.” Eric predicted at once that the so-called decision of Zach was still going to be continuing on the journey as it was too quick for him to want to say something after hearing from him. Thus he advised, “You don’t need to rush in making your decision whatever it is, I have already promised to ask for it so take your time and think about whatever decision you want to take.” Zachary was wise enough to know what Eric was driving so he refused to take the advice given to him as he continued with what he had in mind. “There is no need to think further on
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152. A lot....
Asking a series of questions at the same time made it impossible for Eric to know and decide which one to answer and which not to, so he chose not to answer any of the questions, and in place of an answer he said. “What other choice do we have?” His reply was very much perfect because if things were viewed from the other perspective. They truly do not have a choice than to follow the other. Eric following the orc without asking question was not because he was not feeling the same way as Zach, rather it was because he had asked himself all those questions in silence and had predicted all possible answers that the orc would give to him to see they will still end in him continuing to following the creature so he had to save the energy which would be use to ask to those questions and probably enter into an argument that may not help them and their mission in anyway. What he did was to ensure that the orc was with them and would not by any means want to outsmart them by doing something fun
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153. Nonnegotiable.
Eric understood that the ten minutes was not a negotiation but a decision which he had taken without considering his say and with the way he was pacing the place, he knew that there was nothing he would say to him that would be listened to thus he had only the choice of taking the ten minutes and making good use of it. He turned to the orc who was still on the ground, it refused to move because it saw that Eric was fighting in its favor against his friend, so staying on the ground was a good strategy to make it continue gaining the support of Eric. Well Eric did not care whether it was still lying on the ground nor even injured. He was focused on making good use of the time given to him by Zach as he had no intention of keeping the orc alive any longer if it refuses to tell them what it was up to. So he said to it wearing a look that does not give a shit about the orc’s condition. “Listen to me and listen real good, your continuation to live depends solemnly on the decision you choo
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154. Now is our chance.
But Zach could not just spill it out as he knew that Eric was not ready to hear the name of the creature which the orc had brought them into its cave. “Forget about the name of the beast, let us turn around. Going that way is very dangerous. We wouldn’t survive it.” “It is either you tell me what it is or have me find out by myself?” Eric gave him two options to choose from and he was very serious about it. “It is a dragon.” Zach made his choice by telling him what it was instead of allowing him continue with the movement which he had tagged to be suicidal. “A dragon?!” Eric exclaimed as he could not believe what he was told. According to what they told him in the country of Palind, they only had one dragon terrorizing them of which he had killed so it was impossible for him to believe that there was another dragon out there in the outer world. “Yes, I know the sound of one when I hear it.” Zach was absolutely affirmative on this and would not back out even though Eric refuses to
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155. Nothing in common.
When the dragons came to the point where they had diverted, they stopped, about three of them, two matured dragons though not as old as the one which Eric had killed when he was still in Palind. It was obvious from their appearance and sizes that they were the descendants of the one which he had killed in the country. Knowing their dwelling but not being able to predict human action, they had to part ways at that very spot where Eric and Zach had taken the diversion. Two had to go in the direction which they had higher expectation that the humans had taken, while one took the part which Eric and Zachary had taken. Eric and his friend kept running for only a matter of time till they felt that the creatures were no longer following them in that direction so they had to slow down and take in some deep breath to recover their strength. But it did not last for up to fifteen minutes before they could hear the steps of a dragon coming their way again. From the steps they heard, it was conf
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156. Faster....
Well, Eric wasn’t stupid to see that the dragon was about to breathe fire and then do nothing. He was already on it. saying a few words which came into his head with the belief that they would result in a magical trick. Just as believed, the words he said silently to himself gave rise to a magical trick opening a little portal which none knew where the portal leads to, and the aim of this portal was not to give take them out of the cave, rather the portal brought about the fire breath of the dragon to go through it to a location unknown to them, causing no harm to come to Zach who was the target of the dragon. With what had just happened, the dragon knew that Eric was a magician, therefore it knew what it was up against. Initially, it thought he was just a mere man, but knowing now that he had magic, it could tell that it would be very difficult for it to kill them alone. What surprised it most was the fact that he had casted a spell without any staff in his hands, and that was a cha
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157. Dead end.
The path which Eric had taken in order to retrieve the item that caught his attention was truly a dead end as presumed. He came to the end of the road and beheld the thing that had drawn his heart to that place was nothing else other than the perfect weapon on which he knew how to make use of. With excess joy to have seen something like that in a place such as the dragon cave made him freeze. He could not believe his eyes, it was perfect staff and from what he could predict, the staff was not forged by any mortal hand. Being in the dragon cave had a very high significant, based on the knowledge he had about dragons from the real world, they were more of magical creatures than mythical creatures, so he believed that the staff which was found there would have some high level of magic and would also help his powers to be stronger and easier to master. He stared at the staff as he said, “This is absolutely a perfect magical ward for me. With this, my mission here in Palind would be a succ
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158. The dragon's act.
In a matter of a few minutes, Zach was now able to sight what Eric had foreseen and now he was able to understand what he had said before. The joy he got was so great that his speed increased because with their destination in view, there was hope of escaping as they now knew with evidence that their movement was not in vain. As they approached the exit of the cave, that was when they were able to hear the roaring voice of the dragons. This time the roar was so great and fierce, able to freeze their in thought that the dragons were near. But this roar was coming at the wrong time because the exit of the cave was already in view. The rate of this roar made it seem to them as though the dragons could feel that they were about exiting the cave and thus the roar was in sorrow for their failure to kill those who have entered their cave and have broken an unbreakable record. The roar continued with echoing even as they came out of the cave and had to run some meters away from the mouth of
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159. I know....
At the time when Zach could see that the fire was still burning, but he was not feeling the vexed heat, he now looked at Eric with a smile knowing fully well that was his handwork. With a smile on his face, he then nodded to Eric, and the signal interpreted that he knew he was capable of doing something without stress. Eric, for the first time ever, knew how he was able to perform that trick unlike other tricks which he would do for the time without knowing exactly what he did. He was shocked but happy, he still did not have a clear explanation about that thing being possible. Yet for the fact that the dragon was still in action, they maintained a static with a relaxed mind because they weren’t feeling any heat so the dragon was free to continue its fire breath for as long as it can. After spending over half an hour on that place breathing fire for the heat to bring them out to no avail, it finally stopped and turned away as it knew that it was highly impossible for them to have endu
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160. The dragon's act. (part 2)
The fact they were not getting any scent to track was frustrating to them, they kept wondering what could be the reason for them not getting a track and it appeared to be caused by two options based on their level understanding. It was either they the scent was being blown away by the air out there since it was a vast space and therefore had more breeze or it could be that they had gone back the the country of humans through the help of the magician which they were aware of and his new magical ward which he had stolen from them because it wasn’t his. Since they had two possible options going through their minds, it was expedient that they choose either of the options and act in a way that would favor based on the option that they would choose. The first dragon that had come out of the cave and had breathe fire on the rock which Eric and Zach were taking refuge in then made it clear to the other of its kind with concrete reason, telling them that the second option was the only that
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