All Chapters of The payback of Jeremy Xavier: Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 chapters
Jeremy stood in the heart of the biggest amusement park in the city, “Starprize Gardens” his heart racing with excitement and nervous anticipation.He had saved every spare penny for months, meticulously planning and scrimping to make today perfect for his beloved Hailey. The whole park was his for the day, a surprise he couldn't wait to unveil.He told Hailey that he would meet her at 9:00, but Hailey never showed up."D-Did she forget?" Jeremy whispered to himself, trying to shake off the creeping doubt.With a heavy heart, he decided to take a stroll in the garden, his legs heavy with each step he took.Being a resident of the building himself, the sight of the luxurious cars in the parking lot was always confusing for Jeremy, who wondered how they managed to maintain such expensive vehicles. He couldn't help but admire their fancy wheels, even if they were a bit out of his league.His mode of transportation was quite different from his neighbors', as he only had a motorcycle to ge
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The words rang in his ears and he felt his eyes spinning."Pregnant?" He demanded, as he pushed back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.By now, Hailey and Charles had swiftly finished getting dressed and stepped out of the car.With her arms crossed, Hailey glared directly into Jeremy's eyes as she spoke, her voice sharp and unwavering, "Oh yes! Dear husband, I'm ten weeks gone and Charles here has been a good father, more than you ever will. Take a look at the first grade Channel bag that he got for me, you could never buy that with your life savings." She sneered derisively, her tone dripping with disgust."Hailey….""Don't shout at my woman! She's pregnant you fool!"He was harshly interrupted by Charles, prompting him to glare at the arrogant man who had taken his wife away, as he moved closer in a confrontational manner.Jeremy's voice remained composed as he questioned Charles, "What was that you said?" his breath brushing against Charles's face in the tense stando
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Jeremy settled into the couch in his modest new apartment, appreciating that while it may not have been the roomiest of spaces, it certainly met the basic requirements.He would rather stay in a hole than live with that prostitute he called a wife.Having only a few bucks left in his pocket, he didn't bother to think of what to eat for dinner, instead he sat in front of the little television and hoped to get sleepy sooner.Ding!His eyes turned to look at his phone, the bright light illuminating from it.The unannounced interruption had Jeremy silently questioning, "Who would have the audacity to intrude on my peace at this hour?" His mood was far from accommodating, given the recent challenges he had faced.With a sigh of resignation, Jeremy reached for his phone on the stool, reluctantly opening the message that had appeared on his screen, despite his unwillingness to communicate with anyone.His eyes shut open upon seeing who it was, panic washed over him and he immediately adjuste
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The next day, Jeremy stood angrily in his wife's office.She had been ignoring him for hours and now he finally got the chance to speak with her after threatening those silly guards that tried to stop him from entering earlier.Slamming his fist on her table angrily, he leaned forward and stared at her with a look filled with disgust."What is the meaning of all the rubbish you spilled yesterday? Do you have any idea how much it can affect me?"Hailey already knew the reason why he was was here, her gaze fell on the telephone, ready to call in security if need be.But first, she decided that she would put him in his place."Don't forget that you are in my office. I can throw you out into the streets where you belong." She paused and then continued. "Didn't you ask for a divorce? I did you a favor by making it public and you should be thanking me instead."Jeremy scoffed at her reply, refusing to believe that this was the woman he had fallen in love with.This couldn't be his woman, sh
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"Look who decided to turn up, oh Jeremy, be careful not to trip while signing the divorce papers, we don't want you ruining everything."Jeremy heard Hailey speak, she stood at the entrance of the door, licking a lollipop, the sight of it, which really irritated him.He decided to refrain from speaking and instead walked towards where the divorce procedures would take place.Wasting his time on the two scoundrels who had no shame left in them would be a disgrace.He strode towards the seat and sat down, adjusting his hair.Hailey also did the same, scoffing as she passed by while her annoying heels clicked loudly on the floor."Are both parties agreeing to this?" The judge asked and they both shook their heads."Alright then" He continued speaking, adjusting the rim of his glass. " Does anyone have any opinion about how the property should be shared?""Shared?" Hailey scoffed loudly, "He doesn't have any property to offer. What can a scumbag like him bring to the table?"Jeremy smiled
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A young redhead woman walked hand in hand with Jeremy.They were currently in a five star suite and after spotting the redhead with jeremy they didn't bother to stop the two of them from gaining entry.She was looking high-class, sophisticated and beautiful but they couldn't say the same for Jeremy, who looked like he had been picked up from the streets.lily and jeremy arrived at the top room, she swiped her card swiftly and the door opened with a beeping sound.Since jeremy had stopped her from getting an apartment for him, she had no choice but to bring him to her room instead.Though the thought of staying with someone as great as jeremy brought butterflies to her stomach, she found it hard to not express her excitement."Please make yourself comfortable, Young master." lily said with a polite smile on her face.She gave him a little tour of the exquisite spacious room and they soon sat down to discuss.lily was his new secretary. After taking over Xavier's company, his grandfathe
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lily knew that whatever he was planning to do would be good, afterall he was the boss.She bowed with curtsy and stood up to leave, seeing no need to stay again.Besides, she was starting to feel incredibly hot under Jeremy's gaze."Also make an announcement that we will be seeking corporations with other companies. A party will be held next month to discuss the top companies and business matters." Jeremy said, his gaze suddenly fell on his torn pants and shirt. Judging from his surroundings and the expensive suite, it would be a shame to be seen wearing a cloth like thisHe at least needed one or two clothes since he would be spending some time in the suite."Send some clothes also, I need to change into something different.""Mr Jeremy, I have already prepared your outfits for you even before you came, you can find them on the right side of the wardrobe." lily felt like a pervert at that point of time. She had instructed them to place it in a different room but those incompetent wor
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Jeremy arrived in Paris at exactly 11 am in the morning. A car had been arranged to drop him off.He got out of the car and walked inside the big, gigantic mansion.Although this wasn't his first time in the city, this was his first time in Luke's house.Jeremy remained unfazed by the beauty and architecture of the massive mansion standing before Him. The grand entrance boasted a sweeping staircase, adorned with polished marble and ornate chandeliers. Despite the opulence, Jeremy's gaze remained neutral, and his expression a mask of indifference.As he approached the entrance of the mansion, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with the luxury that surrounded him.Jeremy headed into the living room, the guards leading the way.They arrived in a beautifully decorated living room with fine paintings on the wall.The guards bowed down to greet who he assumed to be Luke, an old man in his seventies with Grey hair and a happy smile.Jeremy saw them walk away, the old man turned
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"No, I will not agree to this!" Jeremy's voice rang out with frustration.He couldn't believe whatever Grandfather Luke was telling him now, or could he??Grandfather Luke chuckled softly as he noticed Jeremy, whose face was burning I anger."I understand that this has come as a surprise to you." Luke’s voice cut in smoothly, interrupting Jeremy's angry outburst."You are missing something, Grandfather Luke!" Jeremy protested, sinking back into the chair, crossing his arms with a scowl. "I just got a divorce! Which means I was once married, and that family tradition you keep going on about wouldn’t have any effect on me if my wife hadn’t thought I was a loser and cheated on me!" Jeremy's tone was filled with bitterness as he uttered that statement.Grandfather Luke listened carefully to every word Jeremy had just spoken. He sipped his coffee slowly, almost savoring it, as if he had all the time in the world. A smile curled at the edges of his lips while he observed Jeremy.Jeremy coul
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