The Pitt's Family Mansion Trevor stormed into the living room apparently livid with anger. The immediate family members consisted of the elderly Sarah Pitt and her two sons— her first son, David, second son, John and third son, Benjamin. Then David's wife; Olivia Pitt, John's wife; Abigail Pitt and Benjamin's wife, Layla Pitt. The patriarch of the family, Splane Pitt died more than ten years ago and Sarah had been shouldering all responsibilities ever since. Sarah had five grandchildren; Trevor and Alice, David's children. Evelyn and Noah who are twins, John's children and finally, Collette who is Benjamin's daughter. Being the first grandson of the family, Trevor's status in the family and company is higher than everyone else's other than his grandmother's. The first and second family all had prominent spots in the family's company. Layla and Benjamin on the other end had long been kicked out of the company after the scandal their daughter caused. Even the extended members in
Last Updated : 2023-04-06 Read more