All Chapters of Light and Darkness: Nytri's Odyssey : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
113 chapters
As they continue their walk they see Archemidia, the city of knowledge. The empty land Nytri’s clones remodeled to make the Archive tower 400years ago.Emma is shocked, “I thought only a tower was to be here, how is there a city?!”Nytri is also surprisded, “According to my clones’ memory there wasn’t a city here. Let me check something.” Nytri activates INFORMATION MAGIC > APPRAISAL and scans the city, “It seems to have been founded just 10 years since I was sealed. I guess refuges came here and established themselves” Nytri keeps looking at the city as screen pop up around it with its history, “……… That girl kidnapped my automata.” Aia takes a few steps back so Nytri wouldn’t ask her, she knew who did it and she was lured into doing it.Emma is confused, “Which girl?”Nytri turns to Emma, “Isa.”Emma taps her chin, “The girl who devoted her life to research for you?”Nytri grumbles, “Yeah, luckily she only took the automata and left the golems behind. Why did she take them though?”
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A Tour of the City of knowledge
Nytri and her daughter approaches the city gates, they see the security guards dressed in dark blue uniforms at the gates checking all those entering. Nytri and Aia walk to the city gates as cars pass besides them leaving dust behind them, Nytri waves the dust from her face as they continue towards the city. The duo arrives before the gates to see a short line of people as most of them are in cars. Nytri and Aia wait in line until it was their turn to enter the city.Nytri walks into a security check as they scan her body the first time, she walks to the next detect which is similar to a lie detector or something of the sort. One of the guards approaches her for standard questioning and answers, the detectors light up as Nytri’s able to read the runes use to make them.Guard looks at Nytri then down to a form in his hand, “Name?” and his thoughts, “Where’re their parents?”Nytri is surprised that he’s writing it down when there’s a computer in the guard room. "Nytri,” gu
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A Dark Secret
After a restful night at the luxury suite, there is a knock on the door and Nytri goes to check. She opens and is greeted by a group of 4 sages who were waiting for her in the lobby. Nytri looks around unsure of how to react to this situation as there was silence, Nytri’s thoughts, “Someone say something!”A Sage clears his throat, “Ahem- Greetings, my name is Arin and I’m a sage of the tower. Sorry about before, we just weren’t expecting you to have such a stunning appearance.” Nytri folds her arms and raises a brow, Sage continues. “We’re here on behalf of our leader Sage Lord Theron to invite you to meet with the Sage Lord.”“Sure.” Nytri easily accepts though her tone doesn’t sound convincing.Sage Arin emphasizes, “It’s of utmost importance.”“Sure.” Nytri responds with the same tone.Sage Arin thoughts, “I feel like she doesn’t get the gravity of the situation.” And he said, “It’s really important.”Nytri nods, “Sure.” Aia joins her and they leave
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Dream of the past
After Nytri had a dress up marathon with Aia, she went to sleep but this time her body seems to be responding to earths clock so she doesn’t wake up in the next 10minutes while she has a dream. In Nytri's dream, she’s in a dark place with barely any light. Some rock formation like pillars scatters around the space, as the ground is mainly just a hard rock. Nytri looks around her as her body feels heavy, she senses a presence before her. The evil god comes before Nytri, and he is furious, there is darkness all over the place and it was only Nytri and the Evil god as well. Nytri looks at her body and finds blood all over her body, her stomach is perforated with blood flowing out as some of her bones are broken. Evil god roars across the place, “You dare refuse to submit!”Nytri forces as she glares at him, “I’ll never submit, I’m not going to be anyone's puppet.” Evil god face twitches with rage, “You dare to speak to me like that? You are nothing, you hear me,
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Uncovering Nytri's History and Clearing Her Name
Nytri goes back to her suite, completely oblivious to the conversation taking place in Theron's office. The Sages of the Archive tower gather to discuss her situation hoping to clear her name and let the world know the truth about her past. Marcus, the bald sage who often drools over new knowledge enters the room. "My lord Theron, we have to talk about Master Nytri."Theron raises his eyebrows, looking at Marcus inquisitively. "What is there to talk about?"Selene follows behind Marcus, "We have to do something to clear her name. She is nothing like the rumours. I know this after our conversation."Theron sighed. "I know," Sages speak in unison, "But why won't you do anything?!"Theron says, with a tinge of sadness in his voice, "Because nothing can be done. There is no history about her past in the tower, and every knowledge of her history came from outside the tower and her interaction with the first sages. The world saw her as a demon, evil, and a monster not because she was, but b
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Nytri wakes up the next day, she leaves the bed and prepares a light breakfast for Aia alone as she wasn’t feeling hungry. Aia comes to the dining room and sees Nytri in an apron setting the table.Aia rubs her eyes, “*Yawns* Morning, mum.”Nytri responds with a smile, “Morning hon, how was your sleep?”“I slept well, I think I had a dream and you were ready to kill.” Aia looks at Nytri then at what she’s wearing thinking. “Ohhhh, more ideas for painting!”Nytri’s thoughts, “My bloodlust must have woken her up, but she seems calm, a little too calm.” And she says, “It was just a dream. I’ve prepared breakfast for you, toasted bread with eggs and Choco-drink.” “But what are you going to eat?” Aia says sitting down by the table.Nytri smiles and walks to Aia, “Not hungry sweety, you should eat up.” She kiss Aia’s forehead and Aia starts eating. Nytri goes to the couch and turns on the Television as she watch it and Aia ate. She closes her eyes after a minute as she is on the couch with
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The Betrayal and Escape of Nytri: A Noble Puppet
Nytri smiles, “Sure. I was born in Mirthendom, not sure if it’s still standing. But, I was born an orphan. I spent part of my childhood at a church that was running an orphanage. Good people, kind, generous and all those stuffs.” Nytri waves her hands around.She continues, “I was living with the other kids who sadly I forgot about. We use to play a game of Knight and Princess. There’s even a movie about it now, there were days things were hard, so hard that I had to involve myself in a bit of thievery just to get by. I was always scolded by the nuns but there wasn’t really any other way to get food.”The people present felt sad, Nytri continues. “A few months after I started ‘borrowing’ from vendors on the streets, I was adopted by nobles. That was the first time I laid on a cushy bed, it was so nice that I slept in the next day. They taught me to read, write, dance…. Well I couldn’t make progress with the dancing no matter how the tutor trained me.” They giggle as she continues, “It
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Nytri’s Childhood
Nytri gives an exasperated face, “It’s a drag having to see that place again, so I’ll skip it. It’s basically the same events I said but the parts ahead will just start with my time in the Abyssal Sanctum. Anyway, I’m is in a blue dress, tattered one by now. It’s in my perspective so you’ll move somethings, that’s what all these perspectives are for.”………………………Images flash by as Marcus peels his eyes trying to capture some………………….STOP. Nytri is put in the dungeon on the 3rd floor, it isn’t total darkness but it’s humid and there’re water droplets from the roof. It is rocky as rocks are protruding from the floor and walls almost like spikes but luckily, they aren’t sharp. Nytri has her legs tied to a rock and is left there as blood is splattered around her to draw anything to her. She curls herself into the rock she is tied as she shed tears and remained silent for a long time. The dungeon has no concept of day or night, once inside your isolated from the outside world. She couldn't
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Information magic Acquired
Nytri wakes up after a while, she looks around and feels down, “So it wasn’t a dream *She looks down at the floor* so what, I will survive, I will live. But what was that light?” she looks at her hands and nothing happens, she turns it over and touches the wall but nothing happens, “What is wrong with me? GYA!” she covers her mouth. A purple screen appears,Name: NytriRace: HumanLevel: 1Base Stats:- Health Points (HP): 9/15- Energy Points (EP): 4/4- Stamina Points (SP): 6/6- Soul Points (SoP): 10/10Physical Stats:- Strength: 4- Endurance: 3- Agility: 1- Intelligence: 1- Wisdom: 5Skills:- Information magic > Appraisal (Level: 1), Analysis (Level: 1)- Spider Kin > Web creation (Level:1), Wall traversal (Level: 1), Night vision (Level: 1), Skin Hardening (Level:1), Poison secretion (Level: 1)Resistance:-Poison (Level: 1), Pain (Level: 1)Condition: StarvedAu: Physical Stats:Strength: The highest amount of damage can be dealtAgility: The distance one can cover at top
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First Hunt
“There seems to be no monsters here, I head to my left and see if I can find a weak monster.” The direction she was coming from was from her right to the crack in the wall and she was going to continue to find food. She started walking slowly then a thought hit her, thoughts, “Wait, why don’t I walk on the ceiling, I can avoid dangerous monsters if there’re any.” She goes to the wall and uses her hands and knees to climb, when she is a bit further up, she uses her feet, she crawls like that to the rood and releases her hands till she is standing on the roof upside down, thoughts, “I thought it would be hard to stand on the roof but I can do it, my head feels heavy but I can bear with it.” She starts walking slowly then she heard a howl, “Food.” She bends down and starts crawling again, slowly until she sees a rat kind of monster, the rat monster seems to be wondering around aimlessly, the rat was as big as an adult cat and had it’s teeth being very sharp, it’s tail seemed to be hard
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