All Chapters of WAR GOD'S REVENGE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 chapters
Nobody Talks Like That About My Future Wife!
“What did you just say?!” Scott snapped, his voice rising sharply.“Didn’t hear me? Fine, I’ll say it again,” the man replied coolly as he climbed the stairs. “The woman with you—I know exactly who she is. The Grandier family sold her off to a brothel. A whore like her has no place in a five-star restaurant like this!”Scott’s face reddened as he clenched his fists, ready to charge, but Luisa suddenly grabbed his hand tightly. Scott turned and saw tears welling up in her eyes.“Don’t, Scott,” Luisa whispered, a tear slipping from her left eye.“But Luisa, he’s insulting you,” Scott protested.Luisa squeezed his hand harder and shook her head, tears now streaming from both eyes.Scott took a deep breath, his chest tightening as he watched Luisa hold back her pain.“Why are you still standing there? Get lost! I’m disgusted just looking at a whore like you. You should throw yourself in a gutter. At least the stench of the brothel clinging to you might get masked by the sewer!” the man sne
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Broke Down In Tears
Lombard shoved Kim with his foot, sending the restaurant manager tumbling down the stairs. Then, he locked his eyes on Jose.Jose took a step back, gasping. The look in Lombard's eyes was filled with simmering rage. He could feel the danger closing in on him.“Beat this guy down! Make him kneel and beg forgiveness from Mr. Scott!” Lombard ordered, pointing at Jose.In an instant, his bodyguards rushed down the stairs, some even leaping from the steps.“Jose, what's happening? How did it come to this? What do we do now?” Rose asked in a panic, gripping Jose’s arm tightly.Jose didn’t answer. He was clueless himself. This was the first time he found himself surrounded by people ready to gang up on him.As Lombard's men drew closer, Rose finally released her hold, stepping back slightly from Jose.Thud! Thud! Thud!“Argh...”Lombard’s men started pummeling Jose, knocking him off balance and sending him crashing to the ground. But it didn’t stop there. The other bodyguards kicked him merc
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Interesting Offer
Scott and Luisa entered the main room of The Silver Crescent. It didn’t take long for them to find the table occupied by Lisa’s family.Seeing Scott accompanying Luisa, Lisa and her family glared at him with irritation, but they quickly shifted their focus back to Luisa.“Glad you finally here, Luisa. We’ve been waiting for you. Please, have a seat,” said Daniel, forcing a smile.Scott pulled out a chair for Luisa. The people at the table continued to act as if Scott wasn’t there.“You look quite different, Luisa. In that beautiful dress, you truly look like a princess,” Daniel continued.Luisa nodded, a shy smile on her face. She wasn’t used to such compliments, especially from someone like Daniel who had belittled her for so long.Scott noticed Luisa’s discomfort. He could sense something was off.“Why did you bring him with you, Luisa? I thought you’d come alone,” Lisa snapped.“Lisa, watch your tone!” Daniel reprimanded.He then turned his attention back to Luisa, saying, “But I’m
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Disappointment and Frustration
As Scott returned to the table where Daniel and his family were seated, the other diners in the restaurant couldn’t help but stare, their gazes filled with curiosity."Did you hear what he just said? Who is this guy, really? Is he actually that wealthy?""He looks the part, sure. But if he’s really some big-shot tycoon, wouldn’t we know who he is? At the very least, we should’ve seen him around.""As far as I know, there are only four top-tier families in this city: the Winterbournes, the Beaumonts, the Valderhelms, and the Ravenwoods. I doubt this guy belongs to any of them.""Or maybe he's from one of the richest families in another city? Like the capital?"These were just some of the whispers that filled the room. Scott heard them all but paid them no mind. Status and recognition from these people meant nothing to him. He kept walking forward. Reaching Luisa’s fallen chair, he bent down to set it upright."Scott, what are you doing? Why did you throw away that jewelry set?" Luisa
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False Accusation
The attention of everyone in the restaurant turned back to the table occupied by Daniel's family.Luisa froze, staring at Scott and the waitress with wide eyes. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.Daniel and his family looked confused. Unlike Luisa, however, they stared at Scott with judgmental eyes."What did you say?" Scott asked after wiping the leftover wine off his face with a napkin."Don't play dumb, you motherfucker! A month ago, you took me to a hotel and slept with me when I was drunk. Then you just left, leaving a bit of money for me. Do you think I'm some kind of prostitute?!" the waitress accused angrily.Scott looked at her in bewilderment. He had no idea who this woman was. He had never met her before, so how could he have done what she claimed?"Are you sure you have the right person?" Scott asked, annoyed."The right person? You're a real piece of work! You just wanted to enjoy my body, didn't you? Now you're trying to weasel out of it when I demand you take
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You're Fired!
Realizing that the person before her was the new owner of the restaurant where she worked, Agnes, the director of The Silver Crescent, was about to bow respectfully to Scott. However, Scott quickly signaled for her not to do that.Agnes furrowed her brow and looked at Scott, confused, but then she gave a slight nod. She understood—there were important people who didn't want their identities revealed. Scott was clearly one of them."Don't listen to him! He's my ex-fiancé, and I know exactly what he's like. He’s a jerk. This poor waitress is just one of his many victims," Lisa said.Agnes shot Lisa a disdainful look. How dare she call her new boss a jerk! Should she shove a stack of tissues into Lisa's mouth?For now, Agnes chose to hold back. After all, she didn’t yet know what kind of person her new boss was. It was possible that he disliked employees who couldn’t maintain their professionalism.At this point, she noticed that Scott's suit and shirt were slightly damp and stained red.
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Revenge Plan
The two security guards nodded, doing as Agnes had instructed.Jasmine struggled and hurled the vilest curses at Lisa as the guards dragged her away roughly.Lisa glared back at her with hatred. Her chest was heaving, and her hair was disheveled.“Now, I hope there won’t be any more disturbances at this table. If there’s another incident, I’ll have to ask you and the others to leave,” Agnes said, giving Lisa a cold stare.Lisa stared back at Agnes, panting. If there had been a mirror in front of her, she would have seen how terrible she looked.Agnes glanced at Scott, looking for a signal from her new boss. Scott nodded. Agnes understood it as appreciation for handling the recent trouble. She turned around and went back to her office.After Agnes left, the atmosphere at the table was awkward.Lisa slowly sat down, trying to fix her hair as best as she could. Daniel lowered his head, rubbing his temples.They were all trapped in an uncomfortable silence. Meanwhile, Scott continued to e
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55 Million Dollars Wedding Dress
"I'm busy tonight. Let's talk tomorrow. Meet me at Crystal Belle Bridal around 1 PM."[Understood, General.]Scott ended the call and placed his phone on the car's dashboard."What is it, Scott? Is there a problem?" Luisa asked, looking at Scott with concern."Nothing," Scott said, shaking his head with a smile."You sure?""Yeah."Luisa eyed Scott suspiciously. He smiled again and turned his gaze back to the road. In his mind, he tried to guess what sensitive information Zach would share tomorrow.There were many people he had killed while avenging his grandfather's death. Among them, some had families or relatives whom Scott hadn't eliminated for one reason or another.Scott suspected the sensitive information Zach mentioned was related to one of those people.And of course, Luisa shouldn’t know anything about this. Scott had to keep everything related to his past away from her....The next day, just after lunchtime...Scott and Luisa had just arrived at Crystal Belle Bridal, one o
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Insolent Soldier
Matt tumbled backward, blood streaming from his nose.Ursula screamed hysterically. Luisa and the store clerk gasped, covering their mouths with their hands."How dare you call my fiancée a 'whore'! Say it again, and I'll rip your tongue out!" Scott threatened.Matt gasped. For some reason, Scott seemed terrifying right now, even appearing larger than life."Matt, are you okay?"Ursula rushed to Matt, squatting down to give him a handkerchief, instructing him to press it against his nose.Then she glared at Scott with rage, saying, "Do you know who you just punched, huh?! He's the son of an active military general!"Hearing Ursula mention his father, Matt shook off his earlier sense of inferiority. He wiped the blood from his nose and mouth with the handkerchief and said,"Yeah, my father is a high-ranking, strategic military general. I'll call him and have his men come here to teach you a lesson. You're dead, son-of-a-bitch!"Scott remained silent, staring at Matt without blinking. U
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Abort The Mission!
As the commander of the strongest battalion in Mildenbrough, Zach was both feared and respected by the high-ranking military officers in the city’s other battalions, including Teddy Buckmann.Rumors abounded that Zach was a strict and unwavering leader, known for his ruthless treatment of those who crossed him.Teddy Buckmann wasn’t about to risk his flourishing military career. In moments like these, he needed to be clever. Refusing Zach’s demands was not an option.“Understood, Lieutenant General Zach. I’ll cancel the credit card my son uses. I’ll also block his access to my wealth. Hopefully, this will earn your forgiveness for my earlier insolence,” Teddy said.[Good. Do it now.]“Yes, sir.”Zach ended the call and tossed the phone back to its owner.Matt leaned forward slightly to retrieve his phone, disappointment etched on his face as he missed the chance to ask his father what had transpired. He now stared at Zach with apprehension.“What else do you have to boast about, you b
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