Copycat System in the apocalypse

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Copycat System in the apocalypse

By: ECM_MANGA OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 768

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After being betrayed by the one he loves the most and dying at the hands of her boyfriend. A strange samurai meets the dead body of Kenji, giving him a second chance at life and this time with something to help him scale past others in the apocalypse. A strange system, that allows him to copy the powers of others, but things would soon turn out odd for Kenji. The apocalypse was a planned attack by the Rakads, an alien race who got bored of humanity being so weak and decided to help them evolve. Join Kenji and his friends as they strive for power, their goal, to defeat the Rakads

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12 chapters
Copy Cat System
It happened so swiftly yesterday, a crash, an explosion and the next thing zombies? I was just an ordinary high schooler, let me explain. April 12 2024.Maverick High"What do you mean you didn't touch my girl. " A fat boy barked, his feet firmly planted on the back of a pleasing individual. "Please Kaito, I didn't touch Aya in any way, she is lying to you" A weak scrawny kid said with tears in his eyes. "Are you calling my girl a liar. " Kaito said, picking up the boy under his leg and throwing him into a nearby locker, with all his strength. Despite Kaito's well fed exterior, he was still exceptionally strong and fast making him the captain of the basketball team. "Babe? Why are you wasting time, do you believe him? " A black haired girl with brown eyes and exceptional curves said, rubbing Kaito's head. "No baby, I just don't feel comfortable about killing someone. " kaito said like a little kid, a total contrast to the dominating voice he held earlier. "So you can't kill fo
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[Congratulations, you are one of the only people to survive 24 hours. ][Cumulating rewards][Reward: Copy cat system activated][Power: Copy ][Name: Kenji HarutaLevel:1EXP:0/100HP: 10/10Age:16Rank in Japan: 900/1000Rank in Asia: 900,000/1,000,000Global ranking:500,000,000/1,000,000,000Powers copied:0Skills:0Mana Points:50/50Strength:1Speed:1Perception:1Star points:0]Kenji was woken up by the sudden constant dings going off in his ears, almost like a bell being rung. Kenji struggled to see, a blurry green floating screen obstructed his vision.Keni cleaned his eyes, and the details of the system became even clearer to him. Kenji touched the back of his head, surprisingly everything was well intact and his brain wasn't leaking. Memories from what happened the previous day flooded his minds in a single second. Kenji began rapidly touching his body, shocked to find out that there were no damages. The floating screen hovering around his eyes suddenly became more annoy
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Escape plan
Kenji quickly settled in the Hall beside some girls he knew were sure to talk about their current situation.One of the things he had learned in all his years of life was that knowledge and information were more powerful than guns, one who was misinformed but armed could end up hurting themselves. "Oh my god, I can't believe those green humans are all around the place, we can't live this Hall if we hot girls like, want to live. " One of the girls blabbed.Kenji was quick to translate from idiot to common sense, what she was saying was more likely that zombies had invaded and completely surrounded the school. 'I need to know the range of this attack if I'm to make my next move. ' Was it just the school that had been plagued by the zombies? The entirety of Tokyo? Or was it Japan alone? He needed to know these things. 'The quickest way to gain information would be to look for a cell phone, those things had a wide range of information. "Does anyone here have a cell phone, please broad
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Gaining a new skill
Kenji was currently hidden under a table, the sounds of constant growls and scratching was coming from all around him.Minutes after he left the group , he had encountered a swarm of zombies, threatening to rip his head off.He quickly hid under a table in one of the classes and currently zombies were constantly hitting it, it was only a matter of time till it broke .*RINGGGG* The loud siren bell went off, announcing a change of subject.The zombies all stopped bothering Kenji and went after the bell.Kenji ceased the moment, sliding out from under the table he stabbed one of the zombies in the head, before running to continue his journey.[+10 EXP][Congratulations, you are now a level 2][+2 new skills]Hundreds of zombies were heading towards his direction, all drawn by the bell, forcing Kenji to run in the opposite direction.Kenji arrived at the principals office, making sure to lock the door behind him.Thankfully he had been saved by the bell, now that he was somewhat safe he
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Other humans who heard Kenji's voice and were either part of another group or on their own had managed to run towards the library.Kenji barged into the library with an air of confidence around him, with each passing second he began to feel more and more powerful."Let us go." Kenji said, opening the door of the library and making a break for it.Those who were previously members of his group, knew quite well that Kenji would abandon them if they weren't willing to follow him and he had saved them more than once, so they all followed him.The group was moving as fast as they could, some with different types of weapons on their hands, some were carrying others who had fainted or had broken a bone or two.Kenji slashed off the head of one of the zombies who ran his way effortlessly.Kaito and the rest were taking care of the other zombies who were attacking the group but unfortunately not everyone could make it, those who were bitten were killed before they would turn.Finally, Kenji ha
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Taking Revenge
[+100 EXP][Quest completed][Rewards: Level Up+5 all stats][+1 new skill][Skill: Regeneration and Healing has been obtained][The skill is automatically activated when user is hurt, it completely heals the user and restores lost limbs.][Passive Skil][Name: Kenji HarutaLevel:3EXP:130/300HP: 30/30Age:16Rank in Japan: 700/980Rank in Asia: 80,000/900,000Global ranking:49,000,000/,999,000,000Powers copied:1[Level 1 Lightning]Skills:4StatsMana Points:100/100Strength:8Speed:8Perception:8Stat points:6]Kenji smiled on seeing his new stats, he quickly distributed his six free stat points equally between all his stats.[Name: Kenji HarutaLevel:3EXP:130/300HP: 30/30Age:16Rank in Japan: 700/980Rank in Asia: 80,000/900,000Global ranking:49,000,000/,999,000,000Powers copied:1[Level 1 Lightning]Skills:3StatsMana Points:100/100Strength:10Speed:10Perception:10Stat points:0]Kenji smiled, it was good that the system restored his HP and MP each time he levelled up."T
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Battling a level 3
[You have killed 27 level 1 zombies] [+270 EXP] [LEVEL UP] [You have killed 2 humans] [+200 EXP for killing Level 1 superpowered human] [+1 EXP for killing regular human.] Kenji scoffed on seeing the last notification, even in death Aya was still useless, even less than a zombie, which was valued at 10* more. [Name: Kenji Haruta Level:4 EXP:381/400 HP: 30/30 Age:16 Rank in Japan: 700/980 Rank in Asia: 80,000/900,000 Global ranking:49,000,000/,999,000,000 Powers copied:1[Level 1 Lightning] Skills:4 Stats Mana Points:100/100 Strength:9 Speed:9 Perception:9 Stat points:7] After sheating his sword, Kenji walked out of the school gate, how he would get to BuyRite now,he has no idea. The rest of the group had taken the school bus to BuyRite and the rest of the vehicles around Kenji were severely damaged so he would ultimately have to walk. BuyRite was at least 5km away from him and with the chaos everywhere he wouldn't be able to take a Taxi or the train. He would
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Knight in Shinning armor
[+150 EXP] [Name: Kenji Haruta Level:5 EXP:31/500 HP: 50/50 Age:16 Rank in Japan: 680/980 Rank in Asia: 79,800/900,000 Global ranking:48,000,000/,999,000,000 Powers copied:1[Level 1 Ice] Skills:6 Stats Mana Points:150/150 Strength:19 Speed:26 Perception:19 Stat points:10] [Congratulations, you have attained Level 5] [More stats would now be added] [As a level 5 copycat, you can now copy two powers] [When two powers are copied as a level 5 you cannot use both at the same time, but you can evolve them.] [If you copy two level 5 powers, you can combine the levels together to make it a level 10 power] [+2 new skill has also been added] [Skill Mana Fist Level 1: This skill allows you to concentrate your Mana into your Fist giving it an extra boost in your attack power] [Cost: 10 Mana/ strike] [Skill Mana Slash Level 1: This skill compresses a chunk of Mana into your sword, releasing it as a deadly slash.] [Cost:20 mana/ strike] Kenji ob
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Fighting a Meta human.
“No Tom”, Erin shouted, sending out a spike made of ice at Kenji, Kenji dodged the spike effortlessly, allowing it to fly past his face. “The next attack, and I would electrocute him. ” Kenji said, quickly changing the situation to his advantage. ‘There is something I'm not understanding here, suddenly people have superpowers? and these three looked like they were purposely trying to lose out to that zombie from earlier but were trying to make it look hard as soon as they sighted Kenji, so what exactly were they. “Who are you people? ” Kenji asked without hesitation, this was the first thing he needed to know. “Don't hurt him Kenji. ” Ace said, stretching his hands, “Or I'd make sure to kill you. ” Ace said with a menacing look in his eyes. “Wrong answer. ” Kenji replied angrily, using his immense strength to halve Tom's body and letting it drop to the ground. “Bastard!!! ” Ace screamed, his palms began glowing, and flames coated his fists immediately. “Oh please,
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Arriving at Buy Rite
[Name: Kenji Haruta Level:5 EXP:431/500 HP: 50/50 Age:16 Rank in Japan: 680/900 Rank in Asia: 90,800/820,000 Global ranking:49,000,000/,989,000,000 Powers copied:1[Level 1 Ice] Skills:6 Stats Mana Points:150/150 Strength:19 Speed:26 Perception:19 Stat points:10] Kenji sheared his sword once more, grabbing a few bottles of water and snacks, he quickly continued his journey. Sure it was night but the bright neon lights that were stationed in a mega city like Tokyo allowed him to see perfectly in the night and if he ever had to struggle, he had vantage sight at his disposal. The real reason why Kenji needed to be so fast was because he needed to get to Zack as soon as possible and copy his powers he didn't want to be a sitting duck to the zombies when his 24 hours threshold ran out. Kenji also took a little bit of time to observe his stats, his ranking was quickly reducing and if he didn't do something about it he would continually get weaker. ‘
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