All Chapters of WAR GOD'S REVENGE: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 chapters
Do Whatever You Want! I'm Not Afraid!
"You've crossed the line, Scott! This barbaric behavior is unacceptable! Get on your knees and apologize to Lisa right now!" James demanded.Scott glared at him and said, "Or what? Didn’t you learn anything after I broke your fingers yesterday? Do I need to break the rest of them too?”James flinched, the memory of yesterday's humiliating incident flashing through his mind. His eyes reflexively darted to his bandaged left hand.How foolish he had been. If Scott had overpowered him so easily yesterday, there was no doubt he could do it again. There would be no chance of defeating Scott in a physical fight.But James wasn’t ready to give up. His mind raced, and an idea suddenly formed."If you don't kneel and apologize to Lisa, I'll talk to Quint Winterbourne and ask him to lend me his bodyguards. They’ll surely beat you to a pulp! I'll have them gang up on you until you're barely alive!" James threatened.“You’re finished, Scott. Quint’s bodyguards are notorious for their brutality. So
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Which Hand Should I Cut Off First?
Luisa gasped again, stepping back in shock at Quint’s words. Fortunately, Scott was right behind her and caught her, his eyes locked onto Quint’s. “Get lost, or you'll regret it.” The people in the room were once again stunned. Earlier, they thought Scott was being disrespectful to Quint because he didn’t know who he was dealing with. But just now, when Scott should’ve realized exactly who Quint was, he behaved even more audaciously. Was Scott intentionally trying to provoke Quint? Didn’t he know just how ruthless Quint could be toward those he despised? Quint, for his part, was squinting at Scott with his chin raised. Then, a moment later, he laughed. “You’re quite amusing, Scott. Has no one ever told you that you’ve got an inflated sense of self-worth?” said Quint moments later. Scott remained silent. “Let me make something crystal clear so you understand your position here, Scott. “My father, Briton Winterbourne, the wealthiest men in this city, has long maintained a
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Froze In Shock
Everyone in the room, including Luisa, was stunned by what Scott had just done. How could he be this reckless? Didn’t he know by now that Quint was the son of the richest businessman in Mildenbrough? “Hey, you! Do you even realize what you’re doing? Drop that knife and let Quint go!” shouted the Beaumont family representative, his voice booming. “Are you insane? Let Quint go now or I’m calling the police!” the Vanderhelm family representative chimed in. Among all the top-tier families attending the auction, only the Ravenwood family’s representative didn’t pressure Scott to release Quint. In fact, a beautiful woman in their entourage seemed amused. Lisa, on the other hand, had been riding a wave of anxious thoughts since just a moment ago, when a gust of wind made her feel at ease for a brief second. Now, that unease was back, gnawing at her. What if Scott really did cut off Quint’s hand like he threatened? That would surely infuriate the Winterbourne family, right? And wouldn’
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Stop This Madness Now!
Scott glanced at the woman. She was with the Ravenwood family.Briton also turned to her, but his glare was full of rage.“This gentleman is innocent, Mr. Briton. Quint started this mess. He demanded the woman with this gentleman sleep with him. That alone is outrageous. No wonder this gentleman got angry,” the blonde woman said.Scott narrowed his eyes, a faint smile appearing on his face. He hadn’t expected anyone in the room to defend him and Luisa.Bang!Suddenly, Briton fired a shot into the air. The blonde woman flinched.“Stay out of my business, you little brat! If you stand up for the scum who cut off Quint’s hand, I’ll have my guards deal with you too!” Briton threatened.Francesca Ravenwood, the blonde woman, froze and took a step back. Was this really what Briton Winterbourne was like when enraged—ignoring anyone who dared speak and ready to crush anyone standing in his way? John Ravenwood, her father, rushed forward with a panicked expression. Standing beside Francesca,
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The Disqualification of Winterbourne Group
Seeing Steve enter the room with a furious expression, Briton wasn’t worried—in fact, he smiled. He assumed Steve was on his side. After all, Winterbourne Group had maintained a strong partnership with Dominion Group for years, and Briton was certain that relationship still held strong. “What’s going on here? How could an auction that’s supposed to be classy and elegant turn into such a mess? Why is there a table flipped over? And what was that sound I heard earlier? A gunshot?” Steve demanded as he walked toward the crowd. The guests quickly made way for Steve. Even though he wasn’t from one of the wealthiest families in Mildenbrough, his position as CEO of Dominion Group commanded respect and fear from everyone in the city. Even the most powerful families in Mildenbrough wouldn’t dare cross him. The only exception was Briton. As the richest man in Mildenbrough, Briton never saw himself as beneath Steve. The only person he considered his equal was Dominion Group’s Chairman. “
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Great Humiliation
Scott turned to her and said, "If the CEO of Dominion Group says so, then he must be here with us." Luisa covered her mouth with one hand, her eyes widening. "I... I’m embarrassed, Scott. That means he saw how people ridiculed and insulted me earlier," she said. Scott gave her a soft smile, his gaze warm and reassuring. "Don’t worry about that," he said. "Whatever those fools said about you, it doesn’t lessen your value in the eyes of the new chairman of Dominion Group. Trust me, okay?" Luisa nodded, still feeling unsure but choosing to believe Scott. After all, everything he had said so far had been spot on, including the prediction that Winterbourne Group would lose the bid for Dominion Group’s prestigious project. With Scott by her side, standing up for her like this, Luisa found herself feeling safe. While Luisa was calming down, Briton was growing increasingly anxious. After hearing Steve confirm that the new chairman of Dominion Group was indeed in the room, his eyes
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Total Failure
Lisa was one of the curious ones. Threatened by the possibility of losing out on projects from James, she began considering an alternative approach: getting close to this new project director. Maybe she could use her seductive body to sway him/her in her favor.At this point, Steve locked eyes with Luisa and gave a single nod, a clear signal for her to step up to the podium.Luisa was stunned. She never expected the CEO to give her such an honorable spotlight. Was this normal? And wasn’t she still in the dark about who had won the Dominion Group’s project tender?“Go on, step up,” Scott urged gently, giving her a light push on the back.With hesitant steps, Luisa moved forward, her head still lowered, unsure of what she was supposed to say.Nearly everyone in the room, including Lisa, stared at her in shock. Then, almost by instinct, Lisa cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted:"Hey, you slut! Know your place and get out of here! You belong in some filthy brothel, not here!"Li
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I'm Just Protecting My Wife
Instantly, Francesca screamed in excitement, jumping up and down. She hugged John beside her, and the Ravenwood representatives were moved by their victory.Applause filled the room as representatives from other families offered their congratulations, though not all did so sincerely. Some, like the Beaumont and Vanderhelm families, shot hateful glances, unwilling to accept that Dominion Group’s tender had been won by the Ravenwoods.“Would the representatives of the Ravenwood family please come forward to accept our project tender symbolically?” Luisa said.Francesca took a deep breath, exhaling through her mouth as she tried to calm her overwhelming excitement. Moments later, she walked up to the podium, accompanied by resounding applause. A wide smile lit up her face. She could hardly wait to collaborate with Dominion Group’s top executives.On the podium, with a beaming face, Francesca expressed her gratitude for Ravenwood Group being chosen as the winning bidder for the Dominion G
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Would You Be My Wife?
“Let’s go, darling. We’re heading home,” Scott said, taking Luisa's hand and guiding her out, flashing a triumphant smile at Bobby and Jerry. Bobby and Jerry glared at Scott with hatred, their faces turning red. Scott ignored their reactions and continued guiding Luisa until they reached the elevator. They were alone now in the elevator that moved downward. Moments of silence passed before Luisa asked, "Scott, about what you said earlier... that I’m your wife..." "I just said that to make them stop badgering you. You don't like that?" Scott looked at Luisa carefully and asked. Luisa immediately turned her face away, shaking her head. Her cheeks were flushed. "No. It's not like that," she said. "It's just... a bit shocking for me. " Luisa explained. Scott smiled softly, gazing at Luisa gently, and said, "Then would you be my wife, Luisa?" Luisa choked, though she wasn’t drinking or eating anything. She turned to Scott, looking bewildered. "You’re asking me... to be your
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Cunning Plan
Daniel explained to his mother, Linda, about Luisa, who was now, surprisingly, a project director at Dominion Group.He also shared Jacob's suspicion that Luisa might have a special relationship with Dominion Group’s new chairman.Daniel presented everything calmly and clearly, hoping his mother would understand.[So, the daughter you sold off to a brothel a few months ago is now working at Dominion Group in a strategic position, and she’s got a special relationship with the chairman?]“That’s right, Mom. And I’m convinced that if we can make this happen, the financial benefits to Grandier Corp. won’t just be in the billions but in the hundreds of trillions. I think we need to make it happen, Mom.”A brief silence followed. Daniel glanced at Jacob, who looked at him with a serious expression.[Okay. Then make it happen. The impact on our family business would be tremendous if we could establish a continuous partnership with Dominion Group. I’ll even increase the profit-sharing percent
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