All Chapters of Revenge of The Secret Billionaire Student: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 chapters
Chapter 0011 Back To School
Unlike the previous days, Alex approached the school gate with a sense of confidence. He wasn’t scared; in fact, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction as he walked through it.As he entered, he noticed that no news of him being bullied or stabbed had spread around the school. The students who had witnessed the incident went about their day as if nothing had happened, mostly staring at him strangely. It was clear that they hadn’t expected him to be in such good shape.Alex smirked. “Such is life for the poor,” he thought, continuing his slow walk toward the school building. Each passing student eyed him with a mix of surprise and curiosity, but he remained unfazed.He knew that if the situation had involved a wealthier student, the school authorities and possibly even the police would have been involved by now. The student who had stabbed him would likely be facing expulsion. But with no money and no family to advocate for him, his case was easily ignored, especially with someone lik
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Chapter 0012 The New Girl In School
In the classroom, Alex had always chosen to sit at the back. It wasn’t that he couldn’t sit in the front or the middle, but the last time he did, he was severely mocked. Since then, he has relegated himself to the rear of the room.Today was different. Bolstered by his newfound confidence, Alex felt that even if he faced ridicule from now until next year, he would remain unfazed. So, he boldly chose a seat in the front row, directly across from where Janet and Noah sat.Previously, Alex had never participated actively in class. Not that he wasn’t capable—he was a bright student—but he feared that answering questions would only lead to more mockery. But today marked a turning point. He was ready to embrace boldness in every aspect of his school life. As soon as Professor Willson posed a question, Alex raised his hand.The room fell into surprised whispers. Alex sitting in the front row, raising his hand, was a new and shocking sight.“What’s up with him? He’s acting so strangely since
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Chapter 0013 Anastasia Spoke To Alex 
Hearing Anastasia’s words, Noah’s smirk widened. “I always suspected there was something off about her when she defended the so-called good-for-nothing. Hahaha!” he laughed maniacally, clearly amused by the turn of events.“And what if he loses?” His smirk remained as persistent as ever.Alex immediately grasped Noah’s game and sought to give Anastasia an out. “Anastasia, you don’t have to—”Before Alex could finish, Anastasia cut him off, her voice resolute but strained. “Fine! If he loses, then I’ll date you, and he’ll never have to see me again.”The stakes seemed absurd to Alex, but he was confident in his abilities. Still, he stole a glance at Janet.Janet’s face showed clear shock. Despite her relationship with Noah, she was visibly taken aback by his audacity to challenge Alex and potentially date someone else. Her expression shifted quickly from disbelief to a forced smile. “Yes, Noah, if he loses, you can date her. I’m sure the good-for-nothing won’t stand a chance against yo
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Chapter 0014 Closing Hour
It was closing time, and Noah was the first to slam his palm onto Alex’s desk. A bizarre, almost triumphant smirk spread across his face. “I’ll be waiting for you at the same place where you got beaten to a pulp last time.”Alex’s response was a calm smirk of his own. He didn’t rise to Noah’s taunt. Inside, he felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing it was time for Noah to face a serious lesson.“Shall we?” Anastasia said to Alex, her voice filled with resolve. They walked out of the classroom hand-in-hand, their unity evident. As they exited the school grounds, they saw Noah waiting for them, his posture radiating arrogance.Noah’s followers were strategically placed, blocking Alex’s path as he approached. Alex could see his prediction unfolding; as he walked past one of Noah’s followers, they moved to block him, pushing him forward, effectively sealing off any chance of escape.“But who’s trying to escape?” Alex thought to himself. He wasn’t scared; instead, he felt a thrill of antici
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Chapter 0015 The News of Noah’s Defeat
The news of Noah being beaten by the so-called "good-for-nothing" spread like wildfire through the school in seconds. By the next day, it was still the hot topic, with everyone shifting from looking down on Alex to admiring him as if he were a martial arts expert.In the hallway, Alex was organizing his belongings in his locker when he noticed Anastasia approaching the locker next to his. Surprised, as the locker next to his had always been empty due to its proximity and because no one wanted to share their locker with him, he asked,“Why are you…?”He hadn't finished his sentence before Anastasia interrupted him. “Since we’re now boyfriend and girlfriend, I thought it would be okay to use the locker next to you. It’s not like it’s taken anyway.”At her words, Alex looked confused. “We’re now boyfriend and girlfriend?”“Don’t be silly, Alex. We made a deal with Noah, remember? If you beat him, I’m yours. And yes, you won the fight, so here I am,” Anastasia said.It’s not that Alex did
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Chapter 0016 Alex called The Higher Authority 
Just as Alex walked out of the dean’s office, he stood at the door as he closed the door behind him to hear the conversation that would ensue between Noah and the dean just before he left completely. While he did this, he heard the dean apologize to Noah and say that this would not happen again. In his words, “Mr. Noah, we are sorry you have to go through this. We promise to rusticate every student who appears to treat you like this again. Please keep the news of this incident away from your parents. We will make it up to you, like we always do. A’s in all your courses this semester.” As Alex heard this, he smirked gently. Not only was it unfair that Noah was protected despite all the things he has done wrong in the school, he was given A’s in all courses deliberately because his parents were rich and they contributed to the school's development. Right in his mind, Alex promised himself to do something about this, and this was going to be the last time Noah received such favoritism
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Chapter 0017 Dean Marcus Email
As Ava listened to her boss's final order, a slow smile crept across her face. She could easily connect the dots, understanding why Alex wanted the Dean of Students fired and why he intended to sever the school's ties with the St. Patrick Digital Company. But Ava knew better than to voice her thoughts. Instead, she responded with calm professionalism, “I’ll make the call right away, sir.” With that, Alex ended the call.No sooner had the call ended than Ava dialed the Vice Chancellor’s number. Her voice with confidence as she relayed the offer and the stipulations attached.The Vice Chancellor, who had always prided himself on seizing opportunities, knew immediately that this was one he couldn’t afford to miss. The thought of the college flourishing, perhaps more than it ever had before, filled him with both excitement and trepidation. He didn’t hesitate for long. With a nervous gulp and a humble tone, he accepted the offer and the clause, instructing the school registrar to send a ter
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Chapter 0018 Read The Apology Letter
The next morning, breaking news blared across TV screens and social media outlets: a recorded video of the Vice Chancellor of Auguston Comprehensive College delivering an apology. Alex watched on his phone, a satisfied grin spreading across his face.“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I stand before you to address a matter of utmost importance. As Vice Chancellor of Auguston Comprehensive College, it is my duty to ensure that every student is treated with fairness, respect, and dignity. Unfortunately, in the case of a particular student, Alex Carter, we failed to meet these standards.”“Recent events have exposed a series of misunderstandings and errors that led to the unjust expulsion of Mr. Carter. After a thorough investigation, it is evident that the actions taken against him were not only unwarranted but also deeply regrettable.”“On behalf of the school administration and the entire Auguston Comprehensive College community, I extend my sincerest apologies to Alex Carter
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Chapter 0019 The Car Gift
Alex listened to the whispers circulating around him, a determined glint in his eyes. He wasn’t about to let them go unchallenged.Anastasia, on the other hand, heard the murmurs but remained unruffled. Material wealth meant little to her; she had plenty of it. What truly mattered was the genuine affection and potential she saw in Alex. That was worth more than any amount of money.Standing proudly before the crowd, Alex rose from his kneeling position and embraced Anastasia. With a confident smile, he declared:“I know you’re a Stewart, Anastasia, but I have a special gift for you—a car. It will be delivered by closing time today.”Anastasia’s eyes widened in surprise. She couldn’t believe Alex could afford such a gift. To her,
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Chapter 0020 Take Alex Home
The evening of the second day arrived with an air of anticipation. Anastasia was eager to introduce Alex to her family. To her, relationships weren’t casual; they were a path to marriage. If she was serious about someone, her family had to know him.When she told Alex about her intentions, his initial reaction was reluctance. It wasn’t that he didn’t see a future with her—he did, deeply—but he was all too aware of the Stewarts’ status. They would want more for their daughter than what he appeared to offer. The weight of his secret identity pressed on him, but he felt an inexplicable need to keep it hidden for now.Yet, his love for Anastasia was stronger than his reservations. “I’ll go with you,” he finally said, the words carrying a mixture of resolve and unease.When Anastasia heard his agreement, she lit up with joy. Later that night, they arrived at the Stewart Mansion, a grand edifice that exuded wealth and power. As they walked into the grand dining hall, Anastasia noticed that
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