All Chapters of The God Emperor Reincarnation: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 chapters
Chapter 11: Sword Techniques
"We're lucky to have been saved by a master this time! I wonder which master saved us; it seems they were reluctant to reveal themselves."In his heart, Li Jiang thought that the reason the master didn't reveal themselves was due to his family's respected name. The master didn't want to offend the patriarch of the Li family, who not only possessed great skill but also a highly respected reputation. Moreover, the Li family was closely associated with the royal family.Tian Yun just smiled and nodded his head in response to Li Jiang's words. He seemed unwilling to discuss what had just happened. It appeared that Tian Yun knew the origin of the protective shield that had enveloped them earlier.They then entered the sword pavilion. Coincidentally, they were both placed in the same resting room. This further strengthened their friendship.Li Jiang often helped Tian Yun study the techniques in the Heavenly Star Pavilion. Even though Tian Yun had already mastered those techniques, he greatl
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Chapter 12. A Minor Competition
"Tian Yun, I know that you're actually a very intelligent practitioner. It's just that your physical condition doesn't support your ability to progress faster. I could see earlier that you were able to notice the flaws in my sword technique. If you don't mind, could you tell me so that I can cover all my shortcomings?" Li Jiang sincerely asked for guidance from his friend."You flatter me too much!" Tian Yun replied with a smile to his friend.Tian Yun then explained to Li Jiang about some flaws in the sword technique practiced by his friend. He said that every time Li Jiang performed a rotation, it created a gap at the end of each spin. There was a void in energy that did not protect Li Jiang's defense. If an opponent were aware of this, it would be very fatal.Hearing Tian Yun's explanation, Li Jiang was half-believing, half-doubting. He asked Tian Yun to attack him, according to his words earlier.Without any hesitation, Tian Yun attacked Li Jiang after he used the sword technique
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Chapter 13: The Thousand Door Dimension Test
Teacher Mao Riun inscribed a seal toward the sky. Immediately, a large circle with a diameter of about ten cubits appeared above the head of the vice chairman of the Heavenly Star Pavilion. The circle was suspended by ten spears from the ground. Then he directed the circular array towards the center of the field."Now, choose one of your representatives to step into the array. Whoever manages to step out the fastest will be the winner for their group!"Without much discussion, Tian Yun immediately stepped into the array as soon as Teacher Mao Riun finished speaking. Of course, this action infuriated almost all the people in the Sword Pavilion. They thought Tian Yun was too foolish to enter the array, believing he could escape from it."That kid is so stupid! How can that fool quickly get out of Teacher Mao's Array Formation? If he's not careful, he could be trapped in there forever," said Li Chao with a cynical smile.Moments later, representatives from other towers also entered the a
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Chapter 14: The Pavilion Battle
Soon after, Bu Jun appeared almost simultaneously with the representative of the Star Dragon Pavilion, Ming Jao. A look of arrogance was evident on the face of the principal disciple of the Star Dragon Pavilion.Ming Jao glanced briefly at Bu Jun before shifting his gaze to Tian Yun. The 28-year-old man's face showed disdain for Tian Yun. However, Tian Yun didn't respond at all."Since the Sword Pavilion representative won, the Earth Dragon Pavilion will advance to the finals without a fight!" shouted Teacher Mao Riun.He then explained that the next battle would be between the representatives of the Element Pavilion and the Spiritual Beast Pavilion, or the Star Dragon Pavilion. Mao Riun took a short break before starting the elimination round between the two small pavilion representatives. The winner would face the Earth Dragon Pavilion representative, who had already advanced to the finals.Teacher Mao Riun's words were met with loud applause and cheers from the students present. Th
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Chapter 15. Winning the Trial Without Fighting
"The battle this time was won by the Spirit Beast Pavilion's side!" exclaimed Teacher Mao Riun, closing the match between the two towers that were competing.Then Master Mao ordered the senior disciples, who were representatives of each pavilion, to get ready. Kong Bu Jun and Ming Jao very swiftly jumped onto the fighting field. The two immediately saluted Master Mao.Bu Jun and Ming Jao's gaze intimidated each other. They tried to suppress the opponent's guts using sharp gazes containing auras. Both looked equally tough.After receiving a signal from Teacher Mao, the two senior students immediately attacked each other. Just like what the two junior students did earlier, they immediately smashed their palms against their opponents.This time, the explosion that occurred as a result of the clash of energy was stronger than the clash of energy between the palms of the junior disciples earlier. In fact, the sound of the clash resembled a deafening thunderclap. What an incredible show of
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Chapter 16. The Dimension of Elemental Centers
"Alright, everyone except the two representatives from the Earth Dragon Tower, please disperse," commanded Master Mao Riun.Gradually, all the students of the Heavenly Star Pavilion began leaving the training grounds in front of the Main Pavilion. Now, only Tian Yun and Ling Lian remained, waiting for Master Mao's instructions. Ling Lian appeared tense, while Tian Yun seemed indifferent."You two, follow me!"Master Mao Riun instructed Tian Yun and Ling Lian to follow him. The vice chairman of the Heavenly Star Pavilion then opened a portal, leading to another dimensional space. The three of them entered the portal, which vanished along with Master Mao and the two students from the Sword Pavilion.The portal transported them to the main training dimension. Ling Lian and Tian Yun were astonished by the sight before them. There were various training grounds floating in the air, each emitting a different light.Many spiritual animals roamed the area, and numerous enchanted weapons adorne
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Chapter 17: Awakening the True Element
"I remind you once again that how much you improve depends on your own efforts. But don't push yourself too hard; everyone has their limits. Otherwise, you'll destroy yourself."Master Mao then escorted each of them to their respective places. The two floating lands were each occupied by one person. Tian Yun was on the right, while Ling Lian was on the left."In no more than three days, you will come down. Remember, don't push yourself too hard!"After giving Tian Yun and Ling Lian one final warning, Master Mao left the place. He would return in three days.Tian Yun looked very enthusiastic. The land of light, which served as the space for forging a stronger body, was exactly what he needed at this time. Tian Yun's current weakness was the fragility of his physical body, making it very difficult to support a martial spirit that had reached a high-level realm.He struggled to break through to the Martial Master Spirit level. With the cultivation he had developed in his previous univers
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Chapter 18: The Rise of the Ultimate Element, the Light Element
Master Mao paused for a moment, looking at Tian Yun. He felt it would be a pity if such a talented young man as Tian Yun couldn't be utilized by the Heavenly Star Pavilion.Master Mao Riun thought that Tian Yun should focus on his ability to use sealing spells or control the power of the spiritual energy he possessed.“Perhaps it would be good if I helped this boy with his cultivation process. With pure power, he could become extraordinary,” murmured Master Mao.After spending some time with Tian Yun, Master Mao could understand the issues the young man was currently facing."Tian Yun, stay here and practice the cultivation and sealing spells I have taught you. I will leave this place for a few days to find something for you. If Ling Lian has completed her element control training, help her practice. Do not leave this place until I return," said Master Mao Riun to Tian Yun."Yes, Master!" Tian Yun replied, bowing respectfully.Master Mao then left the place through the gate they had en
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Chapter 19: The Power of Darkness
Worried about his elemental control, Tian Yun once again stood in front of the elemental detector. He feared that the absorption of the seven types of power into his body had made his elemental powers disappear. He then tried once more to exert his elemental power.He did this for quite a while, but it was fruitless. Finally, feeling half-desperate, he gave up his efforts. The young man then sat leaning against the mirror, stretching out his legs. Slowly, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes to rest.It wasn't long before he fell asleep in front of the divine mirror. A few moments later, suddenly, a black light radiated from Tian Yun's body. This light triggered a reaction from the seven elements. From the radiance on Tian Yun's body, it was evident that the light was the power of the darkness element.Tian Yun suddenly woke up from his sleep. He was aware because he felt his body was extremely hot. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to find the whole place had become dark ex
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Chapter 20. Doubting The God Emperor's Ability
"Thank you, Teacher, for the lessons and the gift you have given me. I will surely remember and pay attention to all your messages. I, Tian Yun, am deeply indebted to you for the attention you have given me." Tian Yun said it sincerely."It is my duty as a teacher and also a reward for you winning the competition I held. Whatever happened in that competition, you emerged as the winners. Now it's time for you to return to your tower and share the results of your training here with your friends there," said Teacher Mao Riun."Yes, Teacher!" Tian Yun and Ling Lian responded in unison.The teacher escorted them from the training dimension directly to the front of the Star Sword Pavilion. Coincidentally, the students were practicing with Teacher Yu Lau in the tower's courtyard. Seeing Teacher Mao Riun arrive with Tian Yun and Ling Lian, the practice halted for a moment. All the students, including Teacher Yu Lau, showed respect to Teacher Mao Riun.When Ling Lian and Tian Yun joined the st
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