All Chapters of The Skill Imitator: Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 chapters
Chapter 21: Levaerûn: The New Faction Leader 2
After a few minutes of following the security personnel, who as they called themselves, we finally reached the venue.And oh boy, I think all of the citizens of this faction's territory are here!The celebration took place in the middle of a huge road under the moonlight. Lights were everywhere, and the crowd of people cheered at me.And there's a lot of them!From the crowd, Leo came out and raised his wooden cup. "And here comes the star of the night!"He walked towards me and handed the cup containing booze to me."I didn't expect it to be this extravagant.""Aren't you underestimating the weight of being a faction leader a bit too much? You are now the most important person in this place, and it's the least thing we can do to congratulate you." He walked back and waved his hand. "Let's go in here; everyone wants to see you."I shook my head and turned my gaze to Rafaela; she responded by smiling at me.It's quite overwhelming, especially knowing it is just the beginning of what I
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Chapter 22: Levaerûn: The New Faction Boss Prt 3
The party continued, and Leo continued drinking like tomorrow would never come.However, I stood up when I saw familiar faces joining the crowd while eating.I approached them, and all at once, all eight of them immediately stood up the moment they saw me. They were already done when I arrived.I smiled. "Woah, isn't it the ever-powerful Leo the invincible?"The one who impersonated Leo before scratched his head while looking down due to embarrassment."I'm glad to see that you three are fine and have some friends with you.""Yes, thanks for helping us back there, ma- master Troy.""I assume your name isn't really Leo, ain't it?"He raised his head. "Ah, my name is Julio."I turned my gaze towards the two."My name is San." Said the demon one."And I'm Shun." Lastly, the one with cat ears. A cat boy! "And these guys are our friends." At the same time, he points his hand to their group's younger members."Nice to meet you. I hope you are no longer going around doing what you did back t
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Chapter 23: Levaerûn: Challenging the Boss of The Faction 2 Prt 1
I yawned as I stared at the energetic demon before me, flexing his muscular arms along with the loud roars of the spectators huddling around us in front of the faction base.First thing in the morning, this is what I got after a devastating drinking session last night!He faced me and pointed his index finger at me. "I'll crush you, Summon impostor!" He said with a voice that was full of confidence."Should we start already? I still have something to do.""Huh, don't cry at me after!" He pulled his sword from his back and assumed a battle position. "Get ready to get wrecked by me-"He couldn't finish his sentence anymore because he was already rolling on the ground while covered in fire and crying like a man-sized muscular baby.I exhaled. "That's the fourth one this morning. Does anyone still want to challenge me?"But no one dared to respond and just looked at me with fear."Help! Help!"Yep, that's the guy who just said he's going to crush me.I activated my water magic, poured it
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Chapter 24: Levaerûn: Challenging the Boss of The Faction 2 Prt 2
"Go kick his ass, boss!"I exhaled as I entered the arena and went straight to the middle. As I walked, the spectators' roars resonated throughout the place, with some of them jumping due to extreme excitement while looking at me from the audience platform, where a tall wall was separating the arena and the audience platform above.From the crowd, I saw Rafaela waving her hand at me; beside her was Xin crossing his arms, and Leo was conversing with a guy wearing a butler suit standing next to him.I didn't know what they were discussing, so I could only wonder.I waved my hand towards Rafaela."So, you are the new leader of the Fang faction."The fuck?I immediately turned toward the person standing a few meters away from me.Since when has he been standing there? He literally came out of nowhere! I didn't even sense him with my Mana perception![Noticed: Absolute Concealment Skill in activation. Unlike Kuro, this elf has higher Concealment Skill, which includes not just his status bu
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Chapter 25: Levaerûn: Challenging the Boss of The Faction 2 Prt 3
I aimed my hands at him and blasted the Fire and Electricity magic at once, but as expected, he was so fast that he dodged my attacks almost easily. [Notice: Fuse possibility has been detected] What is it? Tell me about it. [Fusing Conceal Skill and Mana Perception skill will produce a new advanced skill that will let you see through Advance Concealment. You will able to detect and measure one's mana better] Okay! Proceed! [Note: This fusing will consume a large amount of mana. Proceed?] Oh hell! I'm in the middle of a fight, but yes, please do it. [Confirmed] {Fusing Mana Perception Skill and Conceal skill…} [Note: Consuming mana is in process] Damn it. I will not be able to use too much mana now but rely on my physical and less consuming mana, common elemental magic. I blasted my Fire magic point blank, but he dodged it by spinning in the air while launching an effective counterassault and instantly covered my entire body in a white thread, immediately binding me in place
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Chapter 26: Levaerûn: Challenging the Boss of The Faction 2 Prt 4
"I don't hate you, Troy. You look like a very kind person, but... I can't... I just can't." Leal shook his head while looking at me with distress in his eyes. "Don't ruin everyone's life just because you feel like it."While shivering, he slowly moved toward me and raised his fists."I don't think you can still fight. It's over."He spat blood and stared at me. "I can still fight."His body got more devastated than I thought, but at least he can still stand up.I exhaled. "Look, don't worry, I won't ruin anyone's life. I don't know what you people think about the people of my tribe, but I'm not like them. Don't go on judging someone based on your judgment or whatever. Besides, I'm not doing this shit because I just felt like it, well maybe a little bit, but most of it is because I have a goal in mind that makes the difference."He chuckled, but his voice was filled with ache. "Are you saying that you have a goal for this place?"I paused briefly, felt the sun's heat touching my skin,
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Chapter 27: The One Above All, Sora and the Sage's Grimoire
(Third Person)Thirty years ago, before the extinction of the Summon Race, Sora Magestus, the last witch, was captured by Lancelot Ardglass, one of the seven corrupted holy knights, and was presented to the Grandmaster Kervil Isambard. Sora Magestus knew that her end was near."Seraphim," she whispered as she was forced to walk despite being heavily wounded and chained. [Yes]"Activate Delete Skill," she commanded. [Confirmed. Delete Skill has now been activated][Notice: Skills that have been acquired will now be under Deletion. Once begun, it will never be recovered]Sora smiled."What are you smiling at, witch?" one of the holy knights slapped her.It was painful, but Sora had to endure it. She refused to give in to the pain they had been inflicted on her. She knew all her hard work would be paid off soon. She accidentally stumbled on her chain, which made her captors pissed. She had difficulty getting up, but suddenly, another Holy Knight pulled her chain, and she fell on the
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