All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
230 chapters
Sweet offers
"Miss, you don't understand what I'm feeling! I'm about to lose my store because of you!" Mark spat out venomously.Sighing, Amelia gritted her teeth. Even she had never expected them to demand for the antique store.It was something that she never saw coming.At this point, she wished she could unsign the contract.Amelia understood why Mark was acting like that. However, she was an investor too, so she knew that she would be just as affected by the deal."Mark, if you don't want to help me then it's fine. I will also stop investing in this store and take back all that I have given to you." Amelia said coldly, there was no emotion on her face.Mark shivered slightly, her words sounded like a threat to him.If she stopped investing in his shop then it meant that the store wouldn't exist in her absence.Mark had no choice but to agree to whatever she said. He felt thousands of needles pricking his lips as he opened them to speak.With no other choice, he said quietly. "I'll join you i
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Killed with one single move
"That's a beast!" Mark, who had never expected to see a strange looking creature in their midst, jumped in fear.Amelia and Ansel also saw the huge beast.Its fangs were super long and it was obvious that it wasn't in their midst to play.This wasn't the first time Amelia was seeing the strange creature, it was even more powerful than it looked.The last time they went on a mission to the blue moon mountain, just a single one of these had killed hundreds of the hired men.How did she escape at that time?Amelia didn't know, but all she knew right now was that she wouldn't let the beast get closer to her friends."Keep quiet guys" Amelia whispered softly, the beast with three eyes was blind and couldn't see.It could only use his sense of smell and that was why Amelia had designed the special suits for them to wear.It was supposed to mask their smell but how did the beast find them?Ansel stared at the beast strangely, he had never seen something like that before.The beast growled lo
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It's a deadly beast: The Kumura
Amelia exchanged glances with Mark. It was obvious that they both had the same questions on their mind."Master Ansel, are you okay?" Mark asked with concern laced in his voice.He had just seen Ansel slaughter a beast like it was nothing.Was this really possible?"I'm as good as new, it is a pretty weak beast and I'm sure anyone could have killed it." Ansel saw them look at him expectantly and he knew he had to give them an explanation.'Did Ansel just call a strong beast weak?' Amelia's jaw dropped, she knew that beast wasn't as weak as Ansel made it seem.One of these beasts had killed over a hundred men in her presence.That was one of the reasons why she came with just Ansel and Mark.But unfortunately, the beast still noticed their presence.The blue moon mountain was in the extreme end of the city and not many people could enter the forest and come back alive.A light of hope flashed before her eyes and she calmed down a little."It's called a kumura. You did a good job by kil
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Dangerous Crocs
At that moment, Amelia noticed that something was off, she turned to look at her side.Mark stood so close to her, his body shaking as they moved past the trees in the forest."Ansel," Amelia said in a soft tone.She quickly spun around, only to discover Ansel was nowhere to be seen. Her heart skipped a beat as fear rushed through her body. Mark, who was too scared to even notice, also became aware."Brother Ansel" Mark called out, his heart shook dangerously when he thought that the kumara must have killed Ansel for revenge."Let's go look for him" Amelia ordered and began walking back to the place they saw him last.Mark didn't want Amelia to get into trouble, she was the only one he knew in the forest and if something bad happens to Amelia then he wouldn't know how to leave the forest alive.He immediately gripped Amelia by the wrist, shaking his head in fear. "Please let's not go back. I'm sure the Kumuras must have gotten him. If we go back there then they will attackl us too."
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The top of the blue moon mountain
"Oh no no no" Ansel said through gritted teeth, he was now out of danger but they weren't.The crocodiles didn't seem like they would let them get to the other side freely either.Ansel's expression changed from hope to disgust, his brows furrowing as he realized that he was the only one armed with a sword. As Ansel's mind raced, trying to think of a plan, Amelia's swift action caught his attention. She moved with the grace of a warrior, each kick driving the crocodiles away from her and Mark with a fierce intensity.Stunned, Ansel couldn't move for a moment.He didn't expect Amelia to be that strong.Soon the two were able to make it.Mark, who didn't do as much as raising up his hands to defend himself, was panting like he had run a thousand meter race."You did a good job" Ansel praised her with a smile and then he turned his attention to Mark and said with a mocking smile. "I didn't expect a woman to be stronger than you." Mark coughed out violently, his eyes turning red.He was
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A worthless piece of scum
"What did you say kid? This flower is about to come to life." When botanist Johnson heard what Ansel said, he couldn't help but snap at the young man.How dare he challenge his expertise?Ansel ignored and kept quiet, he wanted to see what else botanist Johnson had up his sleeves."It's gonna come back to life any minute from now" Botanist Johnson said with a nervous laugh.His confidence level dropped to a zero when he noticed the flowers slump down in defeat.Botanist Johnson struggled to maintain his steeze as the flower turned an even darker shade, his professional demeanor faltered in that instant.But how was this possible?He was sure about all the research he had done.The experiments he did before they arrived at the mountain showed that it would work."What seems to be the problem?" Dave asked as he noticed the difference.He wasn't the only one who had noticed the difference, everyone did."I don't know what went wrong. I did everything right." Botanist Johnson said in a l
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The Golden flower is brought back to life
Suddenly, a swarm of golden fireflies descended upon the dying flower like a celestial army and their ethereal light casted a soft glow upon the wilting petals. The flower's transformation was nothing short of miraculous.Ansel held his breath as he waited for something to happen.The golden flower should have been showing a very bright yellow but its color was still faint."Don't get too hopeful, the fireflies must have come to witness your failure." Ray said with a grin.He enjoyed making fun of Ansel and wasn't considering stopping."Oh wow, this is beautiful""Oh my god, look at that." "I want to scream out loud""The golden flower is indeed beautiful" Ray sorted in disgust as he heard his men whisper amongst themselves.When his gaze fell on the golden flower, he felt several needles prick his eyes.Was this even real?The golden flower was now standing straight with a strong glow.No wonder it was called the golden flower, it emitted a beautiful golden hue.Ansel smiled proud
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Don't cheat!
Ray smirked. "I see we have some little adults among us," he sneered, gesturing mockingly at them. "Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you...we're just gonna fill your bellies with some nice warm soup so you can get strong and be just like us. So come on guys, sit down and have a taste! Unless you're scared, of course." Ansel growled loudly, his instinct told him that Ray and Dave were up to something."We are not interested, as a matter of fact, we don't want you following us. If I'm not mistaken, there's a different route which you can follow. So stay away from us!" Amelia, who had an idea of what was going on, walked forward, she pointed her index finger at the narrow road that was by the right and gestured for Ray and his men to leave.Ray felt insulted, he wiped away the beads of sweat from his face and sneered angrily. "Are you going to tell us what to do? Is this your father's home? I won't be nice to you Amelia. It's time to drop the act. You have one choice, you either forge
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He is stronger than you think
"Who are you?" Ray asked in a quiet voice, he was starting to see Ansel in a different light. Maybe Ansel was a beast in disguise.There was no way a single man could take down multiple men with few moves.The men which Ray had hired were highly skilled men.That was the only reason why they survived in the blue moon forest.How did Ansel take them down in a few seconds?Something wasn't right and Ray knew it!He knew all the strongest martial artists in the country and Ansel wasn't a part of it!"I am Ansel Luther, your doom." Ansel said, a devilish smirk playing at the corners of his lips.When Ray saw that Ansel wasn't as weak as he thought, he had no choice but to kowtow in his presence.He hit Dave lightly and gestured for him to do the same."Brother Ansel, we are very sorry,please forgive us. We promise to give Miss Amelia everything that she asked for. Please spare us" Ray said through gritted teeth, he had never kowtowed in front of anyone except his father.So he felt like h
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Someone stole from the company
That same night, Ansel had just gotten home and he immediately headed straight for his room.It seemed that Thora was too tired and so she wasn't present for dinner.When Ansel hadn't seen her there, he decided to take his dinner to the room instead.As Ansel unlocked the door, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.Ansel walked into the room, he dropped the chicken bowl of soup on the desk gently and then reached for his phone in his pocket."Hello" Ansel said into the phone. The number was a private number and he didn't know who the caller was."Master Ansel"When Ansel heard the cheerful voice, he immediately recognized who the caller was.It was Justin Li and he had called him to inform him about the Caspian family and their plans.Justin gave Ansel his word that the Caspians would behave themselves from now on and had even agreed to pack up and leave town for good.Ansel talked with Justin for a bit, discussing some serious matters, before finally ending the call.Since they ha
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