All Chapters of GOD OF WAR BRINGS JUSTICE: Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 chapters
Chapter 11: Another trouble
Upon hearing the unexpected news, Kyle’s hard expression withered away like the dry leaves in summer time, making his face to drop down drastically. ‘’ What are you saying?! This is not a time for jokes!’’ He yelled at the comrade on the other end of the call, who informed him of the sudden news, a hint of anxiousness dripping in his voice.‘’ Captain Kael! Miss Emily is indeed missing!’’ Thud!As the words sank in, Kael’s heart almost skipped a beat, feeling a numbness spreading through his chest,How can she be missing? Lowering his head, his mind raced to the events earlier. He could still recalled he had handed Emily over to John, one of the soldiers he personally trusted. And this was because John had been with him all these years in battle, through thick and thin. He thought Emily would be protected while they were away. ‘’Where’s John?’’ He demanded immediately, clenching his jaws as he gradually simmered in rage.John was dancing with death! ‘’ John? After we left the b
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Chapter 12. Pay back 
Warning: This chapter might contain some violence and abuse.However, Emily defied his order, glaring at him with a strong determination not to yield to him, while wincing silently in pain. This immediately infuriate John, making him to gnash his teeth! He couldn't believe Emily would choose over getting hurt than begging him or giving him her body! " You foolish bitch!" He slammed her against the car door furiously and released his grip from her jaw but hit her face once again, this time more harder!" Haa!" A jolt of sharp pain that electrified Emily's whole body, made her paralysed for some seconds, her eyes gradually becoming red. She couldn't imagine the years of John, holding several arms, and now using his strong hand to hit her! In the moment of pain and discomfort, she felt a crack in her right jaw, coupled with a metallic taste. This crumbled her, wordless with unexplainable pain." Still stubborn?!" John sneered at her. Seeing Emily succumbing to the pain, a sense
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Chapter 13. Escape
" You want me to show you that your daughter is safe?" John repeated, furrowing his brows tightly.." Is that even a reasonable request?!" Emily inhaled sharply, raising her hand to wipe away the blood from her nose. " Anything that involves my daughter is reasonable," retorting, she lowered her eyelids that trembled. A huff echoed from John, but he coincided anyway. " Fine. I will grant you your wish." Then, he took out his phone and scrolled casually. After some seconds, he turned the phone screen towards Emily, which displayed a video, and he tapped on the play button immediately. " See for yourself." Emily lifted her eyes, her face crumbling like a used tissue. In that instant, tears lurked around the corner of her eyes as she watched the video of her daughter, tied to an hospital bed, appearing lifeless and immobile. " My baby," she cried out without control, shaking her head. This shattered her heart into a million pieces. No loving mother would want to see her child
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Chapter 14: sacrifice 
Emily, who was already trembling, with her face turning ashen, was stunned when she didn't feel any movement around her. " Huh?" Shifting a little bit, she lowered her head but was met with a different surprise! " Haahhh!" The sight of John rooted in one single place, with his neck sprouting out blood and deep crimson lines filling his eye balls, terrified her to the core! It felt as if she was under a cold corpse! Without thinking twice, she pushed John from her path, and swiftly got up, her eyes scanning the bush anxiously. John's body jerked with the sudden push and couldn't even lift any of his limbs. He didn't expect his plans to get interrupt. Now, his life force was slowly slipping away. Fear filled Emily's heart as her mind raced uncontrollably, failing to comprehend what just occurred. Wasn't John about to sexually assault her? At this time, a tall straight figure like a towering spear, strode forward, exuding a strong presence capable of pressuring a mountain. "
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