All Chapters of Souls Of Change: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 chapters
The Only One In Existence
With the help of the small mechanical box Emmy got to the teleporter station at ease and move out of the estate, going home with a lot on his mind and a lot of calculations going on in his head. The distance from his school to WaterStill Estate will take him up to an hour with additional ten minutes to his residence, Emmy was thinking if taking a public bus is the best option or walking with his leg. A public bus will cost him 5 Chint, so taking a public bus when going to the Café and coming back home at night will cost him 10 Chint and thus, he would spend a total of 300 to 310 Chint for a month which is the x3 of his salary.He couldn't open room for that to happen which means he would've to be going with his two legs, no transport. He isn't given a specific time to resume after all, it's just after he closed in school. He currently had 620 Chints with him, the ball he got was 50 Chints making the 670 Chints he got from that boy reduced to 620 Chints which might all be spent befor
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First Day in The Team
Emmy left the café mentally exhausted, he had learned so many things today, if he had a phone he would've searched on the internet about those devices that Miss Sofia claimed to be the only one in existence because anytime he asked of how she got them, she would simply ignore him or give him a teasing answer. Getting home with exhaustion, Emmy went into a deep slumber after eating. Thankfully, he had done his daily quest in the morning before leaving for school and so he was free to sleep without any worry.The next day, Emmy did as it was planned asking Captain Karim if he knew of any football training around the school district which he said yes.They did a little arduous training, none of the senior students have managed to performed the combined skill of Shadow Move and Tiger Strike properly even Promise fails to sync her concentration, the Coach trains the first and second year students leaving the third year to practice by themselves. The training ended after one and the half
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The Person I Feared Also Feared Me
Immediately he said those words, all attentions were on him and the three boys, this is Emmy's plan all along, he remembered the first time he did something like this in his class when he shouted at Nick and Nado, the whole class had turn their attention to him at that time with surprise and they were also frozen in place, not able to move. Emmy wasn't expecting the same thing to happen here again, all he wanted was attention, he wants all attentions to be on him and thus, maybe the Coach will look their way and stop the boys from unleashing their wrath on him. And somehow it happens, the coach look his way, his voice had caught the coach attention. "What are you guys doing?"The Coach voice came from the field... But it was a fraction of seconds late. Before the coach voice could reach their ears, the boy in the middle who Emmy didn't know, the boy who didn't attend his school was already on the move, throwing his fist outward, his punch landed on Emmy's chest making him spit ou
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Football Attributes
Emmy had purposely beat the two boys till they passed out, he wanted to plant fear in them so they won't ever mess with him again, also he is sure that they won't say a word in school about him coming to a football training. He wanted them to learn their lesson and what's the best way of doing that than giving a cruel beating. Although, they might want to take revenge on him but Emmy know they won't approach him in public again, especially in school, he still doesn't know the reason the third boy ran so he needs to watch out for him.Not creating a room for those thoughts to bother him, Emmy got home and lied down tirelessly thinking of how his next few months in training would be and how his life would change in that few months. "Huh why do I feel like I won't spend more than three months in that team."For some reason, Emmy had been feeling that after the school all-profession tournament, he won't return to the team again, he didn't know why he felt that way but what Emmy forced h
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Two Weeks
He received two different rewards in two different occasions today, or is it five different rewards? One is for completing his main quest which he was given two rewards while the second is for defending himself from the three boys that attacked him, he was promised three rewards for this and now it's time to go through them. [You have successfully defended yourself] [Reward have been granted] [+5EXP][+5EXP] It seems he got 5 EXP for each opponent he defeated. [You have leveled up] [1AP have been granted for level up] [You're now level 2]"Finally, first level up."Emmy is now a level two Amateur, this is his first leveled up since he got the system, he still doesn't know when he would breakthrough into a Rookie but he knew he still have a long way to go. He currently had 65 EXP which means he needed 35 EXP to level up again but looking at his EXP now, it has changed. Before it was... [55/100 EXP] But now it's... [65/120 EXP] "Huh does this thing increase anytime I level
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Friendly Match
"Nice work Emmy, hopefully you would be able to do the same in our upcoming match and in the tournament."The Coach telling him this has already made it clear that he would be participating in both the friendly match and the tournament. Emmy displayed a few more skills on that fateful Saturday making his teammates suspicious of him, they remembered very well of his arrival in the team which was just three days ago, at that time Emmy's skills was very poor, so how was he able to perform a different set of skills now like he's in a talent show. Little did they know that each of the skills that was display by each of them on his first day in the team was all recorded by him and getting home, he was able to analyze them with the system pinpoint each flaw of each skill for him and thus creating a better result out of his teammates skill with the system. With the system registering each of the skills he was able to perform successfully, he can use it any time he wants without so much str
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No Winner
[You have been deemed the trump card of your team] [New Quest Received] [Lead your team out of the losing side] [Reward: 50 Coins] 'Damn I knew this would happen, how the hell can I score in my first match.'It hadn't felt real to him before, even when they were discussing their plan in training when the Coach said he would play during the second half, it hadn't felt real to him until now that they were on the field and the system also giving him a quest regarding the match. Although, he's confident in his ability to use the Shadow Tiger Skill but he knew it won't be easy and who said there won't be anyone who could counter his skill with their ability among their opponent. After all, their opponent are well known for their strong defense. 'But wait, 50 Coins? Didn't the system stated that a coin is equal to 20 Chint? Does that mean completing this quest will grants me 1,000 Chints.'A joyous smirk find its way towards his lips, 1,000 Chints worth the life of some people in the
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Lamborghini Benz
The match ended a few minutes after Emmy was taken out of the field, there's was no winner but Dominion FC were in a somber mood as they were unable to defeat their opponent in their home training while their opponent seems to be in a great mood. They left immediately after Emmy recovered from his strain. Emmy sprawled tirelessly on the surface of the floor of the uncompleted building staring blankly into the air with a clear exhaustion written on his face, well he's staring at his system screen, not exactly the air. The clear exhaustion written on his face out shadow the joy he felt inside as he stare at the screen. [Quest Completed] [You did not only lead your team out of the losing zone but you did so with two goals] [Reward have been granted] [You have received 50 coins] [Extra Reward] [New Skill have been granted] [David Beckham Cross][Skill Description: Any cross that was made by David was as dangerous as a Python, Fierce as a Tiger and unstoppable as a Dragon. Only a
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Heart Of WaterStill Estate
The car move gently on the glassy surface of the estate floor giving Emmy a better view of the estate. He look around in awe as the car move gently. Miss Sofia had purposely make them visit the agent with car instead of the mechanical teleporter, she wanted Emmy to explore the estate, know his way around it and see the unimaginable view of the estate. It took them half an hour to get to their destination at the very heart of the estate where all necessary information concerning the estate and its resident are kept. Getting to the heart of the estate, Emmy was surprise for what he could see in front of him, what look like a gigantic ship stood tall and firm in front of him, the ship tower above every buildings in its vicinity. It's completely made of pure firm glass and capture the reflection of other buildings around it giving it a sense of awe. Miss Sofia dismissed the Lambo Benz and they started walking towards the ship. Two large obsidian door each as tall as 50 storey buildin
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Tournament Begins
A young boy could be seen sitting on a plush chair in a round corridor of a large tall glassy building, the boy sat at the very peak of the building, a white dog sat besides him while he gently rub the dog's head with his hand, the soft white fur of the dog brushing against his legs. The rhythmic motion of his hand on the dog's head was soothing, a comforting connection between them. A cup of tea stood in front of him, its warmth seeping into his fingers as he cradled it. From the vantage point of the tall glass building, he surveyed the city below—the bustling streets, the distant still river, and the patchwork of rooftops of smaller buildings stretching to the horizon. A bright smile appear on his face. Of course, this is Emmy, he had finally gotten his apartment. After his meeting with the agent and Miss Sofia which was almost a week now. He was granted the access to the apartment the same day he visited the agent with Miss Sofia. The apartment was located in a more bustling st
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