All Chapters of Souls Of Change: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 chapters
Combination Of Two Skills
The coach arrived and they all welcomed him.He briefed them shortly and reminded them that the All school tournament is getting closed and they needed to work hard in order to preserve a better position. After his short briefed, he told the first and second year students to sit in a roll and watch what he's about to teach the third year students. Why he asked them to watch is because nobody will be in charge of them when he started training their seniors as Karim and Ross would also be training with the Coach today.Emmy was wise enough to choose his seat far away from John and his friends, although they won't be able to do anything to him when the coach is around, but prevention is better than cure, as they always say.The training started with the coach asking the senior students to perform the skills he thought them in their last training, the Tiger Strike and The Shadow Move. Some did it well while many of them failed. The coach did it for them one more time before proceeding to
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Working With The System (1)
The Coach gave the first and second year students a simple but arduous training, they were asked to dribble through a set cone round the whole field. After that, they played a five-aside match. Match between defenders and strikers. Emmy didn't participate, but he isn't the only one, many of them were asked to sit and watch while the Coach organized the five-aside match. Instead of sitting and watch, Emmy used the time to practice the Tiger Strike and Shadow Move with the video. Others were focused on the match, so they didn't notice Emmy as he practiced outside the field closed to the cover. Performing the move through different eyes, Emmy was able to do it diligently. First he performed it using Ross' eyes, then Karim and the Coach, after countless performance, he was able to do the two moves perfectly and he received a message from the system.[New Skill have been generated][Tiger Strike][New Skill have been generated][Shadow Move]"Wow, is that how easy it is?"He already knew
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Working With The System (2)
When the night sky arrived, Emmy ventured into the street, he's more prepared than ever.Stepping out of the building, the night sky has arrived fully, everywhere and every remnants of the sun were being devour by the darkness of the night. Emmy started walking out of his street, heading south-west. That's were his target was being spotted when he was busy exploring the district. He followed them silently. Them, because there are two other boys by his target side, those two, Emmy didn't know them. As they past a dark hallway, the two boy's departed going their different ways. Emmy's target was the only one left walking forward alone. Emmy followed him and got to know his street and his home. Now he's currently walking to the boy's street to find somewhere to hide and ambush. He had been studying the boy for the last few days, so he knew where to move to, and also, he knew where and when the two boys will depart from. And now, Emmy is currently in a light up hallway hiding in a spe
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Outcome Of A Planned Battle
As the sword left a long mark across his chest, the boy withdrew his long sword and twisted it a way to thrust it into Emmy's stomach. But somehow, he thrusted it into nothing but air, Emmy was nowhere to be seen. As the boy looked around, he quickly turned around and use his sword to cut something that was coming towards him into two. "Oh wow, a teleport ability user. That's nice." The boy said as he could see Emmy standing about 7 meters away from him, holding a bunch of wooden javelin in his left hand, ready to throw the one on his right hand with blood slowly coming out of his chest. Emmy knew he couldn't avoid the wrath of the sword, he couldn't escape and he knew using Raze's unperfected move is a gamble, but Emmy is not ready to gamble with his life. He analyses how the attack will come, if it comes horizontally, he might be able to dodge it with a bit of luck, if it's vertical, he won't be able to dodge it at all and if he tries to dodge it by moving downward, it might lea
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New Skill
"I think you've narrowly escaped death today."Emmy said after he received a message from his system, without looking at it, he knew his quest has been completed.Although, he wasn't planning to kill the boy before, not that he would want to, but he wanted to make him suffer till the system announce the completion of his quest. But it was announced sooner than later.Leaving the boy there alone and helpless, Emmy navigated his way home. It was already late at night, so he went over his reward.Starting with what he had gained from the boy himself before checking what the system has in store for him.Bringing out the content of each of the storage devices, Emmy smiled as he opened the first device that was full of Chint, the second was a gear storage device while the third is full of consuming stuffs.Approximately, there are about six hundred and seventy (670) Chint in the device which was expected from a rich kid. Ordinary folk can't have that amount of money in their possession and
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Countdown Begins, Three Months
The next morning Emmy woke up, took his bathe as usual and continued his daily basis for the day. Today is Sunday so he's not going to school, before doing his daily quest and training he took one refreshing snack, it's cool to live like one of those rich kids.He had a few important things to do today, he needs to get a personal football for himself, one of the main reasons he attacked the boy yesterday and will still do the same for others to learn their lesson. After getting a personal football, he'll start learning and perfecting the combined skill of Shadow Move and Tiger Strike.But before all of that, Emmy wanted to train as hard as he could before it's dusk especially with weapons, because his target tonight is way stronger and a fierce fighter than the idiot he fought yesterday. So, he had to prepare himself for any possible outcome.Emmy trained aggressively till evening, slowly, he's mastering the moves of the adults in the video he captured in the training room. Some of th
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No Escape
'Damn, about to get my day ruined.' A few minutes ago, he was very happy that he had finally gotten a football for himself, and now sadness had overshadowed his happiness. Not only would he be beaten to the brink of death by the boy – get killed even – they would also rob him of whatever he had in his possession like he did to the boy from yesterday. 'Well, this isn't a backfire, it's a revenge.' Yes, it's not like what he did yesterday was about to backfire him, but this is a revenge. Revenge of the mark Emmy planted in Clabe soul, revenge of his pride that Emmy hurt and revenge of the tears he shed. 'Huh, this doesn't make any sense, I was supposed to be the one getting revenge. That bastard torn my result sheet, got me involved with the cops and made me lost my confidence of fighting back. I even got punished by the school, so why the hell am I running for him. The revenge was supposed to be mine to take.' Yes, the event of that day has spoilt many things for him, lost his co
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'How? How did I get in here?'Emmy woke up in the middle of the night and found himself in the room of the uncompleted building, Jone was also with him lying at the entrance of the door and keeping an eye on his master at the same time. The dog was not sleeping.'Was it Jone that took me in?'Dumbfounded, he made his mind traveled back to the start of the event, he remembered clearly how he got football in the convenient store and then bumped into Caleb and his two friends. He was attack and tried to fight back. He didn't even last five minutes before he was taken down and Caleb started wiping him with an ancient chain until he passed out.But before he passed out, he remembered that the last stroke that was supposed to hit him was somehow interrupted by some screams that only lasted for a dozen seconds before everything went silence. 'I also saw a figure.'He didn't know but he could swear that he saw a vague figure in front of him before he passed out, the figure was different from
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WaterStill Estate
Emmy got to school the next day with nothing on his mind, or rather, with only one thought on his mind, apply for the job, He had even forgot about Alice who he thought was his savior yesterday and had promise to find a way to thank her today, a way that won't feel awkward. it has completely left his mind. All that was on his mind now was to close from school and go find the address on the card, then apply for the Job. He got a few beaten as usual, get lunch for John and others, when it was closing time Emmy wasted no time zooming off, out of the school. His great mood was so obvious that all his classmate thought something is wrong with him. Leaving school as soon as they closed, Emmy navigates his way to the address written on the business card, it was a bit hard but Emmy had been busy exploring the district and the nearing district for the past week and with a bit of help, he was able to get there with so much stress. When Emmy entered the street that was on the card he
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Miss Sofia Café
All of that didn't happened before he's afraid or something, but because he's surprised, he's shocked what for he's seeing. Emmy is shocked to the point that he stayed in the same position for about five minutes not moving. He couldn't believe his eyes.The interior of the café looks heavenly. The wall is completely white with a few ancient portraits hung here and there, the café itself is not too large, it's just half the size of the room Emmy resides in. The floor is just the same as outside, but there are more beautiful aquatic creatures here showing off their body. The ceiling is more breathtaking, surface of the ceiling changes every minutes, displaying different artwork and portrait of ancient landscape with most of them took in sunset. It can't even be called a café, because the room itself doesn't have the settings of a cozy café, although cozy but it doesn't have the setting of a café. It's more like exhibition of different artworks and design. It has nothing like a roll
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