All Chapters of RISE OF THE WOEBEGONE SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 chapters
“Sir, welcome!” Tricia, quickly, greeted immediately, Andrew, came inside. He waved at her and retired to his room, while Tricia, set the dining table. In the room, Andrew, sat under the shower for an hour and half wondering about the nasty things going on in his life. He seem to be too nice to these people and the earliest he deals with them the better for him. He wouldn't allow Sylvester, nor his father bother him so much, so, he waved their thoughts away and wore his clothes moving straight to the dining table. “Life is comfortable here I can sense it.” Tricia, mentioned and Andrew, smiled inwardly while Sir LED, nodded. “Are you okay sir?” she asked in great concern “Yes!” he answered and dished the pasta into his plate and Tricia,smiled. “I may not know how to cook delicious food like yours, but, I tried my best I hope you like it.” She said, gracefully with reverence in her tone and Sir LED, smiled. It's being great having someone like Tricia, around him, especially in t
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Thirty one
Andrew, blew the smoke straight into her face and Maryanne, struggled to cough out the toxic smell she has inhaled.“Isn't that you Andrew? Please have mercy and save me.”Tears dropped down her eyes and Andrew, was surprised. All the years he has been with Maryanne, he bet to have never seen her shed a tear. A real tear maybe, she is faking it again. But, that's not his concern, because, he won't let her rule his heart anymore.“Remove the blindfold.”He commanded and one of the men, standing beside him, took the blindfold away from Maryannne eyes and she looked around in surprise the place she was, is a very different area with the temperature different from what she is used to.“Andrew!” she called again, this time really disappointed, she couldn't believe it was really Andrew, and he kept her mute all along without trying to save her.“Save your thoughts. You have to save yourself the stress of thinking much. I will rescue you from these people if you provide them the information
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Thirty two
Andrew, drove quietly through their way home as the news kept ringing that he had kidnapped his cook. He was so angry that he drove the car at high speed. “Slow down a bit sir.” Gapore, interfered and Andrew, smirked bitterly. He didn't think there's anything to do anymore, it felt like he should shut the mouth of all the people giving fake news. But, if he tries to talk them into money, they will think he is truly guilty. “Sir, may I say something?” Gapore, asked and Andrew, asked him to go ahead. “Sir, I'm not convinced lady Maryanne, has a hand in this crime. She has…” “You do not know how well i know Maryanne, she might be hiding a lot of things. But, either way, if she isn't a part of this crime, she is connected to it and that means, she will suffer a bit even though, she isn't the mastermind behind this crime.” He spoke and paused. Gave a deep smile then continued. “She was after all involved and after now, she will run far away from me.” “Mr. Mayonnaise, can be playin
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Thirty three
“Andrew, how miserable do you want Maryanne and Alex,to be before you support them? What are you doing in my mansion isn't your wife and son in the hospital?”Mr. Marvin, walked down majestically, asking those questions to Andrew.“Hospital huh? Wife? Ohh goodness! I do not have a son in this life time.”“Let's forget these old stories and stop going around matters like little children. What brought you here? Hope Alex, is doing great?”Mr. Marvin, questioned Andrew, who stared daggers at him. It annonyed him to what extent Mr. Marvin,is faking this. It is so tempting to his spirit, because, he would pick up a gun and kill the damn man.“Why pretend like you don't know? Why did you choose to do something as cheap as this?” He questioned him and Mr. Marvin, was taken aback. He couldn't place a finger to anything he is talking about.“Pearl, did you welcome him with liquor?”“I didn't. I can't stand a dog as he.” Pearl, insulted and Andrew balled his fist.“You liars! You want to ridi
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Thirty four
Andrew, got home raging in great annoyance, he couldn't come to the fact that for the second time, Mr. Marvin, had raised his hands on him. He threw his briefcase and forcefully, loosen his tie and just as he was about to pull off his shirt, a knock came from the door.“Sir, a mess…”“Please, Tricia, come back later.”He said to her in annoyance and quickly, he went under the shower to cool off his brains. “Alright.” She nodded painfully, she felt bad being rejected the freedom to speak on two occasions by Andrew, and she felt bad seeing him in this condition she felt if there's anything she could do to help him, she would.At the hospital, it was announced to Mrs. Felicia, that Mr. Marvin had a rise in his blood pressure and it's at his critical state. Earlier on, the family had kept it a secret about his health condition because, they want him to keep being the president of the company, where he was assigned to. He also has a heart disease which is already at it's critical state.
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Thirty five
Stanley, zoomed out of his car immediately, Andrew, walked down the stairs and rushed towards him, holding tightly to collar of his shirt.“Why are you being rude? Do you want me to feed your body to the dogs?”Andrew, threatened calmly and Stanley, let go of him. He didn't let him go because, he threatened him anyway, he just found it a bit uncultured to start a fight at his home.“You bloody demon!” he cursed“ If anything happens to my father and nephew, then trust me, I will make sure to feed your corpse to the vultures.”“Done?” Andrew, asked calmly, he won't let this boy trigger his anger, Stanley, should be a least of his problems right now.“My father is struggling for his life in the hospital.”“How is it connected to me? Your father…”“No! You pushed my Father, knowing fully well that he isn't that strong anymore are you this shameless?”“Watch it Stanley, I won't stand you rain insult on me in my own house.” Andrew, interrupted him and Stanley, boiled in great anger. Andre
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Thirty six
“May I sit up please?” He requested and Andrew, ordered Gapore, to help him up after he had sat properly, Gapore, excused himself from the room leaving the both men.“You may say I have formed many evil against you, but I haven't, you may have considered me your enemy too, but I didn't do all that to make you an enemy.”He spoke and gave a painful scream as he tried adjusting his body.“So, I just wanted a better life for my daughter, Maryanne, she seem not to like you in those years and as the only daughter I have, I was willing to make her have everything she requested for.”“Is this why you have called me Mr. Marvin, I am so impatient these days,I need to catch up with something please speak to me,lest I go away from here.”Andrew, urged angrily, and Mr. Marvin,smiled. It might be obvious, Andrew, doesn't want to discuss these matters. He considered it past and a dangerous aspect of his life so, saying them will cause the narrator a whole lot of bad.“Your Father!…”He paused and
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thirty seven
“Maryanne? Where have you been?”Mrs. Felicia, quickly, ran towards her checking her body, but, Maryanne, was more concerned about the information she just got right now she equally, stares at her father, being worried why he has to be in the hospital at that state.“Father!” she called as she separate herself from her mother's hug and went to sit beside her father's bed.“Are you alright Father?” she asked concern full in her eyes.“Yes daughter, are you okay? Did anything happen to you?” Mr. Marvin questioned his daughter.“Where have you been?”Mrs. Felicia, questioned again. The constant question annonyed aunt Pearl, that she hissed and left them in the room.“Are you really going to undergo surgery?” she asked and Mrs. Felicia as well as her husband, stared at her in surprise. No one told her the father was in the hospital, not alone that he is going to undergo a surgery.“How did you know about this? Pearl, informed you? Didn't I tell her to keep it at a low…”“No mother she di
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Thirty eight
“What do you mean Aunt?”Maryanne, asked as she stood from her sitting position she looked so tired and pale. She had stayed in the hospital for two days , nurturing and looking over her son.“You look so tired, and you ain't… come with me.”Aunt Pearl, called her. Maryanne, could sense something wasn't right, but, she doesn't know what is the problem. She nodded to her aunt and walked towards the door.Once Maryanne, got outside,she saw her mother wailing while some women consoled her as they Led her into the car. She stood for a while, trying to comprehend what is happening but nothing seems to come to her mind until her friend Beyonce, approached her.“Maryanne, darling.” she called in an informal tone as she gave her a warm hug.“It is going to be alright.”“Your Mom, where is she… why is my Mom…”Tears streamed down her cheek and Beyonce, hugged her tightly stroking her hair gently.“Let's go chicks.”Aunt, Pearl said, in a melancholic tone, and they went into the car the environ
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Thirty nine
“What should we do now Sir?” Tricia, questioned in a sympathetic tone. She doesn't know of there is anything they can do, but,this is about death maybe, Andrew, can send a condolence message to them if that's the only thing they have to do.Andrew, glanced at her with no words to reply sometimes,he wondered if Tricia,bis from this world.“Here. I mean, we can extend some condolence…well, I would like to go see lady Maryanne, I believe she is in a tough state right now.”Tricia, spoke and Andrew, admired her. But, it didn't matter to his heart how Maryanne, should be feeling by now. It looks like his soul doesn't give a damn about her emotions anymore. Without any word, his phone rang,and it was Maryanne, calling he didn't want to pick the call earlier, but did change his mind after some inner delegation.“Andrew, Father! My father is gone! I do not know… I… Alex, I'm so shattered right now.”She wailed at her end into the phone. Andrew, didn't say a word, but hearing Alex's name he w
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