All Chapters of WAR GOD'S REVENGE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 chapters
Clean Up The Mess!
“What the hell are you waiting for, you bastards?! Shoot this phony soldier now!” Matt shouted, hoping he could incite the soldiers his father had sent.“Captain, your orders?!” the soldier next to Ernest demanded.Ernest and Zach had been locked in a stare for nearly a minute. He knew he had to make a decision now.“Lower your weapons! We’re leaving!” Ernest finally commanded.The soldier next to him and the others looked shocked, but they obeyed Ernest without question.Without another word, Ernest turned on his heel and left the room. The other soldiers followed him.Matt stood there, dumbfounded, unable to believe that his father’s men had just ignored him. This was the first time one of his commands had been disobeyed, and it left him shaken.“Y-y-you...” he stammered.He was so shaken that it was all he could manage to say.“So, what now? Got any more tricks up your sleeve?” Zach mocked, flashing Matt a condescending smile.Matt stared at Zach, his mouth open and his hands tremb
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Something Suspicious
Scott had completed the purchase of the $55 million wedding dress. Now, he was sitting on the sofa in the room, waiting for Luisa, who was trying on the wedding dress. If the fit was slightly off, the boutique staffs would take care of it.There were no issues with the purchase process itself, but the behavior of the saleswoman made him frown.Earlier, several times, the ponytailed woman seemed to lean in deliberately and, for some reason, she had left the top three buttons of her uniform shirt undone.Scott could see the saleswoman’s cleavage, though he quickly averted his gaze. He remembered that when Matt and Ursula were around, the saleswoman had only left the top button of her uniform undone.Not wanting to dwell on it, Scott picked up a fashion magazine from the table and flipped through the pages, hoping to find something to read.Before he could start, the ponytailed woman approached him.“Mr. Scott, would you like me to get you some coffee or tea?” she asked.Scott turned to
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The Mysterious Motorcyclist
The mysterious motorcyclist stopped by the Knockout Club, a boxing gym on the outskirts of town.It turned out she was a woman. This became clear once she removed her helmet and unzipped her leather jacket.With masculine strides, the woman walked into the gym. A burly man in a singlet greeted her with a nod and raised eyebrows, signaling that she was a familiar face there."Hey, Eva? Looks like your boobs have gotten even bigger," said a bald man with a scar crossing his left cheek, leering.Eva shot him a scornful glance and retorted sharply, "You’re looking uglier, Carl."Carl, the bald man, grinned as he lifted a ten-kilogram dumbbell with one hand, his biceps and triceps clearly defined.Ignoring Carl’s show of muscle, Eva continued to the women's locker room. She opened her locker and hung her leather jacket inside. She also took off her black jeans, revealing her long, smooth legs.Finally, she removed her black t-shirt, her ample boobs jiggling slightly for a couple of seconds
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Groan In Pain
Carl and his friends were stunned. What had just happened also caught the attention of the other men there.Who would have thought that someone with such a lean build could easily take down one of the biggest guys present?“Now, tell me everything you know about Eva Clattenburg,” Scott said, straightening the folds in his shirt and jeans.Scott's casual demeanor made Carl furious. He snorted, then snapped his fingers again.As if snapping out of a trance, the big men surrounding Scott glared at him angrily; this time, several of them attacked at once.Scott sighed, irritated by their stubbornness. Moments later...Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!Three more big men were thrown in different directions; two others stumbled and fell.Only three were left, but they had lost the nerve to attack Scott. Scott ignored them. He walked straight toward Carl, staring at him like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.“Motherfucker!!” Carl cursed, throwing a punch aimed at Scott's jaw.Seeing Carl's la
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The Intruder
Scott deftly maneuvered his black McLaren through the traffic. Shifting gears, he floored the gas pedal, leaving the other vehicles behind.His face reflected his anxiety. What had happened at the villa? Was Luisa in trouble? Questions swirled in his mind as he called Zach and put the phone on speaker.[Yes, General?]"Zach, send a few of your men to my villa in Oval Enclave right now. I suspect something’s wrong there."[Right away, General?]"Yes. Make sure they’re fully armed."[Got it, General. I’ll send two teams immediately.]Scott ended the call and tried calling Luisa. The call connected, but she didn’t answer.His worry deepened. He pressed the accelerator harder, pushing the McLaren to its limits.A traffic cop, lounging in his patrol car, was startled by Scott's speed. He shook his partner awake, who had been napping with his hat covering his face.“What’s wrong?” asked the awakened cop.“Look! That car’s way over the speed limit!” replied the other, pointing to the speed g
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Saving Luisa
Eva attacked Scott with lightning speed. She aimed one knife at Scott's head while preparing another for the next attack.Scott had little time to respond to Eva's swift assault. Yet, he managed to dodge the first strike and block the second one, which came just a second later.Scott tried to counterattack, but Eva gave him no time. She spun around, delivering a spinning kick aimed at Scott once again.Dash!Scott managed to block it, causing Eva's eyes to widen in surprise. She spun again, relentlessly attacking Scott with knives in both hands. For a moment, Scott was forced to defend and endure.Eventually, Scott spotted the opening he had been waiting for.Eva's back was completely unguarded, and Scott delivered a lightning-fast kick that struck her back decisively.Eva staggered forward. Before she could fall, Scott unleashed another powerful kick, this time hitting her in the stomach.Eva was thrown backward, her back crashing against the wall."Agh!"Eva vomited blood and collap
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You Want Me To Spare You?
The troublemakers were mafias sent by Alfonso. Their mission was to terrorize Scott and Luisa by wreaking havoc on his luxurious villa.When they first entered the villa, they were surprised to find the two security guards at the front gate knocked out at their post. However, seeing the gate wide open, they proceeded in.As planned, they tossed grenades and set fire to trees and other things they found around the villa. They knew that eventually, the villa’s owner would come out. But seeing the guards incapacitated, they grew confident, believing they could easily take down Scott.However, what happened next was far beyond their expectations.Out of the five who attacked Scott simultaneously, four were thrown far in different directions, crashing into trees, rolling on the grass, and even falling into the fish pond.The remaining one was on his knees, with both hands held by Scott and pulled back.Scott pressed the mafia’s back with his right foot, exerting immense pressure, while pul
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What Did You Do To Me?
Even though Scott used the same healing technique, this time he was anything but calm.His face and eyes clearly showed his panic. He wouldn’t forgive himself if Luisa didn’t make it.Fortunately, after some time, his healing efforts began to show results. Luisa started coughing again, the green liquid flowing from her mouth once more.Carefully, Scott helped Luisa into a sitting position. He placed his right hand on her back and resumed channeling his healing energy. He allowed Luisa to expel the remaining poison from her body.When Luisa had stopped vomiting, Scott positioned himself behind her, placing both hands on her bare back.Once again, a bright red light emanated from his palms. Luisa took a deep breath, her eyes closed. Moments later, her complexion improved significantly, no longer as pale as before.“How are you feeling, Luisa? What do you sense?” Scott asked, still channeling his healing energy.Luisa slowly turned her head, glancing at Scott and replied, “Better. I feel
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Fake Access Card
The next morning, at Luisa's family home..."Dad, are you seriously asking us to attend that bastard Scott's wedding to that slut?" Lisa asked, her face contorted with anger."Stop asking that question again and again, Lisa," Daniel snapped. "I'm the head of this family, and I've made my decision. You will follow my orders!"Lisa huffed and turned away, dropping back onto the small sofa.In the room were also Lucas, Jacob, and Barnie. Daniel planned to send his four children to Scott and Luisa's wedding to cause a scene."But Dad, Scott said he wouldn't invite us. How are the four of us supposed to get into the hotel where the wedding is being held?" Lucas questioned."Yeah, Dad. The wedding is at The Majestic Grand, one of the finest hotels in Mildenbrough. It's very likely that guests will have to pass through tight security, and we don't have any invitations or tickets," Jacob added.Daniel glanced at them irritably. "Don't worry about that. I've already had Barnie take care of it.
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Playing Along
Assisted and accompanied by Martin, Lisa and her brothers entered the ballroom where the wedding ceremony and reception would take place.The guests were already there, chatting amongst themselves while standing.Food and drinks were displayed in special cases along the sides of the ballroom, with a pyramid of wine glasses as a centerpiece.The wine bottles, judging by their labels, were expensive ones usually reserved for the most significant annual events.The decorations adorning the ballroom sparkled. Soft and soothing jazz music played, providing an elegant and majestic background.Presented with all this, Lisa and her brothers were mesmerized.They hadn't anticipated Scott and Luisa's wedding to be designed with such luxury and class. It was leagues above Scott's previous wedding attempt with Lisa, which had been canceled."Mr. Lombard is behind all this," Martin said. "We were told the groom is a close friend of Mr. Lombard. Honestly, I'm curious about what he's like."Lisa and
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