All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
195 chapters
Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Nine: Real Story Of An Idol
The next day. And Washington Hotel in Shinjuku. Leyla smiles while reading a text message from Nana. They are going to meet up and hang out together before she flies back home.They have lots of catching up to do, and Nana is just confirming the time of their meet-up.They both agreed to meet up at a certain coffee shop in Shibuya, as per Nana's suggestion...Leyla had a wonderful night at the Internationale Fashion Competition. Even though she and Elaine were second placer that night, they are already happy with the results. The most important thing for her is they are being acknowledged by their talent and skills, and they regained good experiences, and last but not the least, she was able to sort things out with Nana after two years...After getting ready for her meet up with Nana, Leyla decided to leave a note for Elaine who was still sleeping.A few moments later, Leyla is now making her way to Shibuya...
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety: Ren, The Idol
After half an hour. Clarissa is now feeling restless from her seat while watching Edward dance onstage. After Edward, it's her turn to dance, and she's feeling nervous as hell."Damn it, I'm really going crazy." she whispered to herself. "Watch out, everyone. I think someone's going to throw up."Clarissa looked behind her while getting irritated. She saw that bitchy woman once again, and she's really trying to get into her nerves."The next one to perform is Clarissa Montecillo. Please go to the stage now." her name was finally called.Clarissa took a deep calming breath first before she stood up. Once she was able to regain her composure, she stood up and walk towards the stage with her head held up high...=============================Clarissa is now gracefully dancing. She finally forgot about her nervousness and now, she is enjoying what she is doing. She was surprised when the music abruptly s
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety One: The Idol and the Backup Dancer
The next day. Ren and their official choreographer, Richard, are both making their way towards the Gold Eagle Auditorium. This is the day where their real work starts, and this is going to be their first rehearsal for the upcoming concert."Are you ready to meet your dancers?" Richard suddenly asks Ren."Can't hardly wait." Ren smilingly replied. As soon as they steps inside the auditorium, all of the dancers enthusiastically greeted them."Good morning everyone! Are you all ready to hit the stage?" Ren greeted everyone."Yes, we are!" all of the dancers excitedly said in unison. "Alright then. Let's work hard and let's play hard!" Ren nodded in agreement.After a few moments, everyone is now on a serious mode as they learn the complicated dance steps...============================Later that night.The first day of their rehearsals is finally over. Ren decided to reserve
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety Two: Separate Way, Separate Lives
Ren stopped his Bentley at the side of the road which was quite far from the Grand Theater.He then turned his attention to Clarissa who was clearly nervous while sitting at the passenger's seat."Just relax, Clarissa. And besides, you don't have to worry because we haven't done anything wrong." Ren tries to calm her nerves."I know but I can't help myself but to feel nervous. I know Edward will be asking me lots of questions, and I'm not really good lying to other people." explained Clarissa."Okay, here's what we're going to do. You will go inside first, then afterwards, I'll go inside after five to ten minutes... And when they ask you how you got home last night, tell them you rented a taxi. Go ahead and enter the Grand Theater first because you might be late." stated Ren."Thanks a lot." Clarissa said goodbye, while looking grateful.Afterwards, she steps out from Ren's car and made her way to the Grand Theater.
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety Three: Problem Arises
"Oh.That was fast. Did he find out what happened to us last night?" asked Ren. Clarissa smiled sadly."Don't worry about it too much. That's not why we decided to split up. Apparently, he fell inlove with somebody else." she answered."I'm sorry to hear that. But are you okay?" Ren asks her again."Surprisingly, I'm more than okay. It may sound weird, but I feel more relieved when we broke up. Should I pretend to cry and be heartbroken?" Clarissa stated, in an amused manner.Without a warning, Ren suddenly lets out a bark of laughter."You never cease to amaze me, Clarissa. You're really one of a kind." he enunciated."Well, I'm glad I made you laugh." Clarissa said, while shrugging her shoulders."By the way, are you hungry? We can do a take out by going at the drive thru and eat while we're on the road." Ren suddenly suggested."Sure! I'm actually starving." Clarissa finally confesses with a smi
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Four: A Game Of Feelings
Clarissa arrived early at the rehearsal room the next day.She breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that she's the only person in the room. She decided to wake up early because she wants to practice alone.Anyway, she wasn't able to sleep well last night because of Edward, Victoria and Ren... She started warming up her whole body, and after a few minutes, Clarissa started dancing...She suddenly stopped moving when she saw someone entering the room. She groaned inwardly when she saw Edward and Victoria..."Great. Just like what I needed early in the morning." Clarissa muttered under her breath."Oh, you're here, Clarissa. Aren't you trying too hard eventhough you don't have a talent in dancing?" Victoria sarcastically spat out."Please stop being a bitch in the morning, Victoria. I'm not in the mood to fight you." Clarissa warned her."Victoria, stop it ---!" Edward wasn't able to finish what
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety Five: How Provocative
Every female dancer starts to get excited after they heard Jun's announcement.Being able to be picked is a huge advantage and they can have an exposure...On the one hand, Clarissa is not too hopeful because it is obvious that Victoria will be chosen. As a professional dancer, she will not harbor any resentment towards Victoria if ever she was picked. She can clearly admit that she is the best dancer in their group.Meanwhile, Victoria gave out a big smile to everyone because she's absolutely sure that she will be personally picked by their choreographer."And now, I'm going to formally announce the dancer who will dance with Jason for his solo performance... We decided to pick Clarissa this time, and it was an unanimous decision." Jun suddenly announced.Clarissa held her breath in shock after they called her name. She can't believe that she was chosen! It was obvious that everyone is expecti
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety Six: A Storm Is Brewing
At a certain fastfood restaurant..."I'm really going into a monster-mode right now! Even if Edward doesn't say anything, he still cares about that bitch!" Victoria angrily muttered, as she slams her fists on the table.The other customers at the restaurant stared at her in surprise, but she doesn't give a damn about them. She is now raging in anger because she knows that her boyfriend still cares for his ex-girlfriend. She needs to do something that will destroy Clarissa!"---I just need to dig up some dirt or scandal to any members of the NO Borders, and I know our magazine will sell like hotcakes, again... I'm just waiting for a big break."Victoria snaps out from her reverie when she heard the old man's voice, who was sitting at the nearby table. He was talking to someone over the phone. She decided to listen to the old man."----I've been monitoring them for a month, and I followed th
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety Seven: A Way Out
Victoria wasn't able to answer because she was taken back by Jason's calm demeanor."Everyone, please calm down. For the meantime we need to concentrate on the rehearsals first. We only have a week before the concert starts, that's why we can't afford to waste anymore time." Nick calmed everyone down."Nick is right. That's why I want you all to do series of warm ups and afterwards, we'll start with the rehearsals, okay?" their choreographer announced as well.All of them didn't have a choice but to follow their choreographer's orders.Meanwhile, Clarissa secretly watches Jason. It was obvious on his face that she is affected by the scandal that appeared on the newspaper, and she feels like it's all her fault...She decided to talk to Jason later and apologize to him...=========================Clarissa is standing by the door, which was NO Borders' private room. Her heart is
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Chapter One Hundred Ninety Eight: The Closure
Jason eyes immediately searched for Clarissa as soon as he steps onstage. He anxiously looks for her and he couldn't see her from the crowd of dancers..."Alright, guys! Gather up! I have a very important and serious announcement to make." their choreographer suddenly called for their attention.As soon as everyone has gathered, Jun spoke again."As you all know, the NO Borders' concert will start tomorrow, and this will be our last rehearsals. For the passed few days we had a problem and because of that our Big Boss decided to --- permanently remove ai Clarissa as one of the back-up dancers.That's why we decided that for Jason's partner for his solo performance, she will be replaced by Victoria." he pronounced.Everyone was obviously shocked after they heard the announcement."Is it because of the scandal?" Edward bravely asked Jun.Somehow, he was still worried about Clarissa.Read more