All Chapters of Useless son in-law reincarnated as a crimelord: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 chapters
The bait
The three men stepped out of the mansion in their black coat and suits and bowler hats on their heads as they made their ways to the black Bentley waiting for them. They got into the Bentley and Marcellus sat in the driver's seat. The rest of the men got into a tuck behind the Bentley with guns in their hands."Is everything set?" Marcellus questioned as he placed a pistol in his belt and loaded his Thompson gun with bullets."All set. Let's go." Oswald affirmed.The engine was started and they drove off instantly. The cars drove through the dimly lit deserted street as they made their ways towards the abandoned Parking lot. They drove for several minutes until Marcellus pulled over in the middle of a street and shifted his gaze towards Edwin who sat behind him."This is as far we can go. You will have to get to the parking lot by foot to avoid any suspicions." Marcellus declared.Edwin nodded before pushing the door open and stepped out of the car."Remember to stall him by talking
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Mission accomplished!
"What's with all these questions, boy? We are here to talk business and not who I'm working with." Noah voiced out, anger evident in his voice."You see, the gang you are working with are our enemies. And we don't do business with our enemies." Edwin remarked, maintaining the same calm tone."What are you talking about? If you don't want to do business with me why then was I invited here?" Noah questioned.Before Edwin could reply, the whistle of Marcellus was heard from behind which made both of then turn around. Turning around, Noah saw for men black suits and coats, with hats on their heads, emerge from the shadows and made their ways towards him.They were all armed, and the looks on their faces were fierce."We scanned the whole area, he came alone." Marcellus informed as he walked towards the duo."What's going on here?" Noah voiced out in a demanding tone, and his heart racing."We didn't invited you over here to take business, Noah. We know you work with the Gambinos, so we I
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Hearing the words of Marcellus, Herbert's eyes widened in shock and he shot up from his seat."What do you mean he was shot?" Herbert voiced out, his voice filled with anger and concern."Calm down father, Edwin is okay. We rushed him to the hospital and the doctor said he is going to be okay. So calm down." Marcellus affirmed, and a slight look of relief appeared on Herbert's face. "Tell me what happened. Tell me everything and leave nothing out." Herbert demanded as he sat down on his seat."When we arrived at the parking lot Edwin went to meet Noah just like we agreed. However, when he got there two men hidden in the shadows came out of hiding instantly and shot him in the stomach. They were Gambino boys. I alone had to charge in to protect by brothers. I alone defeated both of them." Marcellus narrated."That's very brave of you." Herbert commented after hearing the words of Marcellus, and pride evident in his eyes. "I'm proud of you, Marcellus." He added."That's what happens wh
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Pub incident
The sounds of gunshot reverberated throughout the pub, and the rest of the men and women who came there to drink and have fun hid underneath their tables to avoid getting shot.Oswald took cover behind a wall as he kept firing his revolver towards the armed men. The men in black also shot at him."Shit." Oswald cursed as he attempted to shoot but realized he was out of bullets. He shifted his gaze towards the chair he once sat in and noticed his black coat on it."Fuck. My bullets are inside the pockets of the coat." Oswald pondered, his gaze fixed on the coat a few meters away.He shifted his gaze towards the men, and immediately he did, the men shot at him and swiftly hid behind the wall.He took a deep breath in and out before dashing towards the chair. As he ran towards it, they kept shooting at him but he was lucky enough for the bullet not to hit him.He finally arrived at the location of the coat and he swiftly hid behind the table. He is his right hand into the pocket of the c
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Gun down
Oswald's leg connected neatly with the man's face, and the force behind the kick lifted him off the floor, and sent him crashing several meters backwards.The man landed in front of his fellow comrades and passed out instantly. Khalid had a look of disbelief etched on his face after watching Oswald knock his comrade out with a single kick in the head.The remaining two men hesitated to charge in for another attack, and they just stood there with their gazes fixed on their fallen friend.Khalid noticed the men weren't doing anything other than stand there like a bunch of cowards, so he voiced out angrily."What are the fuck are are you doing? Go take him down!" Khalid spat, his voice filled with anger. "After all, he's just one guy!" He added.Hearing the words of Khalid, the men regained their confidence. They shifted their gazes towards a table and grabbed a bottle.They smashed the bottle on a table and held the lower half that had a sharp end. Without wasting anytime, they charged
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Edwin was placed in the ambulance gently and the nurses and doctors swiftly got inside so they can begin their journey to the hospital. Oswald also attempted to step into the ambulance, however, before he moved, he caught sight of one of the bullet of the men that had just attacked them lying there on the floor. He bent down and picked the bullet up to take a closer look at it. "What the hell?" Oswald exclaimed internally with his eyes widened after examining the bullet. He glanced at it for a few more moments before placing it in his coat pocket and got into the ambulance. The doors were shut and the ambulance drove off. The ambulance drove through the streets with its siren blaring, disturbing the whole neighborhood. After several minutes of driving, it finally pulled over in the compound of the hospital. The nurses and doctors swiftly got off the ambulance and brought out Edwin in the stretcher, and without wasting anytime they began to take him inside. They made sure th
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"Are you now?" Herbert muttered. "Well, tell me, boy. Is it true you work for the Gambinos?" Herbert questioned.Hearing the question of Herbert, Noah's eyes widened slightly and his heart pounding in his chest."Listen to me, Mr Blackwood, it's not what you think." Noah swallowed heart with cold sweat trickling down his face."You came to me with a business proposal but you were secretly working for my enemy? What were you hoping to achieve in all of these? Eh?" Herbert questioned while straightening the long cane in his hand."Mr Blackwood, please hear me out." Noah pleaded. "Yes, I agree I am working for the Gambinos...but trust me I am not a member of their gang or get involved in their gang affairs." "I also heard you brought them along with you and they shot my son. But we will get to that part don't worry. For now answer this question.""Did they hire you so you can be feeding them information about us? Is that it?" Herbert questioned."No, sir! That's not the case. I only col
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Take over the company
Birds chirping sounds could be heard as the morning sun rose, and the rays flickered into the room and shone brightly into Edwin's eyes. His eyelids lifted open as he slowly regained consciousness.After waking up fully, he glanced around the place in bewilderment as he tried to figure out where he was. After scanning the whole room he finally realized he was in a hospital."What the hell happened?" Edwin pondered internally with a slight look of puzzle as he scratched his sporting black hair. The last thing he remembered was him trying to help Oswald, and then he blacked out after hearing a loud banging sound."I was shot?" He wondered after noticing the bandage tied around his belly. The sound he heard before blacking out was that of a gunshot, and with the bandage around his wasn't hard for him to connect the dots and realize what happened.As Edwin was busy with his thoughts, the entrance door of the room flung open and a man stepped inside. He was clad in a long bla
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What are you talking about, Father?
Edwin's eye widened slightly after hearing the words of Oswald, and a slight look of puzzle appeared on his face."What do you mean, Oswald?" Edwin blurted."Those men that attacked, they used these type of bullets." Oswald informed as he slid his right hand into his pocket and brought out a black bullet. He tossed the bullet towards Edwin who caught it swiftly and glanced at it.Glancing at it, Edwin could see two letters written boldly on it. "BW", which means Blackwood in full."That's our family's logo on it. I do not recognize the faces of those men meaning they are not working for our family. It means someone from our family hired them to attack us, and that person gave them that bullet." Oswald bellowed."And why do you suspect Marcellus?" Edwin inquired."It's just an assumption. I am not sure yet, though. But if I am to suspect someone it would be him. Marcellus." Oswald remarked. "Marcellus has always been arrogant and also paranoid, and I'm guessing he must have been jealo
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As Herbert said those words, both Edwin and Oswald glanced at him in bewilderment. "What are you taking about, Father?" Oswald questioned with a puzzled expression. Hearing the words of Oswald, Marcellus swiftly shifted his gaze towards him and spoke up, "Yeah, Edwin was shot during the mission last night, right? Noah Sturridge came with the Gambino boys and they took us by surprise." Marcellus said swiftly. "I...I don't understand. What the fuck are you talking about?" Oswald voiced out. "Yeah, what are you talking about, brother?" Edwin chimed in. The words of the two brothers was now getting Herbert really concussed, and he just stood there in silence with no clue of what is going on. Marcellus's expression darkened as he moved closer to both Oswald and Edwin, and he gave both of them a death stare. Catching sight of the look on Marcellus's face, Oswald finally understood what was going on. He knew Marcellus must have lied to his father that Edwin got shot during the
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