All Chapters of THE SECRET TO MY HAREM EMPIRE SYSTEM: Chapter 1 - Chapter 7
7 chapters
“We got in!!"The moment for which Arthur and Neri had been working hard since childhood, had finally arrived in the form of an acceptance letter from their dream college. “Dear student, it gives us immense joy to say that you have been selected…”As soon as they saw the first line, the young hearts were filled with happiness and joy.“Yes! We did it, Neri!” Arthur exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug and Neri laughed joyfully, hugging him back just as fiercely. “I knew we could do it! From best friends, to soon to be college classmates!" Her eyes were glistening with tears of happiness as they let go of each other, clutching the acceptance letter in hand as if they were afraid to let it go Arthur nodded, his voice tinged with relief and excitement.“Yes! It's going to be amazing, I can already imagine how much fun we will have in college together, all the adventures!” There was another reason for the happiness in Arthur's heart: he had decided, long ago, that the day he rec
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Arthur sat alone at their usual lunch table, still thinking about how Neri had walked away with Robin the previous day, and how she was so rude and impatient with him. Had she really changed so much within just a few weeks…?When he finally saw Neri across the cafeteria, Arthur couldn’t hide his concern and said! “Neri, can we talk?” Neri rolled her eyes as she sat down, her attention already wandering. “About what, Arthur? Are you gonna lecture me again about Robin? Then, I suggest you save it.”Arthur took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. “I’m not lecturing you, Neri… I'm just worried about you. He is not good for you, you're smart and have so much potential. Then why do you want to waste it by your own hands?”Neri scoffed, a hint of annoyance in her voice. “Oh please, Arthur. You’re just jealous because no one in the history of your life has ever paid attention to you, be it girl or boy. That's why you're always buried in books, what do you know about the world?”
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Arthur clutched his throbbing cheek, which hurt like hell… but even more than his face, it was his ego that was bruised.He was totally overwhelmed by the feeling of helplessness and sadness after this confrontation with Neri. She had lied to everyone on purpose, just because he had refused to let her cheat?He felt something warm on his face, and it was then that he realised that he was bleeding from his mouth. Shit, he had to go to the nurse's office now… There were a lot of students standing in the hallway, staring at them. But still, nobody offered to help him out. They just kept whispering amongst each other, casting glances in his direction.Ultimately, he himself had to walk towards the nurse's office, holding his face and wincing with pain. However, his mind was buzzing with thoughts. This couldn't be true… Neri of all people, how could she betray him like this? They had been have friends for so long, and they had made so many plans for the future… they were going to get in
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As soon as Robin and his friends heard that Arthur had already sent the video to the dean, colour drained from their faces out of fear and panic. On hearing about the confirmation, they understood the situation was much more serious than they initially thought… and their fear soon transformed into rage.Mark was the first to react, and he shoved Arthur against the wall, his grip tightening on Arthur's collar. "Do you think you've become some kind of a saviour? You're nothing but a pathetic little snitch!”Jake also leaned in. "Did you really think you could outsmart us, you moron! You're in way over your head!""You just signed your own death warrant, you dimwit! You're gonna regret this for the rest of your miserable life… and I'll make sure of it.”Some of the other students, realising that they were also going to get caught in this situation, quickly walked away. Meanwhile, the others ganged up with Robin's friends, as they wanted revenge for what Arthur had done. Robin's face c
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What Arthur didn’t realize was this was not the end, but the beginning as his reawakening triggered a special system game that had picked him as its new player, [SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: ARE YOU READY TO BECOME THE NEXT PLAYER?][ TO KNOW MORE: CLICK OPEN ]Dead was exactly the feeling pulsating through Arthur's body at this very moment. To the point that he could hardly move, he was worn out. He took a hard hit to the side of his mouth and a powerful strike to the stomach.Arthur could not shake off the overwhelming sense of betrayal that washed over him when his girlfriend decided to abandon him for a well-known athlete. The idea of changing his life crossed Arthur's mind; he wanted to be less of a nerd and more of a charming campus hearthrob who could win over any woman.Overthinking eventually led Arthur to succumb to losing his consciousness.[SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: ARE YOU READY TO BECOME THE NEXT PLAYER?]“What’s this?” Arthur uttered this as he heard a loud notification bell.When
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Daemon effortlessly continued to charm the random woman with his smooth words and charismatic demeanor. It took him a while to grasp the concept, but eventually he grew comfortable with it, as if it were second nature.“Your name?” Daemon inquired, his curiosity piqued as he yearned to shed the veil of unfamiliarity that shrouded their encounter."Mikaella," the girl replied with her enchanting voice."Lovely," Daemon could not help but admire her exquisite presence. Her beauty captivated him, yet he could not help but wonder if she would leave a lasting impression on his heart. Daemon would only recall her name if there was something truly memorable about it. Nevertheless, he would rather not bother with remembering names.“Do you come here often, Mikaella?” Daemon finally mustered the courage to initiate a conversation with them.Mikaella responded to Daemon with a gentle smile, her voice filled with a touch of mystery. "I was simply running an errand today," she said softly. “And
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Daemon was able to successfully proved that the system rewarding definitely provides him monetary rewards once he accomplished every task. He verified that after hugging his professor, Monica. Although the result of that may have been awful knowing that at the end of it, Monica eventually got furious.“I will not tolerate this kind of harassment, Mr. Quenery. I’ll see to it that the dean learns about this behavior of yours.” Professor Monica furiously pointed Daemon with her finger.“Professor Monica, I–I am so sorry for that. It’s just that—” Daemon’s words were instantly cut off.He was shunned when Monica promptly slapped his hands away from her. “Don’t you dare touch me again you perverted kid!” Professor Monica even covered her chest area with her two hands.She really thought of Daemon now as a pervert, and it would seem that there was nothing that Daemon could to change Professor Monica’s perspective of him any longer.It has now arrived to Daemon the consequences of what he hd
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