The next morning, Franklin was roused from his sleep by the shrill sound of his alarm clock. It was time to start the day. But before he could get out of bed, he had to turn off that blasted alarm!

Finally, he managed to silence the alarm and sat up in bed. As he stretched and yawned, he looked out the window and took in the morning view.

It was a new day and there was much to be done. He had to go to his father's company to sign some papers and documents after which he would be introduced as the new CEO right away.

He showered and went to his wardrobe, only to realize he had no other clothes besides his delivery uniform. "Oh well, I'm used to wearing this anyway," he smirked.

He drove his delivery scooter to the Miles' Empire. The Miles Empire building was a towering structure, standing 130 stories tall and stretching high into the sky.

Franklin parked his scooter in the company's parking lot where he saw lots of people walking around and going about their business in different attires.

Even though Franklin had been there before, nobody seemed to recognize him because he'd been gone for a long time. He walked towards the entrance, some people glanced at him but didn't seem to remember who he was.

The big sign on the building said 'Miles Empire,' showing that it was a big company. It made Franklin feel like he was back in the corporate world after being away for so long. He was going to take revenge on Daisy and Richmond.

As Franklin entered the building, he noticed how much things had changed and he caught sight of new faces which he thought to be junior staff.

The receptionist, Reina, halted him with a disdainful look. "Where do you think you're going?" she sneered.

Franklin braced himself, knowing what was coming. "Oh! I'm here for business," he replied, trying to maintain his composure.

Reina rolled her eyes, unimpressed. "In that outfit? Please," she scoffed, gesturing dismissively at his uniform.

The office assistant, Daniel, said with a smirk. "Looks like someone's lost again. Need help finding the delivery entrance?" he jibed, earning a chuckle from the nearby data entry clerk, Nancy.

Nancy glanced at Franklin with a frown. "Or maybe he's here to deliver breakfast. Wouldn't want to keep the new CEO waiting for his sandwich," she quipped, causing the junior administrative assistant, Mike, to stifle a laugh.

Franklin realized they were judging him because of his clothes. "Oh no! I'm not here to deliver food," he tried to explain, but they didn't believe him.

Meanwhile, the customer service representative, Sarah, shook her head in mock disappointment. “What else are you here for? If not to deliver breakfast and lunch." she teased.

Franklin felt his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he looked at the new faces. "Listen to me, I'm not a delivery guy. Not anymore," he protested weakly, but his words were met with scoffs and eye rolls.

The mailroom clerk, Alex, said with a sly scowl. "Sure, you're the CEO's long-lost son?" he quipped, earning a chuckle from the others.

Feeling the sting of their insults, Franklin bit back his frustration. "Fine, laugh all you want. You just wait and see." He attempted to call Mr. Russell to verify his identity, but the employees thought he was making a fake call.

The junior staff quickly called for the security guards, waving them over in a panic. While they were busy explaining the situation to the guards, Franklin slipped away and headed towards the elevator.

"There he is! Stop him!" Reina yelled desperately as she pointed towards Franklin. But Franklin, having no desire to engage with them, hastened his steps and reached the elevator just in time.

"Get out of there, now!" the guards shouted, closing in on him. Franklin pressed the elevator button and the doors closed, leaving the guards behind.

As the elevator ascended, Franklin leaned against the wall and let out a long sigh of relief. "Is this how the staff treat people from lower class? Tch," he muttered to himself.

He planned to deal with them later after taking over the company. They are not fit to work in his company. He didn't blame the guards, though. He planned to make things right once he signed the document.

While Franklin contemplated his next moves, the junior staff ordered the guards to stand by and track his whereabouts, fuming with anger. They were intent on having him arrested.

They berated the guards for allowing Franklin, a mere delivery guy without proper credentials, to enter such a prestigious company in the first place, let alone take the elevator.

"How did you all let him in here? This is a big company, and you let a dirty delivery guy with no formal card get in? And he had the nerve to take the elevator!" Alex yelled.

Reina's anger simmered as she demanded answers, "I can't believe this! You all need to be punished!"

"We apologize."

"Stand by and watch where he's headed. I want him arrested as soon as possible!” Daniel commanded.

"We'll apprehend him. Don't worry," the head guard assured them, taking charge of the situation.

They waited anxiously for the elevator to reach its destination, eager to see which floor Franklin had gone to.

Unexpectedly, the elevator continued ascending to the top floor of the building, heading straight to the Executive department where the CEO's office is.

The employees were left dumbfounded. They whispered amongst themselves, realizing that the top floor was reserved for the CEO and only accessible to the manager only when summoned by the CEO.

When the elevator finally stopped on the top floor, Franklin confidently exited and headed straight for the CEO's office.

The guards on the other hand were stunned, they couldn't comprehend what they were witnessing. They whispered amongst themselves, knowing that the top floor was off-limits to all but the CEO.

Could the poor-looking delivery man be the new CEO?

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