All Chapters of A Bon Vivant Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 chapters
Snacksation Company
But Davidson Rogers had no blink of hope in his eyes.“We did check the CCTV cameras that were installed in and outside the distribution center, but came up with nothing because the robbers were all dressed in black hoodies, nose masks, and dark shades.” He sighed heavily. As a matter of fact, this was the first action he took when he arrived at the distribution center early that morning. He checked and rechecked the CCTV footage for anything, but his hope was crashed because the four hoodlums were of the same height, heavily clothed, showing no skin, and the color of their clothes was black. On the other hand, Sean and Steve were unsatisfied by his explanations. They believed they could still catch up with something. “Can we see the CCTV footage? I don't think we will miss anything. They must have made a mistake at a certain time,” Sean inquired. Davidson Rogers nodded at one of the men beside him. The man exited the conference room and returned a few minutes later with a laptop.
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Catching The Robber
They reached their car and headed for Rectaxs company. During the drive, Steve suddenly asked Sean a question. “Do you know why I asked you not to allow his assistant to follow us?”Sean shook his head negatively. “No, why?”Steve gulped. “Davidson is not someone to be trusted. In as much as we try to blame SavorCorp for the attack, Davidson might turn out to be the masterplanner.”Sean, who was staring ahead, looked at him immediately. He couldn't believe Steve would say such a thing. To him, Davidson Rogers didn't look like someone who would deceive others. He looked like a well behaved man.“What, Steve? How could you say that? Davidson Rogers would never do such a thing. I fully believe that SavorCorp company committed the crime. If Davidson carried out the act, he would be manipulating himself. You know that, right?” Sean tried to defend the man he had only met for less than a hour. Upon hearing Sean's statements, Steve smiled pitifully. He quickly realized that his master was
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Who The Robber Is
In a minute, she was able to find lists of transactions that took place in the company for the past two months. “I have seen them. Here they are. These are the names of the customers who bought wristwatches for two months.” Felicia turned the computer to Sean and Steve. One after the other, they looked down the names of the customers who transacted on the screen. All of a sudden, Sean saw a name that looked very familiar.“Isn’t that Davidson Rogers? What is his name doing here?” Sean exclaimed, attracting Steve to look at the screen a little closer. Indeed, it was Davidson Rogers's name! It was shocking news to everybody. “Felicia, did you know anything about this?” Sean asked the woman, who was also amazed by this revelation. She looked at Sean like he had grown two heads for asking such a ridiculous question. How would she know? Would she have sat down to read each transaction slip every single day? She had no time for this.“I didn't know either. Due to my tight schedule, I wasn
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Sean and Steve later left Snacksation company for the Arnault Estate since the day was far gone. When they stepped into the mansion, they met the Chairwoman discussing with Adams Arnault, her fourth grandson. Their eyes locked when they heard approaching footsteps. The Chairwoman turned away from Adam to Sean and Steve standing just behind the settee. “Welcome home, Sean. Come and have your seat, and you too, Steve.” She directed her right hand to the two empty settees in front of her. The duo sat down obediently, but Adams arose and requested to leave the room immediately. The Chairwoman agreed, and he walked away while the others watched him till he was out of their sight. “Adams came to see you earlier this morning, but I told him of your absence. I thought he had left, but I am shocked to have met him with you. Did he really wait until you returned?” Steve asked. The Chairwoman chuckled. “Of course not. While I was in the car, I saw him strolling round the estate with Brandon,
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