Once upon a time… In a world far, far away, the mighty gods ruled in total dominion over the entire earth. Led by Zeus, the gods guided humanity. They protected the humans, keeping their kingdom on the earth from harm. Safeguarding all of reality and watching over every aspect of life for all of their citizens, they reigned supreme. Humanity naturally came to worship the gods above all else, for they were the absolute beings who made the world a safe and happy place to live in. Temples, each dedicated to a god, were as common as grass on a green meadow. Every single god was an object of devotion and honor, for in truth, without them, humanity was defenseless and leaderless. Gods were divine beings, and everything about them was divine. Their divine forms emanated raw power such that only their priests could gaze upon them without going mad and blind. Their radiant divinity shone in a gold aura round them, which bore the properties of the primary divine aspect. Zeus aura was like a
Last Updated : 2023-02-10 Read more