All Chapters of Revenge of The Secret Billionaire Student: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 chapters
Chapter 0021 Alex Overheard Their Plan on The Vacant Position 
“No!” Anastasia's voice cut through the tension like a knife.“I will not break up with Alex. I love him, and I know he loves me too.” Her tone was firm, and she locked eyes with Nancy, unflinching.Nancy's face twisted with rage. “How dare you disobey my orders?” she roared.A heavy silence fell over the room. Everyone’s faces were etched with fear, anticipating Nancy’s next move. But Alex remained calm, his expression unchanged. He knew what was coming. Nancy was about to punish Anastasia for standing by him, and he was determined to make it right. Despite what she was about to lose, he was eager to show her that choosing him wasn’t a mistake.“All your shares in the Stewart Empire are hereby seized. You will no longer receive dividends until you break up with this worthless man.” Nancy’s words hit like a sledgehammer.Nancy expected Anastasia to crumble, to beg for forgiveness. But instead, “If that’s what you want, so be it!” Anastasia’s voice was steady as she gripped Alex's ha
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Chapter 0022 Nancy Reaction.
Receiving this order from Alex, Ava obeyed immediately.The following morning, Nancy Stewart was jolted awake by a faint, persistent knocking on her bedroom door. Her secretary entered, holding a ringing cellphone.“Ma’am, you have a call.”Nancy’s irritation was evident. “Who’s calling at this early hour? Let it ring. The call can wait.” She turned to go back to sleep, but the secretary persisted.“Ma’am, it’s from the Sebastian Southlake Corporation.”Nancy’s eyes snapped open. The Sebastian Southlake Corporation had never reached out to her first. She was always the one initiating contact, often enduring a series of frustrating follow-ups to get a response. To receive a call from them at such an early hour was both unusual and alarming.Curiosity overpowered her annoyance. She leaped out of bed, grabbed the cellphone from her secretary, and said, “Hello, Nancy Stewart speaking.”“Mrs. Stewart, this is to inform you that the president of Sebastian Southlake Corporation has directed
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Chapter 0023 Harry At The Hospital 
While 911 had been called, the paramedics arrived promptly, lifting Harry onto their stretcher and rushing him to the hospital.With Harry taken care of, the general manager wasted no time in taking charge of the board meeting. The meeting had to continue, despite the C.E.O’s sudden hospitalization.“Although the C.E.O has been rushed to the hospital, we all know we cannot adjourn this meeting,” the general manager began, his tone firm and resolute. “Stewart Empire must still compete for the project manager position at Sebastian Southlake Corporation. Therefore, we will be sending the project manager of St. Patrick Digital Company to apply for this role.”The board members nodded in agreement, signaling their unanimous support for the general manager’s decision.***The next day, at Sebastian Southlake Corporation, representatives from St. Patrick Digital Company and Stewart Empire sat in the reception area, awaiting their interviews. They were not alone—other representatives from vari
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Chapter 0024 The Interview With The Stewart
Daniel chuckled, but the sound felt hollow, forced. He stepped aside, letting them pass to claim their seats, masking the growing tension beneath his calm demeanor.As he was about to lower himself into his seat, a well-dressed man in a sharp suit appeared from the elevator. His voice rang out, cutting through the air, “Mr. Daniel Stewart, please come in.”Daniel froze for a second, glancing over at Anastasia with a smirk that barely concealed his arrogance. Straightening his suit, he stood tall, radiating the confidence of a man who believed his name alone could open any door. With another smirk, he strode towards the office.As he entered, the first thing Daniel noticed was that the man who’d summoned him wasn’t the one doing the interview. Instead, sitting behind the desk was a different man—older, with glasses perched on the edge of his nose and dressed in a dull gray suit. He barely acknowledged Daniel’s presence, engrossed in whatever he was typing on his computer. Not even a gl
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Chapter 0025 The Interview with Anastasia
As Anastasia stepped into the office and settled into her chair, she felt a wave of nervous anticipation wash over her. The interviewer, still focused on his computer screen, hadn’t even acknowledged her presence yet. His silence was unnerving. Without a glance, he stretched out his hand across the desk and said coldly,“Your CV, ma’am?”She quickly handed it over, her heart pounding as his fingers brushed the paper. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, as his eyes landed on her name, something shifted. His indifferent expression faltered, replaced by a spark of recognition.He had received explicit instructions from the vice president herself: reject any applicant from the Stewart Empire, except for one—Anastasia Stewart.Realizing who was
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Chapter 0026 Nancy Advice.
Arriving at the Stewart Mansion, Anastasia felt a strange hollowness in the air. It was unsettling—too quiet for a place that was usually buzzing with life. She realized, with a sinking feeling, that it was just her and Nancy. No one else from the family was around, only the housekeepers and the ever-watchful secretary. Not even her cousin, Daniel, was in sight. She sighed softly, her fingers brushing the cool surface of the dining table as she sat down to wait for Nancy to appear.The announcement of her arrival must have reached Nancy by now. Anastasia imagined her grandmother getting ready upstairs, mentally preparing for what was sure to be another heated conversation about Alex. With a heavy heart, she gazed at the rich surroundings and the elegance that had shaped her childhood. But today, it all felt distant.Upstairs, Nancy was indeed prepared, both physically and mentally. Her wrinkled hands moved methodically as she put on her jewelry, each piece symbolizing years of hard-ea
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Chapter 0027 Nancy To GreenTree City 
Nancy arrived in a sleek convoy of black cars in Greentree, a smaller but lively city just south of Southlake. Despite its size, Greentree buzzed with energy, its streets filled with companies eager to make strategic partnerships.After the abrupt end of her partnership with the Sebastian Southlake Corporation, Nancy saw potential in Nexera Industries. Nexera wasn’t as big as the Stewart Empire, but Nancy hoped a deal with them could keep her business afloat until Anastasia would do her bidding.“Welcome, Mrs. Stewart,” Mrs. Coker Nexera greeted warmly, bowing slightly at the entrance of her elegant villa.Mrs. Nexera’s genuine smile radiated warmth and respect. “Please, come in,” she said, guiding Nancy into the opulent sitting room.Once seated, Nancy crossed her legs with the poise of a seasoned matriarch. She accepted a cup of coffee, savoring its rich aroma. Mrs. Nexera, still smiling, took a deep breath, clearly eager to impress.“I’m interested in forming a partnership with Nexe
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Chapter 0028 Alex Overheard  
 “How can you hate me so much when you’ve never even met me?” Jackson’s voice rose, a mix of frustration and desperation in his tone. “I told you I love you, and even your grandmother wants us to be together, to eventually get married.”His words were forceful, more like a command than a confession. It was as if he believed he could make Anastasia bend to his will with sheer determination.Nancy, who was watching from nearby, frowned deeply. She knew this wasn’t the right way to approach a woman, but she felt powerless to stop Jackson. She desperately wanted Anastasia to date Jackson, even if it meant pushing her into it.“Leave me alone!” Anastasia shouted, her voice shaking with anger and fear. But Jackson didn’t back down. Instead, he grabbe
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Chapter 0029 Jackson Advance Move. 
Upon reaching Greentree City and stepping into his home, Jackson was still reeling from the humiliation he had suffered in Southlake City.“She dared to ask me to leave her home.” He fumed, the thought of it still lingering like a ghost. He sank into the leather chair in his home office, his hands cradling his face as he brooded over how to elevate his status.“If I can just improve my status, she’ll have no choice but to notice me and leave that bastard behind.” A fleeting smirk crossed his face but vanished just as quickly.In a fit of determination, he flipped open his laptop and began researching Echelon Enterprises.Much like Sebastian Southlake Corporation’s dominance in Southlake City, Echelon Enterprises was a key player in Greentree City. However, Sebastian Southlake Corporation still held a larger market share. Jackson reasoned that landing a role at Echelon Enterprises, independent of his family’s influence, could pave the way for his entry into Sebastian Southlake Corporat
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Chapter 0030 The Father Called 
Arriving home, Jackson’s mind was a storm. The interviewer’s cryptic words replayed in his head, like a song stuck on a broken loop. He hadn’t done anything wrong—or at least, he couldn’t think of anything. But the unsettling feeling wouldn’t leave him.“Could Anastasia be behind this?” The thought hit him out of nowhere, sending a sharp pang through his chest.“No,” he shook his head, as if to push the idea away. “That’s impossible. Her grandmother wanted us married. She wouldn’t—couldn’t—do something like this.”Yet, his chest tightened as doubt gnawed at him. He began pacing the room, each step quicker than the last.His mind spiraled. He replayed every interaction fr
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