All Chapters of The mysterious identity of the useless son-in-law: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
140 chapters
Chapter 91
When Peal once again saw Mr. Baron and Mr. Eugen, he was so scared, that he hurriedly asked Mr. Patrick to pour tea for them.Mr. Baron didn't look at the teacup on the table, he said directly: "Peal, no need for tea, there are two problems when we come to you."Peal respectfully said: "What is that?"Mr. Baron said: "Who is Mr. Patrick?"“It's me." Mr. Patrick clasped his hands and said: "What can I help you with?"The look on Mr. Baron was cold, he said seriously: "Have you done anything bad recently?"Bad story?Mr. Patrick went over his recent behavior, and finally, he shook his head and said, “No. I always work hard and act cautiously according to the rules."Mr. Baron slapped him in the face: "Think again."Mr. Patrick knelt on the ground and he shivered in fear.Mr. Baron is different from Mr. Eugene. Mr. Eugen is a business person, at least on the outside he seems intelligent, his face is gentle, his heart is open and he is easier to get along with.But Mr. Baron is a gangster
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Chapter 92
"Peal, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would turn out like this." Mr. Patrick kept apologizing, but Peal beat him:"Trash, waste, parasite. Why don't you die? At noon, when you had dinner with Kelly, Justin was there but why didn't you say so sooner? Now I'm bankrupt because of you."Mr. Patrick cried and cried as he spoke. “Peal, please allow me to make it up to you.”"What can you do to make it up to me?"—Two days they were passed.Ketki and Kelly called Mr. Patrick but it didn't work.The two went to Rose Bank many times, but the bank was always closed.Both were very confused.Another day will be the monthly salary payment time, besides, they still have some big debts to pay. The fifty million dollars is still not available.If the hospital cannot borrow money, its capital will be cut off.The night before the employee's salary is distributed.The books are still blank.When Ketki and Kelly met again, they each took out a copy of the real estate deed.After that, they both laughed h
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Chapter 93
At this moment, Mr. Eugen came in from outside holding a big stick, he laughed loudly. "It's so noisy here. I just saw two men crying as they left."The appearance of Mr. Eugen suddenly made the atmosphere in the office tense.Kelly quickly stood up straight, and she spoke respectfully. "Boss Eugen, why are you here?"Mr. Eugen is the richest man in the city.His status is separate so in places like Rose Town, Mr. Eugen rarely sets foot there. Normally, Kelly wants to meet him, which is very difficult. But now he went directly to the hospital.Kelly secretly felt worried.Mr. Eugene smiled and said. "Peal didn't do well, I fired him. Rose Bank was closed because of me. I opened a new Fitness bank, and for the first three hundred million dollars, I will loan you at 0% interest for an indefinite period and an indefinite payment amount."Having said that, Mr. Eugen took out a document and gave it to Kelly. "The terms have been drafted. Mrs. Kelly, you sign and you will receive the money
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Chapter 94
Azaria quickly chased after Justin and blocked the security room door. One hand was placed on his waist, and his other hand pointed at Justin's nose. "If you don't accept the punishment, I will make you leave right now, do you believe it?"Justin glanced at Kelly behind Azaria, smiled faintly, and said. "My wife is Kelly. In this hospital, no one can punish me, except my wife. You are nothing more than an employee under my wife. Aren't you afraid that my wife will fire you?"Azaria said proudly. "You skipped work first, I'll just punish you according to the hospital's regulations. Even if General Manager Kelly came here, she would still be on my side. Furthermore, you're just a parasite, a woman. You're useless. The general manager already looks down on you, how can she help you?"Justin smiled. "You mean, my wife can't do anything to you?"Azaria said. "In the security department, I'm the biggest. Everything is up to me to decide. Don't use Mrs. Kelly to oppress me. If you don't want
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Chapter 95
Those words, although hurtful.But Justin was so touched, he felt warm.Kelly said: "But who is that woman hugging you at the train station? I'm very concerned about that. I've always tried to convince myself not to think about it, but I can't do it." "I can allow my man to be a useless person, I can also accept him to be a useless person, I can tolerate him playing around and loitering, as long as he is faithful and treats me well. The only thing I can't stand is my man having an affair with another woman.""Originally, I didn't want to find you and talk about this, but now that I'm supposed to be someone else's lover, I suddenly understand your previous resentment, so I agreed to give you a chance to explain. It's also giving myself a chance." Kelly looked at Justin:“Justin, what I want to tell you is, I don't know Mr. Wycliffe, I've never met this person either. We are extremely clean between us, you should also be frank with me now, right?”Kelly was very candid.Justin was very
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Chapter 96
Boxing Fitness.In an old house located in the suburbs.Although this place is not located in the city center, real estate prices are not cheap, a boxing gym with only a few dozen square meters is also very expensive.Mr. Arlo has been hanging under the sycamore tree in front of the gate for several days now.No one gave him food or water.His whole body became quite skinny.Two fighters guarded Mr. Arlo day and night, regardless of whether Mr. Arlo asked for a sip of water, but they were all indifferent and uninterested.“You just need to give me a sip of water, I will give you one hundred thousand dollars.” Mr. Arlo spoke with great difficulty, his breathing was very weak.The boxer shook his head: "The deputy manager of the gym said that before he returns, no one can give you food or water."“Give me a sip of water, I will give you a million dollars." Mr. Arlo felt like he was about to die, money was just an external thing. Even if he used all his money to buy a sip of water, he wo
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Chapter 97
Normal people cannot buy this type of ticket.Listening to Anselm's tone, it seemed like he had a hard time getting this ticket.“What is the influence of an underground boxing match in a big city?” Justin was very curious.Anselm said: "For many years, the underground fighting force in the city has been very large, especially in recent years, the underground fighting scene has been extremely developed. Nowadays, many people in the upper class like to watch underground boxing matches, because it is a very fiery and extremely stimulating match."“People like to watch it, they love it. People who don't like to watch may not have the opportunity to enter the boxing world. The underground arena, as its name suggests, is not public." Anselm explained: "I've seen a few matches, very good, But a fight between platinum fighters every year is rare. I had never seen it before."Justin nodded: “Then I'll go see it with you tonight.”Of course, Justin had seen the underground boxing match, he had
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Chapter 98
Ketki sighed: "Yes, our hospital can slowly develop and grow, but such an opportunity will be very rare in the next ten years. If we miss it, the chance of our hospital becoming a tertiary general hospital in the future is very fragile."Kelly said with jealousy: "But the starting price of this land is estimated to be six hundred million dollars. It will exceed eight hundred million dollars in the end. Not to mention we are not qualified to participate in the bidding, even if we are qualified to participate, we still don't have the money to get this land."Ketki said: "I heard that the fiercest competition is Corporation Fitness and Westwood Corporation. Fitness Corporation only deals in real estate and houses. Even commercial real estate, they rarely do it. Why do you I am so enthusiastic about this land? Will he have to rely on others?"Kelly said: "Ketki, what do you mean?"Ketki said: "When Rose Bank made things difficult for us in the past, but with just one sentence from Mr. Wyc
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Chapter 99
Barret was a little dissatisfied: "I am a platinum fighter who has fought on the battlefield for many years. I know more about the battlefield than Mr. Wycliffe. I hope you can just trust me."Although Mr. Eugen felt that what he said was not satisfactory, he didn't say much. The level of the platinum boxer is already very high, although Mr. Eugen is the boss of Boxing Titan, he also has to cede some parts to Barret.Justin sighed, drank a cup of tea, and said nothing more.Barret was even more unhappy, he looked angry and left.As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Justin sigh in the room: "Mr. Eugen, Barret will lose.”"I won't lose. Don't underestimate me. Just wait and see." Barret threw back a sentence and then boldly left.Mr. Eugen looked embarrassed: "Mr. Wycliffe, really embarrassed. A rude person like Barret speaks a bit impulsively, plus his status is not ordinary, so I don't want to say much."Justin shook his head: "I don't blame you for this. His attitude is not goo
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Chapter 100
Kelly was also speechless: "Don't think like that anymore, maybe Mr. Eugen suddenly didn't want to compete anymore, after all, he didn't have any medical resources, and even if he won the bid it would still be difficult to meet the planning terms."Ketki said disappointedly: “Previously there was no large-scale pharmaceutical corporation in the city. Most are local health organizations and small pharmaceutical companies. In this environment, we still have opportunities. Now that the 'big shark' Westwood Corporation has jumped in, the future of our hospital is becoming increasingly uncertain."Kelly said gloomily: "Yes, Westwood Corporation will make it very difficult to expand our hospital, but now we have no other choice."Ketki said: “Do we need to find Mr. Wycliffe's help?”Kelly hesitantly said: “Now I don't know who Mr. Wycliffe is, I don't know how to contact him."Ketki said: “Let's find Mr. Eugen, can he contact Mr. Wycliffe.”Kelly said: "That's not good."“There is only one
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