All Chapters of The Skill Imitator: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 chapters
Chapter 11: Lavaerûn: The Lawless Town Part 1
After a total of almost a month of our long journey, we've finally reached our destination.Unfortunately, Rafaela and I don't have any information about this lawless town. I hope we're not going to have any trouble here. I gazed upon the massive settlement in front of us. We're still a few kilometers away, but I can already see the life inside the town."At last, we're finally here, Rafaela." I looked at Misha and found her smiling at me. "It's already nighttime, so we must find a place to spend the night. I'm excited to see what awaits us inside that town."Upon entering the town, what welcomed us was a shady place full of eyes looking at us with suspicions.They're not humans; some of them have animal ears and tails, and for some, their bodies are completely animal-like, but they're walking using their two feet, which I guess was what we called back home as beastkins or beastfolks.There were also some who, just like Rafaela who, had horns on their heads, which I believe were demo
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Chapter 12: Levaerûn: The Lawless Town Prt 2
Morning shone at the lawless town of Levaerûn. I stretched my arms as I gazed upon the view before me while sitting on the inn rooftop. I could see the wide green land surrounding the entire settlement from afar and the massive forest next to it where we came from.As I looked down, I could clearly see the marketplace beneath. The marketplace was completely different from what it looked like at night; at day, it seemed like a normal marketplace.The slave shops were still open, but no slave was being displayed outside, the same with the prostitute dealers who used to be scattered around the place last night.People were gathering to buy necessities from the shops that were not there when we arrived last night.Even with shady businesses at night, I can say that this place still functions as a normal community.As I watched them, I finally saw some humans joining the crowd, casually interacting with the demi-humans buying in the stalls.There really are humans peacefully living in thi
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Chapter 13: Levaerûn: The Lawless Town Prt 3
I rubbed my belly as I finished eating my food."Do you like the food, Raf?"She stared at me and nodded. "It's delicious."Some was left on her cheek, so I picked it up using my index finger."I'm so full. Isn't the food here the best?" Xin said as he leaned on his chair and gazed at both of us."Yeah, it is," I replied."Are you two planning to stay here for good?""That's my initial plan, but it still depends. If I want to stay here, I must find a sustainable job first.""There are very few jobs available in this place. To strive here, you need to be at least tough enough to survive, especially since business owners are wary of newcomers, which is understandable. If you want a proper job and think you are strong enough to fight, there are some that I can recommend; being a faction leader's security personnel is one of the profitable jobs here, or you can go to the second faction and apply as a mercenary. That's a decent job as well, if I must say." He covered his mouth as he used a
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Chapter 14: Levaerûn: The Lawless Town Prt 4
After the commotion inside the restaurant, I decided to leave the place and return to the inn.After observing the place and the people living here, I realized that this place is not as chaotic as it sounds, but it's not that safe either. Dubious people are lurking everywhere due to the lack of proper supervision throughout the place, especially since this place is being ruled by people called faction leaders. Abundances of conflicts can be expected to happen from time to time due to the problematic visitors coming here to cause problems.Some people like Xin are willing to help in case the situation gets out of hand, but we can't expect them to always be there when trouble arises.In conclusion, this place is not actually lawless; it has rules, but it is not official enough to make the violent-seeking visitors willingly follow them.That's what you expect from an anarchy-governed town. At least, that's my understanding as of now. There's still a lot of things I can't understand, b
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Chapter 15: Levaerûn: The Lawless Town Prt 5
Nighttime arrived at the town of Levaerûn. Just like last night, the dark side of the town once more emerged again from the surface of the marketplace.The human slaves were being displayed in front of the shop for the crowds gathering around to see, along with the dealers blocking and discussing with any potential customers.I closed my eyes as I felt the gentle wind touching my face and looked up to the starry sky where the full moon was currently present.The moon showed up again, which means It's already been some months since I was summoned here. It's hard to adjust at first, but life here has slowly become a part of me now.Besides, I'm actually an otherworlder, and nobody had noticed it aside from Rudolf. Maybe the magic book has something to do with this; too bad I will never know because I accidentally burned it into ashes.The wooden door opened, and the gentle smile of the old man emerged and walked towards me.I think he came here to get the clothes hung on the clotheslin
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Chapter 16: Levaerûn: Leo the Fang Faction Leader 1
The morning finally arrived at the lawless town of Levaerûn. I was conversing with Cherubim to discuss our tactics in case we faced one of the leaders of a faction. I can use some common elemental magic, but Hesphaetus is out of choice. It will drain my mana. During my self-training, I somehow managed not to collapse upon using all my mana. Maybe common magic will do because I don't trust my ability. I turned my head down while walking through the huge crowd gathering at the side of the street, gazing at me."Tsch, another one? They will never learn, will they?"I heard the voice of one of them, but I didn't even try to look at him and just continued towards the location of the faction's main base.I just decided to challenge the faction leader because I thought it would be cool.Good luck to me, I guess?I felt the grip of Rafaela's hand on my hand. I tried to leave her in the inn with Mister Heizou and Lina earlier because I didn't want her to see me get beat up to a pulp, but for
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Chapter 17: Levaerûn: Leo the Fang Faction Leader 2
"Let's get this started, Troy!"As expected, he really is fast!I barely dodged his first punch by jumping back and sprinting away, but I knew more to come. Of all the three faction leaders, he's the only one whose Skill I have no information about. The only thing I know is he has terrifying physical capabilities.It means there are other options here than holding back.Upon dodging, I immediately aimed my hand in his direction, released a common fire blast attack, and blasted it toward him. The fire exploded on him, and I watched him burn, but I received no reaction coming from him. He just stood there and did not do anything. I knew Cherubim was still assessing. I'm buying him time. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm not a big fan of Fire magic," he said as his silhouette emerged from the direction of my attack, with a menacing grin forming on his lips as the fire died out.[Confirmed: Fire Resistance imitated skill acquired!]Damn it!He jumped towards me much faster than before
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Chapter 18: Levaerûn: Leo the Fang Faction Leader 3
The roars of the people around us thundered throughout the area, with some jumping in excitement."Be prepared; it will be a great battle," Leo said as he raised his hands sideways; a powerful gust of wind built up around his arms, causing an apparent disruption all over him. "This is how I use my Wind magic."Yeah, it would be very painful to get hit with that thing.Without delay, he bent his knees and jumped towards me while generating a strong gushing sound.Due to the activation of his skill, his movement became far faster than before.Does that mean all the damage he took earlier, even before activating his skill, is still counted for his power-up?I shifted my gaze at him while he was surging towards me.There's only one way to prove it."Warrior's rage."His eyes instantly widened the moment he heard what I just said.At the same time, I felt an instant surge of power spreading throughout my body, which greatly boosted my reaction time, so I easily evaded the incoming devastat
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Chapter 19: Levaerûn: Leo the Fang Faction Part 4
I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was the pair of Rafaela's blue eyes looking at me while sitting next to me.She gasped when she saw me open my eyes and hug me. "Big bro Troy!" She has some tears in her eyes. "Don't worry, Raf, I'm still kicking."Rafaela smiled at me and leaned her head on my arms after wiping her tears away. I wanted to pat her head, but I couldn't move my body for some reason.Did I end up being crippled, or maybe my last attack was too much for my body?"Oh, you're finally awake."I turned my gaze toward the voice and found Xin leaning on the door while looking at me.Now that I realized it, I wasn't lying in my room. Thanks to the massive pillow I was leaning on, I could see the entire room and Xin standing a few meters away."How long did I sleep?""About three days.""I see," I said. Hephaestus' passive skill was a monster feeding on my mana just like that. "By the way, I can't move my body for some reason."He walked towards me. "Of course, you ca
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Chapter 20: Levaerûn: The New Faction Leader 1
I woke up with a massive headache the next morning. Rafaela had tried to wake me up, but I just couldn't. I remembered I was checking on my Status and suddenly went to sleep after Cherubim's last words. And when I woke up, what greeted me was a pair of almost opaque eyes. Although I can still see some black part of the pupil in both eyes, most of it was opaque. Nonetheless, they didn't affect my eyesight. What is this? What happened to my eyes!?What the hell![Confirmed: New Active Ability Unlocked: Psyche]Huh? What is that? Ability?[It's a new ability you unlocked. It might have triggered during your fight with the BeastFolk and the desire to know one's Status]Oh? Not a Skill?[No. Ability and Skill are not the same]Gah! I don't understand![ An ability cannot be obtained or imitated. You have it in you; all you have to do is unlock it. Skill is what you can learn but, in your case, imitated.]So what can this new ability do?[Status reading. It's an active ability. It means y
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