All Chapters of Rejected Billionaire book 2: Abraxas's Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
180 chapters
Chapter 11: Standing firm in the fallout
Back in her office, Kerrigan received a message from Dr. Irving. The normally composed engineer was clearly distraught, his message outlining the dire consequences of the layoffs in R&D. Kerrigan read through his concerns carefully, her heart heavy. She knew he was right—these cuts would have a devastating impact on the company’s ability to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.But she also knew that she couldn’t intervene—not yet.Instead, Kerrigan drafted a carefully worded response, expressing her concern and sympathy but ultimately placing the responsibility on Kelan’s shoulders. She needed to maintain the appearance of being supportive of the board’s decision while subtly distancing herself from the fallout.“Dr. Irving,” she wrote, “I share your concerns about the impact these cuts will have on R&D. However, the decision has been made by the board, and it is our duty to carry out their directives to the best of our ability.”“Please know that I value your contributions and
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Chapter 12: Camp Kerrigan
Conor’s plans for the week had gone out the window as soon as Kelan had made his first move.While he had hoped to learn about dragon corporation’s team culture over the course of a month or two by shadowing staff at the subsidiaries and local businesses before moving into the headquarters, that fell flat when Kelan started axing key staff on day one.There wasn’t even a planning period or chance for analysis. In the first week, Kelan had fired more staff than Conor thought Vokrizin had in total!In front of Kerrigan, he did his best to appear calm and in control but right now, standing on the platform of Bayan railway’s passenger terminal, he had half a mind to join the mass exidus heading for Jinstain.All around him, hundreds of families gathered with carts laden with belongings. Some would be making the move as a family, while others were seeing their loved ones off, praying that they would still get a paycheck to sustain their now split family’s duel residence.Conor’s phone ran
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Chapter 13: Dr. Irving
As the departing staff loaded onto the train and the remaining family members dispersed, Conor caught sight of a familiar face in the crowd—a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair and a thoughtful expression.It was Dr. Miles Irving, one of the key engineers from Dragon Corporation’s R&D department. Conor had been particularly interested to see his picture come up in the folder of laid off staff, knowing just how crucial his expertise would be to ongoing research at Dragon Corporation.The fact Kelan had let him go showed that their understanding of his incompetence was likely spot on.“Dr. Irving,” Conor called out, “Over here!”“Peter?,” Miles greeted him with a handshake, his grip firm but his eyes betraying the stress of the past few days. “I have to admit, when I got that call from your people, I was surprised. But grateful. I didn’t think I’d find another opportunity so quickly after… well, you know.”Conor nodded, understanding the unspoken frustration. “I am Conor, not Pet
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Chapter 14: Wine and late night talks
As he entered the suite with several wine bottles in hand, Conor noticed the soft murmur of voices coming from the living area. He walked in to find Kerrigan sitting on the couch, her expression a mix of exhaustion and irritation. Evelynn and Gabriella were seated across from her.Kerrigan looked up as Conor entered, her eyes lighting up at the sight of him. “Conor,” she greeted him with a tired smile. “I was wondering when you’d get here.”“I’m here now, and I brought wine!” Conor replied, returning her smile as he raised the bottles in greeting. “Thought we could all use a drink tonight.”Evelynn jumped up and ran to the kitchen returning a minute later with chilled glasses for everyone. She set them on the table and leaned towards Conor. “You are a god among men, my good sir. She has been a mess and is in desperate need of this.”Conor smirked as he took off his jacket and found a corkscrew. The wine had a nice temp, chilled by the cool spring air of the high mountains.Once everyo
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Chapter 15: Good Morning
Soft light slowly roused Kerrigan from her dream. The bed was warm and she snuggled closer to the heated pillow.ThumpThump, thumpKerrigan lay there, her body wrapped around the warm pillow as its heart beat steady beneath her head.Heart…Beating…Kerrigan slowly opened her eyes to find she had somehow made it from the couch to a bed she didn’t recognize. That wasn’t unusual these days. After all, she had been changing beds every few weeks it seemed ever since the murder attempt.But this was the first time she had woken up to someone else in bed with her.Ok, not the first time… but she had nearly punched Conor that time and he had not actually been IN bed with her. More ON the bed, waking her up.However, right now, it was very clearly NOT her pillow that she was sprawled across. Bare skin met her fingers as she felt this NOT pillow.Kerrigan’s mind slowly cleared as she became more aware of her surroundings. The soft, rhythmic thumping beneath her ear was unmistakable—the steady
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Chapter 16: Theo
Conor sat in the back of a black sedan, parked inconspicuously a few blocks from Dragon Corporation’s headquarters. From his vantage point, he and Parker had a clear view of the building’s front entrance, where he patiently waited for Theo Bryant, one of Dragon Corporation's board members, to emerge.Theo had been on Kerigan’s radar because he always struck her as a reserved and cautious man—someone who avoided the spotlight and rarely engaged in the power plays that consumed the other board members.But since returning, she had noticed something off. He was too compliant, too eager to align himself with Kelan’s reckless decisions. There was a desperation in his actions that didn’t fit the man Kerrigan had known for nearly six years.Today, it was Conor’s job to find out what he did when away from the office.Theo emerged from the building right on schedule for his daily lunch. His tall, slightly stooped figure was easy to spot. He was dressed in a well-tailored suit, but there was
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Chapter 17: Transcendent Compassion
At the top, Conor found a door left slightly ajar. He slipped inside, his senses on high alert as he moved down the dimly lit hallway, Parker close behind. The smell of stale air, dampness, and something acrid filled his nostrils, the sounds of the city outside muted by the thick, grime-coated walls. He could hear muffled voices coming from one of the rooms ahead and crept closer, careful to stay in the shadows.Peeking through the doorway, Conor saw Theo standing in the middle of a small, cluttered room. The place was a mess—clothes and empty food containers strewn across the floor, the wallpaper peeling, the furniture mismatched and worn. It was the sight of the young woman on a pallet of blankets on the floor that caught Conor’s attention.She was thin, her skin pale and her dark hair a tangled mess. She looked to be little more than a teen or maybe her early twenties, her eyes sunken and dull.She was curled up under a blanket, her body trembling as she pulled it tighter around h
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Chapter 18: Plans Over Takeout
The aroma of takeout filled the hotel suite as Conor and Parker opened boxes of food for the evening debrief. The soft murmur of conversation came from the dining room where Kerrigan and her guards had settled into their usual spots.Conor handed Kerrigan a warm bowl of noodles and meat before settling into his spot next to her at the dining table, the days notes spread out before them.Tonight, however, was different. Natalie had joined them for dinner, making it the first time Conor had the opportunity to spend time with her outside of brief professional setting at Kerrigan’s office.As they ate, Conor found himself smiling at Kerrigan as they discussed the days wins, their arms occasionally brushing against each other as they reached for food.It was a small, almost imperceptible contact, but it sent a warm, electric current through him each time. He noticed the way Kerrigan leaned ever so slightly into his space, her body language open and relaxed, as if she was unconsciously see
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Chapter 19: Extraction plan
Conor nodded in agreement. “I was thinking the same thing. We can’t just grab her and expect her to comply willingly. Maybe we could use Theo’s influence—he’s the one person she might listen to.”Natalie spoke up, her voice thoughtful. “Theo’s influence is important, but I think we’ll need more than just his word to convince her. Emily’s been through a lot, and trust isn’t something she’s going to give easily. If we can find a way to connect with her on a personal level, maybe we can show her that leaving Velyki is in her best interest.”Kerrigan tapped her fingers on the table, deep in thought. “Maybe we could use the idea of a fresh start. Emily’s been trapped in the same cycle for years, and even Reilynn here hates the cold of Velkyi—maybe if we present Jinstain as a place where she can truly start over, with warmer weather, and nice people, it might appeal to her.”Conor glanced at Kerrigan, their arms brushing lightly against each other. “That could work. We could frame it as an
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Chapter 20: Game of Power
Kelan Benedict leaned back in his leather chair, a self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he surveyed the opulent office around him. He had made it, rising from his father’s shadow to a position of power within Dragon Corporation. The board had given him free rein to “restructure” the company, and he had wasted no time in asserting his authority, cutting away “excess weight” with a ruthless efficiency.To him, the layoffs and downsizing were proof of his capability, a demonstration of his ability to make tough decisions that lesser men would shy away from.Not only that, but he had freed up some much needed capital for his own pet project. He dreamed of commissioning his own cruise ship from which he could conduct business and bask in the ocean all in the same day.The Tortuga Cruise liner would be his crowning achievement once things settled down here. It would only cost a few billion to build such a floating city, and he had just freed up nearly four times that.While Dragon C
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