All Chapters of Zero: God Of Mercenary: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 chapters
Chapter 1: Unfaithful Wife
“Hey, Oliver! Do I pay you to take breaks during work hours? You’ve still got a ton of boxes to deliver!” Anthony, the boss at the wet market, shouted.“I’ve delivered most of them, Sir. Just a few left,” Oliver replied, his tone cold but respectful.Oliver had been carrying boxes of fish back and forth since early morning, and he only stopped for a moment to drink water.“And now you're talking back? Get off your ass, or I’ll cut your pay in half, you lazy bastard!” Anthony roared, drawing everyone’s attention.Oliver nodded. He stood up and continued working.Everyone in this town treats him like trash for two reasons.First, he wasn't originally born in this town. Second, he was married to Trisha Henverton, the daughter of the richest family in their town.Although their net worth wasn’t enough to qualify to live in the capital, they are still superior to everyone here.“Move faster. Can’t you see how many vendors are waiting for you?” Anthony, who was following Oliver, scowled. “If
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Chapter 2: Painful Truth
“Oliver, we’ve been looking for you for a long time. You’re our leader, and it’s time for you to come back. Everything’s fallen apart since you’ve been gone,” the woman said, her voice polite but firm.“You are the kind of person interviewing and filming people’s reactions on the street, right?” Oliver didn’t pay much attention to her, “ I don’t have time for your joke.”All he was thinking about was Trisha. And what Anthony just said to him.Before Oliver could walk away, the woman called him from the back. “We’ll meet again, Oliver.”“I hope not,” Oliver shot back.“This is your destiny. You’re meant to rule the empire, not live like this, Commander!”Oliver paused at the last word.Commander? The title sounded somewhat familiar.But he shook it off and headed straight to the Henverton Mansion. His brows furrowed at the mansion’s unusual silence.‘It’s not true. Trisha’s loyal to me, just like I’m loyal to her,’ Oliver thought, repeating the words like a chant.Not until when he hea
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Chapter 3: Oliver’s Identity
Oliver clenched his fists in anger. “You can’t do this, Trisha. Your father took me in!” “And he’s dead! You think he’s gonna crawl out of his grave to stop me?!” Trisha fumed, gritting her teeth. Glaring at Oliver, she spoke. “I will let everything slide, including what you did to Denver, as long as you leave without making a scene.” Oliver stared at Trisha for a long time, and her coldness shattered him. “Don’t you love me? Even just a bit?” Trisha chuckled sarcastically. “I could have married a richer man, but I got stuck with you. Do you think I can love someone who ruined my life? No, and I will never be.” His heart sank. Oliver loved Trisha more than he loved himself, but he got only hurt in the end. “You will regret this, Trisha,” Oliver declared as anger consumed him this time. “Not only you will pay, but your whole family as well.” Trisha frowned, looking at Oliver with disgust. “Stop the nonsense, will you? Just get out of my sight. I can’t even stand being in the sam
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Chapter 4: The God of Mercenary
“The God of Mercenaries? What kind of title was that?” Oliver asked, stifling a laugh.“You execute special missions without fail, and you’re the most requested person by the clients in the Legion. Hence the title of a God was given to you,” Melissa explained, her tone polite yet authoritative.Suddenly, everything makes sense to Oliver. He now understood why Melissa mistook him for someone else. “I know how to fight, but I’m not the man you are looking for. After all, I’m just an ordinary man,” Oliver told her.“I’ve been in this small town for years, and the man you describe sounds too powerful to be in a place like this. Surely, it wasn’t me.”Oliver denied everything, but his heart was now filled with doubts, especially after that sudden fragment of memories earlier. Who was he really?“That is why I told you—you’re not meant for this life,” Melissa said. “Anyway, I have something to give you.”Melissa pulled something in her pocket.It’s a bank card. If anything makes it more sp
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Chapter 5: Legendary Red Card
“Oh my gosh! What is a man like you doing here?” Trisha asked condescendingly as she covered her nose. “You stink! It must be hard to live in the streets, huh?”“I’m here to conduct business, not to talk with you,” Oliver answered, ignoring her harsh remarks. Trisha spat a harsh laugh. “You poor guy, how can you possibly conduct business here? Don’t fool around, you can’t even get in!” She shook her head, looking at Oliver from head to toe. “I just can’t believe your audacity to be here. Aren’t you ashamed?”“Why would I? I’m here to sort something out, not do something illegal,” Oliver shot back.“Are you sure? Based on how you look right now, it seems like you’re going to rob a bank,” Trisha said, smirking.Oliver got furious, but he didn’t waste time arguing with her more. Instead, he gave the guard an intimidating gaze. “This isn’t fair. Do you want the manager to know about this?”The guard raised an eyebrow. “I’m just doing my job, and you’re delusional. Why would the manager
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Chapter 6: The Password
“Yes, Ma’am.” The staff member nodded. “That card is extremely rare; there are only a few copies worldwide, and will make anyone a VVIP in any bank.”Trisha was stunned by the revelation. She bit her lip hard.She’d been searching for someone wealthy for ages, which is why she had been hopping from man to man.The money she withdraws periodically from her father’s bank account is not enough to keep up with her lavish lifestyle.‘I’ve only heard about the red card from my father, but I never thought I’d see someone with one…’ Trisha thought, her brows furrowing. ‘But Oliver? There’s no way this is real!’Suddenly, Trisha stood up and marched toward Rebecca. “Don’t believe this man’s lies, Rebecca! This man must be a fraud trying to fool you!”“A fraud?” Rebecca asked, raising an eyebrow. “That’s a serious accusation, Miss Trisha.”“I’m not accusing him. I’m just telling you the truth,” Trisha replied coldly. “He might have picked it up from the street, or stole it from someone!”“And
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Chapter 7: Debt
Oliver typed in the numbers and clicked enter. He bit his lip, knowing that Rebecca would also doubt him now if he got the password wrong for the second time.[Password Correct]Oliver sighed in relief as the card unlocked, but it was quickly replaced by astonishment as the screen displayed a long string of numbers.It started with one, followed by nine zeros.When the numbers stopped, Oliver’s eyes widened in disbelief. The account had a balance of one billion dollars!‘To have this kind of money… What am I really doing before I lose my memories?’ Oliver thought, his eyes fixated on the screen.The bank account left him astonished, but what intrigued him the most was the password he just entered.‘It was a date of birth, and I didn’t know where it came from. But… whose birthday is that?’ Oliver asked, frowning.He pondered about it, but his thoughts faded when suddenly, Rebecca spoke.“It seems like your bank account’s interest has already compounded,” she said, her voice laced with
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Chapter 8: Destroying The Stall
After that, he went to the market to get his personal belongings.His eyes widened upon seeing his stall being destroyed by Anthony, who was smirking while holding a baseball bat.On the other side, one of Anthony’s gang was beating up Nate, the only friend Oliver had ever since he lost his memories.The rage immediately confused Oliver’s body. He approached the stall with a darkened expression“What do you think you’re doing?” Oliver asked the man beating up Nate, his tone stern.Recognizing that voice, Anthony turned around, and his eyes widened upon seeing Oliver in front of him.“What are you doing here?” Anthony asked, confused. “How did you manage to go back? Didn’t you encounter my men earlier?”Oliver didn’t answer. He smirked at the back of his head, knowing Anthony was unaware of what he did to his men.“Don’t answer my question with another one,” Oliver said, glancing at the mess all over the place.His brows furrowed upon seeing scattered banknotes on the floor, but he igno
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Chapter 9: Necklace
Oliver sighed. ‘I knew it. If I tell Nate the truth right now about my identity, he won’t believe me.’“Don’t worry about me. I will find a way,” Nate added. “How about you? Your wife will be angry if you don't give her money.”“We divorced,” Oliver informed. “She also kicked me out of the house, too.”“What?” Nate’s eyes widened in shock, but he didn’t ask for more, respecting Oliver’s privacy.“If you don’t have any place to live yet, you can stay at my house…” Nate offered. “Although it was small, there was enough space to sleep.”Oliver was surprised upon hearing Nate’s words.‘He was beaten up, yet he didn’t blame me for not paying Anthony back. And he even offered to let me stay at his house.’Pondering those thoughts, Oliver was touched by how Nate stood up for him. “Anthony will soon apologize and return us the money we need.”Nate only smiled, thinking that Oliver was just boasting. But his eyes widened upon seeing a familiar figure. “W-Wait, why Anthony is approaching us aga
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Chapter 10: Mother-In-Law
It was someone he knew, so Oliver stopped the truck on the corner before answering the call.“Hello, Rebecca?”“Good afternoon, Sir Oliver. I called to inform you that Anthony was already fired from the market,” Rebecca spoke on the other line. “We will also provide proper compensation for all the employees he mistreated back then, including your friend.”Rebecca cleared her throat and asked. “If it’s okay with you, may I know his name?”“Nathan,” Oliver replied, his tone stern.She immediately listed it on her sticky note. “I’ll take care of that, Sir. He will not lose his job and get the remaining compensation for the suffering he endured under Anthony’s management.”“Thank you for the help, Rebecca,” Oliver said, his tone sincere. “If you need some assistance, you can count on me.”“The help you received earlier was a privilege under the red card holders, so you don’t need to think about that, Sir,” Rebecca explained, her tone low yet polite. “But… I do have a favor to ask if it’s o
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