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Creation Leads To Evolution
Future Action Fantasy
In 2030, a giant wormhole appeared above the Pacific Ocean. Scientists believed that it was a portal leading to another world besides earth. The United Nations decided to send a drone to investigate this phenomenon, but one hour after the drone entered, disaster struck. The wormhole suddenly became twice as large followed by a yellow gas pouring out. Two brothers, Lee Young-soo and Lee Min-su watched from a Television store, as their mother died while reporting the incident for South Korea's International News Station. ******** With the camera on her, she raised the mic to her lips and started speaking. “Young-soo, if you're watching this with Min-su, I want you to cover his eyes. Don’t let him see this.” Young-soo who was by his brother’s side raised his left hand and covered his eyes. “No!” Min-su protested and tried to remove his brother’s hand, but it stayed firm over his eyes. Young-soo was watching his mother on the television screen with slightly red eyes, as he bit his bottom lip so hard a few droplets of blood fell to the ground. “I want the both of you to know that I love you with all my heart and that I’m sorry I won’t be able to see the two of you go off to college and get married someday.” Tears started to fall from her eyes as she spoke her next words. “Young-soo, I want you to protect Min-su when I’m gone, and... Crash!!” With a violent jerk, the yellow gas engulfed the helicopter causing the cameraman to drop the camera, cutting off the transmission.
Screw the Sage
Magic System Manipulative
Amaza Rashi
Hello there, person behind the screen. I'm a self-proclaimed author and God of this novel world. Well, about this book's story, it's all about this little girl who wants to be a sage and acquires a tattered book from a stranger. So what are the three things you must and shouldn't expect from this kind of novel? First, I'll try my best to cover the entire world and put a little bit of sugar coating inside. Two, don't expect too much from this novel or the world itself. I'm not a good storyteller, and I won't please everyone. Lastly, if you're lucky and went inside this world... Then do your best to survive and have a fun life. I don't know you, and you don't know me; don't expect that I'll cover you or put your name here. And that's all! Enjoy reading! :')
Marriage Optimist Humble
Nicholas has always been a man with nothing to make him feel proud except for his marriage until one day when he catches his wife cheating and she heartlessly divorces him. The world cruelly turned its back on him because he was poor but at the time Nicholas felt like he was at his lowest, his life takes an unbelievable turn for the better and he is now a man with the wealth of the world at the tip of his fingers
ULTRA A.I (Techno- God)
Future Teenager Intelligent
ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists.
The Sacred Empire
Sophia Gonzales
Sacred treasures are bestowed upon men, scattered all around the world and through the ages. It has such power that can be either used to protect, build or destroy. Crown prince, Evan Shawn Siegmund at the age of 24, is now ascending the Royal throne. The handsome angelic-looking rebellious prince will be taking over the strong empire that was built by his Father William Lance Seigmund. This is a story of a Prince of assassins that became a Strong Capable Ruler.
Head of The Table
Crime Revenge Action
Aaron Mutua
With more power than the government and more influential than the church, Ben manages to be the greatest drug lord in the black market. This great power and influence comes also with unnecessary attention and draws greedy attempts amongst his associates, including the Tang dynasty. After the negotiable compliant Mr. Tang was befallen with stroke, the business was left in the amateur hands of the two sons, Wu and Li. The Tang brothers were greedy and sought the power Ben possessed. So the two brothers rage the war and it’s the Tang brothers against Ben. Along the way, Ben’s brother-Reuben- is badly injured and is admitted. Elsewhere circumstances and over burden obligations drive a man to suicide but fortunately he survives a forty floor story building drop and is admitted in the same hospital Reuben is admitted. This coincidental unplanned encounter leads to the first meet up between Brian and Ben. At very potential danger and a failed attempted assassination, Ben cooks up an insane idea and opts to hire Brian to act as Reuben temporarily. So the train wreck begins, initially Brian portrays as a humble aspiring drug accomplice but after several attempts by the Tang brothers, Ben is forced to lay low and entrusts Brian with his empire. This move changed the tables, Brian’s ambition and goal to be the best brings hell on earth for those around and loyal to Ben, especially the knights. The excessive blood spilling draws Ben from his hideout, and chaos was everywhere, worse Brian joins forces with the Tang dynasty. However Ben is determined to prove the two merged forces that he was the head for a reason. So the war escalates and eventually only one emerges the strongest.
Transmigration Into A World With Manna
Magic Adventurous Superpower
Ye Above Story
Caster lives in a world that was abundant with Mana. However, when the planet loses its mana, chaos followed after... Caster spends the rest of his time trying to find a way to Harness Mana again. Suddenly, he finds himself in a different world, one with Sufficient Mana. But he wasn't inside his own body, Caster was transmigrated into the body of Magic Apprentice - Veredict. Join Veredict in his adventure filled with many obstacles and trials.
Xianxia: Against The Trend
Eastern Reincarnation Action
Haung is reincarnated in a world where humanity is at war with a different species. He also realizes that the cultivation being promoted in the world had judst started several hundred years ago, but due to the war, some geniuses have managed to get some chances. Most of them being from beyond their world. Utilizing it they have produced some experts that contributed more to safeguarding the world. With martial arts promotion, even cities are set up with some sect branches that allow every talent to gain an opportunity to cultivate. In the process of cultivation he also manages to enter different worlds and see many things that allow him to grow. The stronger he becomes, he also aspires to find out why he was brought to this world and the person responsible.
Hina's Son-in-law Turns out to be a Mafia
Action Romance Family
Martin Luther, a Mafia member in Newland, disappeared without a trace when assassins hunted him. Martin was forced to jump into the river to save himself. However, unlucky Martin hit a rock while jumping into the river and ended up unconscious. When Martin woke up, he didn't remember anything and only remembered his first name. He was forced to marry the grandson of the man who helped him. At first everything was fine, but when the old man who saved him died, Martin's suffering began to be felt. Will Martin remember his past as a big Mafia boss and end his suffering as a useless son-in-law, or will he continue like that.
Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!
CEO Billionaire Dominant
As the son-in-law of a middle-class family, Alexander Reynolds lived a life no different from that of a servant. His wife's family despised him and forbade his daughter from calling him "dad." They humiliated and demeaned him daily, with only his wife standing by his side, providing him with emotional support. When his daughter fell seriously ill, the Marshall family pressured him to divorce Eleanor Marshall, hurling insults and declaring him unworthy of his beautiful wife and precious daughter. Little did they know that Alexander was the heir to the powerful Reynolds family. If his mother hadn't taken him away years ago, he wouldn't have ended up in such an impoverished state. Alexander made up his mind. He would claim his inheritance. Once he accepted this power, no one would be able to stand in his way!