All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
192 chapters
161. Wicked.
When the king marched out with his army to defend the city of Raychester, he noticed something strange and useful to their advantage from the particular dragon in the city, and that which was noticed was the dragon does not know its way around the country nor how to face such a great number of army at a time. Thus with the advantage on their side, king Luca Cole commanded the archers to shoot their arrows and the aim was to kill the dragon as it was a young dragon thus its skin was not going to be difficult to penetrate like the one of the old dragon which was killed in the city. As the arrows flew to the dragon, with a few hitting it, the young dragon knew that it was not going to survive if it stayed there longer than that. So to go out of sight and out of range first, it had to lift itself up into the cloud and then it moved it the cloud, moaning, calling out for the other ones around the country to leave whatever place they were taking attacks from the human army because its sen
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162. Major problem.
When the fight in the various cities against the dragons went on, other cities were not aware that the situation they faced were also faced by other cities at the same time. The cities in particular that were under this attack were the cities of Raychester, Warcton Fortress, Cliffsage, Bellbay and Northby which explained why the dragons could not last a fight against them because those were the major and stronger cities of the human race. So now that the fight was brought to a halt by the retreating of the dragons, the people were full of confusion, needing answers which was very crucial because from what they knew before now, they were being attacked by a particular dragon which they were sure was dead and burnt to ashes. They all wanted to know where those dragons came from and why they had been hiding all these while only to attack the cities. The news about the various fights in different locations now had to be reported to the king so that he would know what was on desk at that
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163. This is serious.
Seeing King Luca Cole together with Aaron and Ethan adding to the looks of the place, Oliver was curious to know what happened there, so instead of saying what brought him there he asked, “Your majesty, permit to ask what happened here?” “I think it is the same thing that happened in Cliffsage where you are coming from.” Luca answered without giving a direct answer, but he further added that Oliver would not be confused because he was yet to state his purpose and Luca could be so certain about it. “We were attacked by a dragon.” Oliver looked at Aaron and the Prince in shock; he was baffled at how the King came to realize that the same thing had happened in Cliffsage. “Don’t tell me that is what brought you two here?” he wanted to be sure because both Ethan and Aaron were not supposed to be in Raychester cattle unless the King sent for them or they also have a report to give which he did not expect a report to be the case in this situation. His whole mind guessed that the King had se
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164. The fall of Warcton fortress.
When they arrived at Warcton fortress, Prince Ethan Cole was about to journey back to the city of the King to report to his father about the dragon which was caught by his elder brother and general Morgan. Meeting them at the city’s gate was a great relief of stress for him. He also recognized the riders then he understood why they had said his presence was going to be needed in Raychester. “Father, you are here already,” he did not go further to tell him about the dragon since he knew that was what had brought him there. Together they all went back into the city to meet with Reece and Morgan and also decide the fate of the dragon. Coming to the place where the dragon was still under the net which was used to catch it, the dragon could tell from the appearance of Luca Cole that he was the king and from the look on his face, he could tell that death was going to be its fate, so it communicated its kind telling them that death was upon it, therefore implying that they come to its rescu
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165. Do something...
While they were gathering the spoils of the city, there was noise coming from the entrance of the city, it was the sound of a multitude. So general Morgan who was closest to the gate had to check the cause of the noise but he was quite sure that it wasn’t a sound of war. Coming out of the city gates which was not destroyed saw a troop of soldiers that had finished a great fight which obviously was lost, they had with them survivors from which were not warriors and from this sight, Morgan could already predict what happened. He was short of words because they had come to the city of Warcton at the wrong time, he knew exactly that they had come to take refuge there but the city they had come to was also seeking for where to take refuge because of its fall. Still unable to speak telling the people whether to come in or go to another, King Luca joined him out after hearing from a soldier about the arrival of other people. They did not know how to tell the people that Warcton was no fort
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166. A limit to magic.
Eric also felt compassion seeing how he was crying like a child. He was confused but by the sound of that word, he could feel that Zach believed in him and that he could do something, so he looked at the staff which he had kept on the ground beside him. His stare at it was with expectation and his expectation was not cut short. A new inscription appeared on the body of the staff, so he said the words not knowing what kind it was, all he knew was that for it to appear all of a sudden, then it was the exact thing he needed at the moment. Even before he finished saying what was written on the staff because the write-up was quite a long one, Zach began to feel the impact so he could not hold back from saying. “It’s working…. Eric it’s working, don’t stop.” With the words, Eric was distracted, he wanted to look at Zack to know what he was talking about but since he was told not to stop, he forced himself to maintain focus and keep saying the words to the staff. At the end, he then looke
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167. Silent kills.
Just as expected, Zach still had something to say but since Eric was on the move, he could not say what was in his mind again because Eric was fast and if he really wanted him to hear what he had to say, then he had to shout which would draw attention to them. So the best he did was move with Eric. Eric sneaked up to one of the orcs that patrolled towards the place he was heading to and silently took it out, dragging its lifeless body to a corner where it would not be since by another that would raise an alarm and cause the whole patrolling army of orcs to begin a search for them. After killing the first one, Zach also did the same to the orc which was drawing towards that place after hearing some sounds that were suspicious to it. They then looked at themselves with a smile on their faces which was definitely passing a message that was understood by the both of them after which they continued sneaking up on the orcs one after another until the point where the number of patrolling o
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168. Going back is not an option.
Some minutes after Eric fixed those gaze at the orc, it began to tell as it felt some strange sensation in its body and it could tell definitely that what it felt was because of Eric's action, thus it screamed. "Hey, what are you doing to me?! Stop it!" Eric still did not pay attention to its words and yelling, he carried on with what he was doing, which was simply staring tremendously into its eyes. He was the only one that knew the aim of his action, even the orc did not know what he was doing. All it knew was that it was affected by that action and the effect was also physical to it. At the end of good time, Eric then stopped his action with a smile as he turned to Zach who was now full of expectations but before he would say a word the orc had spoken first. "What are you doing to me?" "Don't worry, you will soon find out." Eric simply replied to it. The orc was even lucky to have gotten that response from Eric after it had refused to tell him what he wanted from it and now he ha
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169. Portal.
“Over there,” the three of them answered at a time as they pointed backwards where there was a supposed door. They were shaking as they gave this response which was enough proof to tell that they were not lying. Nevertheless, their confession had to be confirmed first before they would be allowed to live just as they were pleading. So Eric singled Zach with a simple look which meant for him to move towards the direction which had been pointed out by the orcs and check for his son. Zach for sure did not trust the orcs and where they had pointed, he perceived to be another trick of theirs to lure them into another trap of orc armies which might be lying in wait to attack them. But since he could sense some atom of trust which Eric had where they were, he made the move to check out the place that had been pointed. His movement was a bit slow since he was very conscious to avoid falling into a trap. Slowly he got to the place but the supposed door was locked, even the small opening whic
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170. Back from the journey.
Now the portal which they went into in the base of the orcs brought them to the boundary between the outer world and the country of Palind, the city of Riverston, at the bank of the river in particular. Zach was so happy and surprised to have come so close to the country with ease without having to fight again. But at the same time remembering that he was still carrying his son who was unconscious, he was not as happy as he ought to be, in short, he seemed more in a sad mood than in a happy mood. “Eric,” he called, reminding him of Harris so that he would do something to save that would cause him to regain consciousness. As his name was called, Eric turned to Zach and with the way Zach looked at Harris, he understood what he had called him for without having him say the words. So Eric replied, “We are close to the city of Riverston, come on let's join the soldiers in the camp first. Your son will be okay.” Eric said those words which boasted the faith of Zach, those words were wor
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