All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
192 chapters
171. Preferable.
Next, Eric Claus began to mutter some words as he placed his arm on Harris’ chest where his heart was located. Just like in the real world, whenever the heart of a person stops pulping, pressure will be applied, so he had to apply this strategy, hitting the heart of Harris in order for it to start pumping blood to all parts of his body again. He carried out this process for a while even as he did not seize to say the magical words that were coming out of his mouth. At the end of about twenty to thirty minutes, he felt the beating of Harris’ heart because he had shut his eyes as he carried out those actions. So with what he felt, he was forced to open his eyes again and look at Harris to confirm what his hands had felt. Lo and behold, Harris’ heart had begun functioning again though he wasn’t awake yet but with his development there was every certainty to tell that he was back to life and would be awake in a matter of time. So he stood up with confidence and went out of the tent. Jus
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172. Full introduction.
In the next five hours the riders which Commander Benjamin had sent to Raychester came back to Riverston and at this time, Harris was already awake with his father and Eric. The riders were first sighted by Eric and Zachary because Ben was still busy taking care of some things in the camp. Eric was able to discern that their mission was not accomplished, thereby knowing that something had happened in Raychester castle that would be right, thus he didn’t wait for commander Ben to come before asking the soldiers. “What is the situation at Raychester?” “His Majesty is not there. Reports state that he journeyed to Warcton Fortress with other leaders and a troop.” One of the riders answered him. But Eric still knew there was more to be told to him about the city of the King so he further said, “Did something bad happen in Raychester?” “There is news about a dragon attacking the city but the King and his men did drive it away. But the soldiers there claim that his movement to Warcton was
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173. Suggestions.
Eric Claus was with King Luca, Aaron, Zach, Ethan, Reece and Morgan in a tent still in the fallen fortress as they had to tell him all that had been happening so far in the country in order for him to know where to start again. He was fed up with the country and needed to go home now. In addition to this, he had the strong feeling that his days in the world of Palind were numbered, of which if he is not able to complete his purpose there, then that would be his end in the world where he belongs. “New griffin and Old griffin had just been taken over by the orcs, both cities no longer belong to us. As you can see, Warcton fortress has fallen, the fortress can no longer guarantee the safety of its people and those who come to take refuge in it.” King Luca Cole said to Eric. As the king took a pause because speaking about how his country had fallen made see himself as a failure for not being able to protect them as the king. Therefore, General Aaron continued from where he stopped. “You
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174. Change of plans.
While the leaders of Palind spread themselves across the cities of the country to carry out the assignment of leading the civilians to Hillcrest, Eric chose to go over to Ironbrook as that was the most stable city with more warriors at the moment. His choosing to come to Ironbrook was also for him to take note of the men there. While the people gathered together to move out of Ironbrook as they were instructed, their noise went beyond the walls of the city which was also the border of the country at large and at this moment, so orcs had camped about the city wall, planning to attack. The noise that came out of the city was enough to tell the orcs and that something was going in country, they were able to discern the strange noise to mean the migration of the citizens, so they had to attack the city in order to kill as many men as possible and also reduce the general strength of the Palind’s army. “The war is at our doorstep.” Eric alerted the commander of the city as he heard the m
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175. You win.
Just as he expected, the sound confirmed that the tomb had been unlocked; he nodded his head, which was more of a signal to the commander of Ironbrook and his men. The signal was simply telling them to come close and push the stone who had just been unlocked. It took a good number of men to push the stone away, and then the people began moving in haste as the army of orcs was already close, they could all hear the sounds of their attempts to break through the walls of the city. As the civilians were moving into the cave, Eric Claus left them there and the commander with his armies followed, only a few soldiers were left to continue in maintaining order as the civilians entered the tunnel so that they would once again close the tunnel and make it unidentifiable by the enemies of they should get there. The great multitude of the army then mounted at the spot where the enemy was trying to break, as they all stood their ground waiting for her enemy to come in. Eric kept a close look a
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176. One more day.
In Raychester castle, the soldiers of different cities were arriving one after another, and the city was becoming crowded with only military personnels. Commander Benjamin was the last set that had just entered the city with his men, so they were now waiting for one group which was the group from Ironbrook where Eric had gone. King Luca was becoming worried because of their latest, they were supposed to have arrived there before now irrespective of the fact that the city's population was large, but that was not enough reason to keep them till that time, the city was closer to Raychester than Cliffsage, yet Zachary had arrived there with the Cliffsage armies long ago, in addition to this, the population of Cliffsage was also large. When Ben came to meet Zach, he said even before being asked anything. "I'm sorry sir, he refused to go with civilians into Hillcrest." Zachary understood who he was walking about even though no name was mentioned, so he took some time before saying, "He
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177. Plan B.
At dusk on that same day, Prince Reece Cole who was with a division of soldiers still in the city of Raychester began to hear some noises coming from underneath the ground where they stood was shocked even though he knew of the tunnel in the city, but he was surprised because he wasn’t expecting anyone to know about the same tunnel, especially since the people in Warcton fortress had all moved to the Hillcrest as planned. So his mind went to think that the enemy had come to know about the tunnel and then had passed through it to come into the city of Raychester. He heads immediately for the mouth of the tunnel with the soldiers under his command while he sends some of his men to call for his father and the Generals. The soldiers with him were all prepared to fight whatever that would come out of the tunnel even though most of them believed it would be the orcs since the trolls and ogres were too big to walk under the tunnel. But still they had to wait until the creatures under the tu
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178. Trap.
It took the soldiers two days to march from Raychester to New griffin, and as they came before the city, they blew the horn of war so as to draw the enemies out of the city of New griffin, it was a wise decision which Eric gave by not allowing them to march into the city.At the sound of the war horn, the orcs even though they were quite ready for the human soldiers, they weren’t expecting it too soon as it had played out. But that was not a reason to make them act cowardly. Zagthak commanded the orcs on patrol which also happened to be the set ready and fully armed for anything to march out of the city to fight with the army of humans that had come against them.With the number of orcs that marched out of New griffin, King Luca Cole wore a cheerful smile because that was a number which could easily be handled by even half of the men they came with. If that was the case all these while, then they would never have had any challenge ending the long lasting battle. “Charge!!!” Luca screa
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179. Fallen hero.
Just as the orcs had predicted, the battle was already lost even before it began. King Luca and his army dealt so hard with the orc army through the help of Eric and his magical powers which had grown so much beyond the expectation of the orcs and even the humans he was helping.After losing one a greater part of his army still without a sign of his leader showing up and yet no clue of him showing up soon, the commander in charge of the orc army had to sound the alarm for a retreat. He could not continue with the hopeless fight and was ready to face any punishment from Zagthak.“My lord, they are retreating, what do we do?” Ben asked General Morgan who was closest to him.The same question was asked to the King and also the elder Prince. Reece Cole. The soldiers were ready to act only according to the instruction of their leaders.King Luca looked around in observation of his men and he could sense the great energy in them, so he was not going to kill that energy by making a wrong stat
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180. Learn to quit.
Zagthak after leaving his men in the war front to perish, he took a turn around the country and came to Riverston where the ogres had camped. The ogres came to the city of Riverston to drive out its inhabitants just as the orcs had done in Oldgriffin and Newgriffin, but the humans were already gone by the time they arrived so they knew the humans were up to something to have abandoned their lands like that.Zagthak had planned with the ogre leader to take out the city of Riverston while they took out Ironbrook and the two griffin cities as they did. Coming into the city of Riverston to see that the ogres had dominated the place, Zagthak thought they were successful in the overtaking of the city. On the side of the ogre leader, he knew something was wrong when the city was abandoned so seeing Zagthak come into the city alone without any escort, he could confirm what he had suspected when he came into the city. Nevertheless, he still waited to hear what Zagthak had to say before airing
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