All Chapters of Revenge of The Secret Billionaire Student: Chapter 31 - Chapter 35
35 chapters
Chapter 0031 All Words At Alex 
“Oh, there he is,” a man in a sharp suit approached the table, and Emmanuella stood up, smiling as she gave him a warm hug.The way Emmanuella spoke, smiled, and embraced him made it obvious—no words were needed. This man was clearly her boyfriend.As he reached the table, he greeted everyone with a casual “hello,” and settled into the seat right beside her.There were ten people gathered around the table, each sitting next to their significant other, enjoying the food, drinks, and the atmosphere—until Juliet spoke up. “Why don’t we all introduce our partners and share what they do for a living?”That’s when Anastasia saw right through Juliet’s intentions. Ever since they were kids, Juliet had always flaunted her status like a crown.Anyone beneath her was treated like dirt, and she made sure they knew their place. “A Lannister never mingles with the riff-raff,” she used to say, referencing her favorite show.The moment she asked for introductions, Anastasia could already tell what sh
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Chapter 0032 Anastasia Received a Call
Hearing Anastasia’s words, Juliet shot up from her seat. There was no way she was going to stand by while Anastasia disrespected her man. If Anastasia wanted to play dirty, she was ready to take it a step further.“Oh, so you think your family’s all pure and perfect? Why don’t you tell everyone how Grandma and Grandpa built the Stewart Empire? They didn’t do it by hard work; they did it by stealing—siphoning funds, to be exact!” Juliet’s voice was sharp, echoing through the room as the bombshell hit.Everyone froze, their shock evident. Emmanuella’s eyes widened, and even Anastasia, who was rarely caught off guard, stood still as if she had been slapped in the face. Her heart raced as she processed what she had just heard. Her entire life, she had believed in the integrity of the Stewart family. Her grandparents, especially, were always seen as hardworking, respected figures. The idea that they stole money?“Liar!” Anastasia’s voice cracked with anger, her fists clenched. “You’ll say
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Chapter 0033 Alex Show off They Say
Anastasia took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as she tried to calm herself. After a moment, she finally returned to the table.But as soon as she sat down, she could tell things had gone from bad to worse. Alex was standing now, and everyone, except Emmanuella, was throwing cruel comments at him.Even though Emmanuella wasn’t joining in, the sadness in her eyes as she watched Alex made Anastasia's heart twist. Something was terribly wrong."Alex, what’s happening?" she asked, gently placing her hand on his shoulder.Before Alex could respond, Juliet, always the loudest in the room, jumped in with her mocking tone."Your little boyfriend here’s been showing off since you left," Juliet sneered. "He said he’d throw you the most lavish wedding after graduation. You guys are graduating next week, right? So, what’s his plan? Sell his father’s apartment?"Juliet’s laughter rang through the air, cold and cutting. Michael, ever her partner in cruelty, laughed right along with her.
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Chapter 0034 Jackson Wanted To Teach Alex A Lesson 
While Juliet and Michael were wrapped up in each other, exchanging kisses, Anastasia knew it was time for her to leave with Alex. Her heart felt heavy, weighed down by everything that had happened.But before she could go, she leaned in close to Emmanuella, whispering something into her ear. Emmanuella responded just as softly, sharing a moment that no one else could overhear. As curious as everyone might have been, no one knew what they said.Since Alex and Anastasia had driven Emmanuella to the gathering, she wasn’t ready to leave yet. Her boyfriend had arrived, and he would be the one taking her home.Now, it was just Alex and Anastasia in the car, and the silence between them felt thick with unspoken thoughts. Anastasia’s pulse quickened as she struggled to find the right words. Finally, after what felt like forever, she spoke.“Alex, why did you agree to that bet?” Her voice trembled, betraying the vulnerability she tried so hard to hide. “It was a trap—to break us up—and you wal
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Chapter 0035 The Family Meeting
When Anastasia got home, her mind was racing, but she knew what had to be done. She picked up her phone and dialed her grandma. “Ma, please call a family meeting about what you told me earlier,” she said firmly, her voice holding an undercurrent of tension.“Are you ready to accept our terms?” Nancy asked coldly. Anastasia’s silence on the other end of the line was all the answer she could give.***Not long after Anastasia hung up, Nancy wasted no time. She called Anastasia’s parents, relaying the news with brisk efficiency.Just as quickly, Nancy called Anastasia’s cousins, her uncle, and her aunts, and within the hour, the Stewart Mansion was filled with family members, the tension so thick it felt like you could cut it with a knife.They all gathered around the dining table, wine glasses placed before them as they exchanged puzzled glances, wondering what this sudden meeting was about.Anastasia stood, her face void of any warmth, her usual bright smile replaced with a somber expr
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