All Chapters of The Rise of the Son-in-law After Divorce: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 chapters
Chapter 11: Buying This for a Boy for the First Time
Due to the overwhelming number of messy comments, Alice couldn't read them one by one. More importantly, there was no need to do so.With her pure and beautiful appearance and good family background, naturally, many people pursued her at school. The wealthy young masters of Nova City's affluent families, without exception, were all her ardent admirers.However, in her eyes, these were all just frivolous playboys. From a young age, her heart had only been filled with her Joseph. Her entire youth was occupied by beautiful memories related to Joseph.Alice opened her phone, thinking of replying in the comment section to clarify her relationship with Joseph to avoid any misunderstandings. But after thinking about it, she stopped and deleted the entire line of text she had typed.Why should she clarify? If she deliberately clarified, would Joseph be unhappy? But if she didn't clarify, many people would be displeased, right?However, what did other people's displeasure have to do with her?
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Chapter 12: She Doesn't Cherish You, But I Do
"Hello? Brother-in-law? Is that you, brother-in-law?" Upon discovering that the call had connected, Heidi's anxious voice came from the other end."Um... Heidi, it's me, Joseph," Joseph calmly replied."Brother-in-law, what are you doing? Such a grown man, not answering calls, not replying to messages, disappearing for an entire day. Do you know how worried I was about you?""I called many neighbors and relatives, and they all said they hadn't seen you. I was so anxious that I was about to call the police.""Do you have any idea how concerned I was that you might have jumped into the river in despair?""..."Without letting Joseph say much, Heidi started scolding him.Hearing all this, Joseph could only smile helplessly.After thoroughly reprimanding Joseph, Heidi finally stopped, feeling much more at ease."Are you done?" Joseph asked with a smile."I'm done. Don't do this again next time. And I'm serious, don't think of doing anything rash," Heidi continued."I just didn't have my p
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Chapter 13: I'll Marry Him in My Sister's Place
"Brother-in-law, say what you just said again," Heidi couldn't believe her ears."Not an elementary school teacher, a teacher at Nova University," Joseph repeated his words once more."No, brother-in-law, you're not joking, are you? Nova University is the nation's top institution. The teachers and professors here must at least have a doctoral degree or something. Even the cleaning aunties have bachelor's degrees.""Brother-in-law, your friend must be messing with you, right?" Heidi found it hard to believe."It's definitely not a joke. At first, I also felt that I might not be qualified to be a teacher at Nova University, but in the past couple of days, I've remembered some things.""It seems my educational background is quite high," Joseph said with a smile, calmly."No, brother-in-law, what is your educational background?""You've even forgotten your own educational background. I give up.""However, you're only twenty-five years old this year. You got married to my sister when you w
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Chapter 14: Beat Her Up and Steal Her Man
After sending the message, Heidi stretched her arms and took off her clothes, revealing her stunning figure, and walked into the bathroom.At this moment, Joseph had just finished showering, his upper body still bare. Over the years, he had persisted in exercising every day. Although the amount of exercise was not very large, his regular lifestyle and scientific training had given him an excellent physique. With eight-pack abs and an inverted triangle-shaped body, his build was of the lean and muscular type, making it difficult to tell he had such a great figure when clothed.He wiped his hair and was about to return to his room. However, at this moment, a sudden flash of light came from the direction of Alice's room, accompanied by a "click!" sound of a camera shutter.Joseph instinctively turned his head and saw Alice shrink back into her room like a rabbit and immediately close the door. Joseph chuckled helplessly. Was this girl foolish? She even forgot to turn off the camera flash
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Chapter 15: The Cooper Family's Crisis
"Ahem, don't joke around. You're taking a bath. What video call? Don't mess around," Joseph choked badly. Although he knew Heidi was just teasing him, he still felt a bit embarrassed."What's there to be afraid of? I'm soaking in the bathtub. You won't see anything. Even if you do see something, so what? Brother-in-law is not an outsider," Heidi directly sent a voice message, sounding completely nonchalant."Ahem, that's still not okay. Men and women are different," upon hearing Heidi's bold words, Joseph instantly felt awkward. This girl's way of thinking was too bizarre.Does this matter even differentiate between insiders and outsiders? Even if she's not an outsider, he can't just look casually. Joseph is a person with very traditional values.However, just as Joseph was at a loss for words, Heidi directly made a video call. Joseph was in a dilemma. Should he hang up or not? In the end, after an inner struggle and under strong moral constraints, he chose to hang up."Don't mess aro
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Chapter 16: The Comatose Old Mr. Cooper
"I... I was just using a metaphor. I'm your second uncle. Is this how you talk to me?" Hugh Cooper was stunned for a moment, unable to respond."If you don't know anything, just shut up, okay?" Fiona was quite disdainful."Fiona, my father is your second uncle, after all. You're talking to him like this. With such disrespect for your elders, I guess you don't respect Grandma in your heart either," Ryan Cooper spoke up."I don't want to waste my breath on you. If you want to investigate my character, you can do it in private.""Grandma, I just want to ask you one thing. Did you call me here to investigate my character too?" Fiona looked at the old lady and asked."Hugh, and you too, Ryan Cooper, did I let you speak? You're so eager to talk. Do you have any good solutions to solve the family's current predicament? If so, I'll let you talk all you want," the old lady tapped her cane on the ground, her expression very serious.Hearing this, Hugh Cooper and Ryan Cooper opened their mouths
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