All Chapters of The Invincible Student Heir : Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 chapters
Chapter 11
I stared at the screen, frozen in disbelief and shock. The words were clear, glaring at me like a cruel joke. How could this be? My grandfather wouldn’t lie to me—this card was real, wasn’t it? It has $1 Billion in it so why did my transfer fail?Before I could process what was happening, Mikky’s laughter exploded into the air, loud and obnoxious. He slapped his thigh, doubled over in amusement, while Diana clung to his arm, laughing right along with him."I knew it!" Mikky howled, pointing at me like I was the punchline to some cruel joke. "You really thought that card would work because it's flashy, didn’t you? What a loser!"Diana chimed in. "Honestly, Jordan, you shouldn’t have stoop this low. This is just embarrassing. Did you really think we’d fall for that little show?"“This is ridiculous, I thought for a second he had the $20 Million.”“Such a shameless pauper, he wasted our precious time.”“So unfortunate I staked a bet on you.”“Nothing good can come from an arrogant pauper
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Chapter 12
The transfer went through, and I received a notification of the transaction—my balance was now $980,000,000. I smirked proudly. “Now, what do you have to say, Director?” I asked, turning to face him. He continued to stare at his phone, frozen in disbelief. I knew he had received the notification, but he wasn’t saying anything. He was just glaring at me and the phone, as if unable to process what had just happened.The silence was deafening. Mikky and Diana rushed over to him, their expressions shifting from smug confidence to shock as they saw the same thing on his screen. I could tell they had just received the shock of their lives.Everyone was waiting, holding their breath, for the director or Mikky to say something.Mikky whispered something inaudible to the director, who quickly adjusted his demeanor.“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the Joker of the Year at Kingsford University,” the director announced, trying to mask his shock with a forced laugh.The crowd erupted in c
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Chapter 13
The principal stood in front of me, bowing with a level of respect I had never experienced before. It was an odd feeling, not one of triumph or revenge, but something much more profound—a sense of quiet assurance.I noticed the crowd around us, watching in stunned silence as they took in the unexpected scene. I could tell they were still live streaming, judging by the comments flying in. “Why did the principal act like that?” “This is wild; I bet everyone in the city is tuning into this.”I stole a glance at the director, still holding his sore cheek, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. The principal had just slapped him in front of the whole school.“Get this disgrace out of here,” he ordered, pointing at the guards. “And just so you know, you’re fired.” “Fired?” echoed the director along with a few others.The director attempted to reason with the principal, but the guards stepped in, dragging him out like a common criminal—just moments ago, they had been the ones res
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