All Chapters of MICHAEL WEST'S JOURNEY FROM TORMENT TO TRIUMPH : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
98 chapters
Clara remained stonily silent, her mind droning with the ruinous fallout of her failed meeting. Not only had Donald refused to invest- he'd gutted her particular and professional character with his harsh combination. How had he learned about the circumstances girding her divorce from Michael? More importantly, how could she avenge against such an important adversary? Because one thing was certain- Jonathan Donald had made an adversary this day. A revengeful, enduring adversary who would stop at nothing to make him pay. As her hostel suite came into view, Clara felt a rush of loathing so visceral, it stole her breath down. This was because of Michael. That snivelling, pathetic worm had orchestrated her downfall- she was sure of it. Well, no longer. It was time for Clara Robert to go on the attack. Settling in at her office, she began firing off a flurry of emails and calls to her vast network of connections and snitches in the Beaumont demi world. She'd uncover every last secret about
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A revengeful, enduring adversary who would stop at nothing to make him pay. As her hostel suite came into view, Clara felt a rush of loathing so visceral, it stole her breath down. This was because of Michael. That snivelling, pathetic worm had orchestrated her downfall- she was sure of it. Well, no longer. It was time for Clara Robert to go on the attack. Settling in at her office, she began firing off a flurry of emails and calls to her vast network of connections and snitches in the Beaumont demi world. She'd uncover every last secret about Michael West's unforeseen rise to power and influence. And once she had all the security she demanded? Michael would lament the day he ever crossed Clara Robert. Because in this megacity, treason was a one- way ticket to mutually assured destruction. While Clara colluded her vengeance against Michael and the Donald conglomerate, the man himself remained blissfully ignorant, luxuriating in the comforts of the lavish hostel suite Isabella had ha
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Clara’s face fell on hearing the news. She was sitting opposite her mother on the sofa of their small apartment. Mrs. Robert was stroking the back of Clara’s left palm as she spoke to her.“I loved him very much, mom.” She said with a voice near crying. “Is it wrong to love a man so much that you would do anything to make them happy?”“There is nothing wrong with it dear. He is the wrong one. You loved him and if he was too selfish to see it, it was his loss, not yours.”Clara burst into silent sobs. Her head was bowed, almost touching her mother’s lap.“You know that the doctor prescribed that you stay happy and positive as it will help you heal faster. You cannot be depressed now, at least not today.”“Mom, I know the stabs Peter inflicted on my back are not healed and will very soon heal but the emotional wounds hurt more. I feel I will never heal from them.”“ my dear. Don't ever say that. You will be whole and happy again, I promise you.”Mrs. Robert stretched her hand and rubbed
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Clara didn’t know what to do except to find her mother’s insurance company and report the missing document. There were no return emails or texts after the many calls and texts she had sent to the company’s front desk and it angered her. Then, she remembered something and jumped to her feet.Liam Wells sat at his desk looking into his screen and shaking his left leg. After every ten seconds, he would check his wristwatch, look at the door, and back to his computer screen. He almost jumped to his feet when the door opened.“What took so long?” his voice rocked the walls.“The front desk confirmed that no one by that name has entered this building.”Liam looked at Clara for a long time before dismissing her with a wave of the hand. As she turned, a lady approached the door and walked past her into the office. She wanted to protest but Liam was already on his feet and reached out to the lady. She closed the door behind them after an awkward few seconds realising she was the one he had bee
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The following evening, Clara stood before the assessing wrought- iron gates of the Donald estate, steeling herself for the battle ahead. She cut an intimidating figure in her satiny burgundy dress and towering stilettos, every inch the power player ready to claim her due place among Beaumont's nobility. Liam cast her a reassuring regard as the gates swung open, granting them entry to the strictly manicured grounds." Just flash back what we bandied. Stay confident, do not let Donald rattle you." Clara gave a curt nod. She did not need his advice- she had been preparing for this moment her entire life. The woman of a fat businessman, prepped from birth to navigate Beaumont's savage social waters with cunning and grace. They were steered into a cavernous study, the walls lined with bottom- to- ceiling bookshelves and priceless vestiges. Behind an assessing mahogany office sat a tableware- haired man with cold, setting eyes. Jonathan Donald in the meat. "Ms. Robert," he said by way of gr
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The award ceremony was set for the following Wednesday at the city hall. All of Beaumont city elites will be held. It will be held at seven thirty in the evening, followed by a dinner party. Clara stood before the assessing wrought- iron gates of the Donald estate, steeling herself for the battle ahead. She cut an intimidating figure in her satiny burgundy dress and towering stilettos, every inch the power player ready to claim her due place among Beaumont's nobility. Liam cast her a reassuring regard as the gates swung open, granting them entry to the strictly manicured grounds." Just flash back what we bandied. Stay confident, do not let Donald rattle you." Clara gave a curt nod. She did not need his advice- she had been preparing for this moment her entire life. The woman of a fat businessman, prepped from birth to navigate Beaumont's savage social waters with cunning and grace. They were steered into a cavernous study, the walls lined with bottom- to- ceiling bookshelves and pric
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Diana gasped. She was shocked that Lima would show such a disinterested attitude to the matter at hand. She folded her hands and walked silently. At a point she left Liam behind and wanted to join her children.‘Where are you going?’ Liam asked, noticing her change in attitude and the silent treatment. He joined her and she slowed down, then she looked at him and asked.‘What do we do now?’He was deep in thoughts. He wasn’t going to give up just yet. They might have planned wrongly but it is time to restrategize and do things right. He turned to Diana and said.‘We have to get Michael drunk and ask the prostitute to pose with him. Then we can spread the pictures around. Such pictures will make the CEO sack him for misconduct and the ceo post will be vacant for me again. Then you can have the project, uncontested.’Diana looked at him. Her mouth fell open. She thought it was ridiculous at first but on a close look at it, she could see some sense in it. The last heist wasn’t successful
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Michael woke the following morning with a headache. The events of the previous night were still foggy in his memory. He remembered that he had been moving his body to the music. That was the last thing he remembered. He sat in the shower for a long time. then had a rushed breakfast and took three cups of coffee to knock him back to his senses. It helped to clear his head a little and he drove to work. When he strode to the office, everyone was looking at him. Even the receptionist, who usually greeted him and exchanged jokes with him, rarely spoke to him. She just stared at him and continued her work. He did understand what was going on. People came out of their offices to look at him as he passed, even Isabella. She had a huge look of disappointment and anger on her face.The doctors were now sure that Clara was out of danger and since has refused to amputate her leg; she is no longer required to be in the hospital. Diana and Liam walked behind Steven and Clara. Steven was pushing Cl
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The conference room was tensed up. Isabella sat directly opposite Clara while Diana sat at an angle between them. Together, they formed a triangle. The table between them was white in colour and had a recorder on it. ‘Why are you doing this?’ Isabella asked; her voice calm and menacing. ‘I beg your pardon?’ Clarasaid. She clutched her bag and stood up, getting ready to leave. ‘Why are you giving this testimony about a man you supposedly loved and cherished?’‘I never said I loved him. I was going to. Maybe I would have loved him if he treated me right.’ ‘But what you are doing right now can be said to be character assassination. Do you know that?’‘I am not attacking someone I did not know. This man knows me, wooed me and dated me for almost two years.’‘Did he promise to marry you?’ Isabella asked.‘We were getting there?’‘Then what went wrong?’‘Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It is what he does. When he has used you to a certain time, he just breaks off the agreement.’‘Was there
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The story in the morning newspaper became the hottest topic in town. All of Beaumont’s elite and every other person in the city rushed to get a copy for themselves. Clara had just seen the story when the office clerk dropped a copy on her office table. She rushed to her phone quickly to talk to her mother.‘Have you seen the newspaper today?’Diana was quiet. She too had seen the paper and it was not good for her and for the Robert family. She had hoped it would not come out like this. ‘Mom, are you there?’ Clara asked. Clara suspects that her mother already knows. She was impatient for answers and her mother’s silence was not helping. ‘Clara you shouldn’t be listening to gossip. You should have worked to do it.’‘Mom it is not gossip. It is on the morning news. All of Beaumont knows about it. What have you done?’There was more silence. ‘Mom speak to me.’ Clara was growing impatient.‘I did what I did to keep our family business afloat. You can blame me all you want but I did what
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