All Chapters of Infinite Leveling In The Apocalypse : Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 chapters
Measured Perception
The moment the system’s voice echoed in his head, a sudden green grid appeared in his vision, spreading out and encompassing everything. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision, but the grid remained, overlaying his surroundings.It was as if he became completely aware of the structure of the things around him, their location, and mass, even beyond the walls. He took a step back, almost stumbling, his senses overwhelmed by the new input.‘W-what is this… it's so weird.’ The sensation was very alien; it felt as though he could see behind his eyes. Although it didn't include color, he was still completely aware of whatever was around him. He touched his temple, massaging it in an attempt to alleviate the strange feeling.The system window suddenly materialized before him with a message:[Tactical Insight Lvl1.Description: Knowing the position of all variables or obstacles on a battlefield is more than enough to allow one to win a thousand battles!Spreading out your mana beyond
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The Unseen Threat
Just as the group huddled around the maps, a metallic clanking sound echoed from the back of the room, far behind the towering shelves that lined the walls. The sound made all of them instantly tense up, as they all turned their gazes towards that direction.Hyun-soo, the leader, reacted first. He immediately rose to his feet, instantly pulling out his dagger. "Stay alert, Jin-ho, Seung-min, with me."He said, his voice tight with tension. He gestured for Min-joon to stand beside him, forming a defensive line. The other two men in the group, Jin-ho and Seung-min copied their movements, eyes looking around the room for any sign of a threat.Slowly, cautiously, they crept towards the back of the storage unit. The air grew thick, as they all silently wondered what was the source of the noise. The whole room fell completely silent, with the only sound being their rasping breaths and steps. Min-joon found himself holding his breath, straining to hear any further sounds.Suddenly, a hologr
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A Night
Dr. Kim Soo-yeon took a deep breath, her shoulders slumping. "All we can do now is try to survive," she said, her voice steady but filled with a somber resolve. "We could move around and see if there are any other survivors we can team up with. Increasing our numbers might increase our chances of survival."She looked at each of them, her eyes reflecting the harsh reality they faced. "But trusting people, given the way the world is now, will be a hard thing to do. Desperation makes people do unthinkable things. We have to be careful, but we can't lose hope." Hyun-soo suddenly gritted his teeth, out if nowhere he punched a shelf in frustration, the metal buckling under the force. The group watched in shock as the massive shelf, loaded with all sorts of equipment, crashed to the floor. His hand was bleeding, but he didn't seem to care."Calm down, Hyun-soo!" Jin-ho shouted, rushing over to him. "You're going to hurt yourself even more."Hyun-soo shook his head, flexing his injured hand
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Luck Or Coincidence
Min-joon rushed to wake everyone up, his voice echoing I'm the small space. "A massive spider is approaching! Get up, everyone!"Some of them looked at him with confusion. "What are you talking about?" Ji-woo asked, rubbing her eyes.But then a massive screech pierced the air, freezing everyone in place.Hyun-soo immediately jumped up. "Everyone, get up now!"Dr. Kim Soo-yeon fumbled in confusion, trying to gather her thoughts and belongings.Hyun-soo peeked through the crack in the barricade and saw the enormous spider coming closer. "We need to remove the barricade and get out of here," he ordered.Ji-woo hesitated. "Won't we be overwhelmed if we encounter any ghouls outside? Isn't staying here safer?"Hyun-soo shook his head. "Think about how strong small spiders are—how they can lift up to fifty times their own body weight. This thing is massive. It could easily tear through our barricade like it's made of paper. If we stay, we're sitting ducks. We need to move, now!"The system i
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Min-joon's mind raced, the system notifications flashing before his eyes while the surreal events unfolded around him. The silver-haired woman's calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the chaos they had just escaped."Who are you?" Hyun-soo repeated, his voice edged with suspicion.The woman lowered her hands, her yellow eyes scanning the group. "My name is Eun-ha. I'm part of a resistance group formed to combat the growing threats." Her gaze shifted to the ashes of the spider. "We've been tracking that mutated spider for days. You're lucky we found you when we did."Hyun-soo's grip on his knife tightened, but he didn't lower it. "Why should we trust you?"Eun-ha took a step forward, her expression serious. "Because we're all fighting the same battle. The world is overrun with these creatures, and surviving alone is getting harder every day. We've established a safe zone where we gather survivors and resources."Min-joon glanced at his companions, noting their varying expressions of ho
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