All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
230 chapters
They couldn't wait to throw him out
Thora was in a really great mood throughout the day.She even went as far as having lunch with Ansel in the public cafeteria.Everyone around them was stunned, even the people who were eating couldn't help but whisper amongst themselves.President Thora had never eaten in the public cafeteria.She always went into the private cafeteria which wasn't meant for all workers.Only people like secretary Bob and Thora were allowed into the private cafeteria.While Ansel ate, he smiled from ear to ear.Seeing his wife eat with him was more than enough.Ansel went ahead to even place some of his food in her plates.Thora's pupils dilated for a second but she accepted the food with a smile.A gasp erupted from the crowd as they stared at the two.How did Ansel, an ordinary coworker manage to get in close contact with president Thora.That was almost impossible and they couldn't help but wonder why Thora was so nice to the doctor all of a sudden.Soon, when they were done eating they left the c
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"What if he did?"
"Granduncle, what are you doing?" Thora asked with a nervous laugh and her granduncle shunned her with a wave of his hand.Swallowing back the lump in her throat, Thora's eyes darted from Ansel to granduncle."I did Ansel a favor, shouldn't you both thank me? My back hurts in my old age but I still get to do all the work." Granduncle then pouted while touching his back with his hands.Ansel could already guess what was happening but he didn't want to assume that granduncle was the culprit behind all these."What work have you done granduncle? I'm surprised that you are still able to stand." Ansel said, suppressing the laughter that almost escaped his lips, he looked at granduncle with a straight face."Can't you see the work that I have done? Isn't it obvious?" Granduncle hissed loudly and pointed at the bags in Ansel's hand.That was it!Granduncle was indeed the mastermind behind his bags.Ansel stared at him closely, he wanted to know the reason why granduncle had committed that s
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A coincidence?
At that moment, Chris walked into the living room due to the noise and commotion that he heard.Mira, who was also packing up her belongings for school, was surprised to see Ansel and Thora.They were back so early and so she went ahead to give Thora a hug.She was oblivious to the things that happened and so she didn't notice that they were in a heated discussion.Meanwhile, Chris walked towards granduncle, he ignored Ansel and Thora.He wanted to know why his granduncle's face had suddenly gone pale.Did Ansel say something bad to him?Chris seethed with anger, he saw the documents in his granduncle's hands and didn't understand what it was all about."Granduncle, why are you so bothered because of a piece of paper? I have prepared a nice drink for us." Chris said with excitement.However, granduncle didn't even notice that Chris was around.He blinked his eyes multiple times, hoping that the red stamp would suddenly disappear."Granduncle, are you starting to go blind. You shouldn'
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A whore
"Clara! Are you planning to deceive my friend?" Ansel said as he got to their table.Smith didn't expect that Ansel would be here, he wanted to introduce Ansel to Clara but when he heard Ansel mention her name, he assumed that Ansel must have met Clara somewhere.Perhaps he had treated Clara in the past."What are you doing here, Ansel, don't ruin my good moment." Clara sneered, she held up her hands and wiggled her fingers in an attempt to make him jealous.What she didn't know was that Ansel didn't feel anything towards her.The feeling he had for her died the moment they divorced.Ansel shot her a hard glare.“What are you doing here?” He asked again, this time, his veins bulged and it was obvious that he wasn't here for jokes."Hey! My boyfriend just proposed to me, what's your problem?" Clara said, even though the word “boyfriend” sounded a bit strange to her.She was only with Smith because of a reason and hadn't expected him to propose to her with an expensive ring.But who was
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Clara, how shameless can you be?
"Stay out of my way! I'm not giving this back. That's not fair." Clara pouted, she crossed her arms around herself and then went on to pretend like they were the big bullies.However, Smith's heart was now cold towards her and he felt nothing but disgust.He went on to grab her hand. Skillfully, he slid the ring down her hand and then got hold of the ring.Without any more words, Smith walked out of the restaurant angrily.The heartbreak that he felt was more than enough.Inside the restaurant stood Clara in shock, she didn't expect that Smith would do something as outrageous as that.How dare he?Ansel was also about leaving, but he thought of dropping an advice for Clara before he finally left."Stick to Kelvin when next, no one's going to buy this act of yours." Clara felt ashamed, she turned her face away and then a thought popped into her mind.Did Ansel ruin her relationship because he was still interested in her.Could this mean that he still had feelings for her?If that was
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Claiming what isn't hers
As Ansel walked out of the restaurant, he caught sight of Clara leaning by his car, she was making a phone call.Ansel shook his head when he saw how she acted like a boss.Meanwhile, Clara was waiting for a cab, she didn't notice that Ansel was staring at her.Busting the loud bubblegum in her mouth, she gave Ansel a curious gaze.Had he come to beg her?She leaned against the Rolls-Royce phantom more comfortably and then ended the call."Why are you staring at me like that? If you need a cab then go get one!" Clara said while chewing her bubble gum loudly.The sound was irritating to Ansel and he blocked his ears."Oh are you staring at my car? It's a pity that I can't give you a ride." Clara said with so much confidence that Ansel almost mistook her lies for the truth.So now she was trying to claim his car?With a smirk on his face, he wondered how far this woman could go."It's such a nice car, but I thought the Arlington's were now poor." Ansel said with a chuckle.Even though t
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He is the one and only YOUNG MASTER
Clara's body went rigid at the sudden sound of the car window lowering, her heart pounding in her chest like a sledgehammer. When she looked at who the person was in the driver's seat, it was a handsome man.She decided to give him the best smile that she could ever have on her face."Hey, can you unlock the door?" Clara whispered, silently praying that he would play along.Meanwhile, Anthony heard her conversation with his boss and he knew that this woman was nothing but a gold digger.He stared at young master Ansel for a moment and saw him smirking at him .At that moment he got the hint and then said with a snort. "Who are you?" Clara scratched her head, she tried giving her hair a messy and sexy look, there was no man that could resist that."C'mon driver, you know I'm late to the party. Are you trying to go against your boss lady? Open the door." Clara said in a semi harsh tone.Ansel who had been standing at a far distance walked towards the car, he leaned on the door as she
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New ingredients
The car arrived at the old antique store.Ansel remembered seeing some of the rare ingredients he needed during his last visit."Wait for me" Ansel instructed sternly as he got out of the car.He slammed the door gently and then walked into the antique store, leaving Anthony alone in the Rolls-Royce phantom.Ansel quickly spotted Mark, the shop owner, tending to customers as he surveyed the antique shop. However, Mark seemed not to notice him, as he was too absorbed in his calculations to look up.Ansel walked towards the shelves, he didn't need Mark to tell him where the ingredients were.Since granduncle broke most of his medicines then he had no choice but to buy them all.He was hundred percent sure that none of the damaged medicines would be useful.That meant a lot of work for Ansel and a frown line appeared on his face as he thought about it.Those medicines had taken him about a year to produce and granduncle threw them on the door like they were nothing.Ansel decided that h
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A deal between two families
Ray was not just any average citizen - he was the eldest son of the prestigious Lucas Caspian and his companion was Dave, the younger brother of the Caspian family.The sight of Amelia and Ansel's closeness had clearly struck a chord with Ray, and his facial expression did little to hide his distaste.Amelia rolled her eyes at Ray, she had never liked him especially since they seemed to cause so much trouble for the Anderson clan."Ansel is my friend and I want you both to welcome him warmly. " Amelia said with a strong gaze."You don't get to tell us what to do, Amelia. Don't bring a kid into our discussion." Ray scrutinized Ansel, he didn't look more than twenty-five years of age.He shook his head in disappointment, why in the world was Amelia talking to a guy like this?"He is having this meeting with us whether you like it or not Ray" Amelia said before taking a seat, she then gestured for Ansel to sit beside her.Ansel dropped the plastic bags on the table gently.He shot the tw
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Don't do it, Amelia.
"Deal or no deal?" Amelia heard Ray's words and sat still, deep in thought. She was considering whether to move forward with the deal or not. Ray and his people had successfully gotten to the golden flower location the last time they tried but Amelia's hired men were murdered in cold blood.They didn't even get the chance to get to the top of the Blue moon mountain.Mark's antique shop was also on the line. Amelia breathed in and out, she wasn't going to give up so easily.Amelia knew that if she succeeded in this mission, the Caspian family would be forced to leave the city for good, bringing an end to the longstanding feud between the two families. Amelia turned to look at Ansel. Even though she wasn't familiar with the crescent seeds, she knew that Ansel was a healer and might have some knowledge about them. But before she could have the chance to ask him, she saw Ansel talk to the two men with a serious face."Did you just say the Crescent seeds?" Ansel asked, his eyes showing
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