All Chapters of The Greatest Sniper Reincarnates in a Fantasy World: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
106 chapters
Just as Asther planned, he came back in the afternoon. There’s a bit of problem that came with this. That is, due to his skill [Cleanup] he can’t get the rabbit corpses anymore. Instead, he is given finely cut parts of it and he has to explain it to the guard Thomas who, was approaching him again.“You don’t seem to have anything on you today. That’s gonna be bad for you.” The guard said, making the bones on his fingers pop.“Actually, it’s the other way around sir.” Asther opened the big cloth pouch that he had on his back. On this are the parts of the rabbit. The hair is already taken away from it, leaving only the flesh and the parts that can be eaten.“I figured that you’d have trouble skinning the rabbits so I did it myself.”“You saying we can’t skin a rabbit?”“No sir. I just didn’t want you to waste your precious time on something that I can do myself.”“Well would you look at that.” Thomas brushed the hair of Asther. “You’ve been doing a good job since yesterday kid.”Everyth
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Although life may seem unfair to the original Asther, there are actually rules and regulations implemented in order to ensure that there is justice in Jhinn. This is done through the use of a sacred spell that is given to every juror that resides within a place. These jurors are individuals who have been blessed by the goddess of justice herself. And, through the spell bestowed upon them, nobody can utter a single lie.This has allowed aristocrats to be taken down from their high positions. This has also allowed a lot of good willed people to rise into power. This has allowed the weak and the powerless to get the justice that they wish for.Although it may sound good on paper, this system is not fool proof in itself. There are a lot of things that are lacking in it. For one thing, the jurors themselves can be bribed. Given the right amount of money, they would fake the results of any trial or interrogation. Other than this, there are also cases where a juror’s life is threatened, thus
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A Juror's Entertainment
“This is nonsense! Why is he still alive.”“Like what I told you Gunther, I used Judgement on him and all the accusations that you placed on him are proven to be false.”The juror met up with the elder within the later mentioned person’s house. Gunther, the elder of the village, thought that the juror would bring him good news. After all, this person is also indebted to them and to all the favors that they have granted the old man.That’s why the expression on his face easily turned sour when the juror talked of Asther’s innocence. Something which Gunther cannot accept no matter how much the juror tried to explain things reasonably.“He’s the village’s curse. There’s no way that he’s not involved with this.” Gunther said.“You do know that simply giving him an ominous title such as that doesn’t prove anything right? For all we know, the real culprit could be anyone from your village.”“No. That’s not possible. I know how fond my son is with torturing that piece of trash. There isn’t a
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Books and a Juror
Unlike what the juror thought, Asther actually slept early last night. He didn’t stay up reading through the books. The reaper knows that it’s valuable for both the mind and the body to have a proper amount of sleep. This allows him to be at his optimal condition. Performing at his best so as not to have any delays in his plans.Due to this, Asther also woke up early. He got up from his bed and, as he looked around, he saw that Thomas is still asleep on the bed opposite to his. There is a lamp that lights up the place, revealing the walls of rocks and wood, as well as the wooden table in the middle of the room.There are also chests and other items placed at the side of a wall. These are things owned by the juror. And as to why he just left it there with the boy who is labeled as a curse is something which Asther has yet to understand, nor is he planning to understand it at the very least. The only thing that is of interest to him are the books that he wants to continue reading.“Okay
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The meal is nothing like what Asther expected. The boy thought that he would see some common food on the table. After all, there’s no reason to prepare anything extravagant. He’s not even an honored guest in that house. He’s a prisoner and, the person who’s guarding him isn’t special as well. That’s why the luxurious looking meal didn’t makes sense to him.“Take a seat, the food will go cold if all you do is stare on it.”“Yes your honor.” Asther waited for Thomas and the maid to be seated first. It’s only after this that he decided to take a seat himself. Choosing the spot at the side right after the maid.“No. You’re sitting close to me kid.” The juror commanded.“As you wish your honor.” Asther replied, changing places with Thomas who is at the left side of the table.“Dig in everyone. I promise you that the food my maid prepares is something to die for.” The juror claimed.Thomas didn’t hesitate to take a bite. As for Asther, he looked at the food closely for two seconds. Then he
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New Quest
As soon as breakfast finished, Asther went back to the basement of Boreas’ house. Thomas isn’t there anymore and, the teen expected this. There must’ve been some level of humiliation brought upon Thomas because of the conversation at the dining table. That’s why this guard is not there.Asther believes that this person went out to get some fresh air. He has no idea about the hobbies of Thomas but, he’s sure that this guard would go somewhere near the walls and talk with his palls.“That would take him some time to come back from…perfect.” Asther opened the System window. He has learned to control this to an extent that, it won’t suddenly pop out without his consent.He activated the feature [Silent Mode]. Disabling any notification given by the System which allows Asther to chose the time when he wants to see these. And with Thomas not being there, the teen thought of no better opportunity to proceed with this.[Congratulations! You have successfully finished the optional quest.][10
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Death's Herald
Night soon came and, just as Asther planned, he commenced his escape from Boreas’ house. During the day, the teen offered to assist the maid in her duties. Normally this would not be allowed but, since Boreas favors the teen, this has been overlooked. Allowing Asther to do as he pleases.During his time helping the maid, he has also imprinted the details of the house in his head. He saw all the windows and all the doors. He found all the planks of wood that created a sound when stepped on. He also saw some traps that have been laid out within the house, should there be cases of anyone breaking in.By taking all of these into account, Asther is able to plan a perfect escape. And so, in less than ten minutes, the teen is out of Boreas’ house – finding himself in the middle of a night-filled street.Asther chose midnight as the starting point of his mission. During this time, all of the villagers are already sleeping. As for the guards, they won’t pose much of a problem for Asther. He ha
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Creating a Route
Asther found all the items involved in his thievery quest. It isn’t that bad because, the people he stole from are also the same individuals who stole from him in some way. Miss Gresinda who forcefully took some of the items inside his house. Mister Daniel who never paid Asther the right amount whenever he sells his harvest to this man. Then there’s an old man named Jell who is still entirely capable with the use of his head and, uses this same head to exploit the teen.Asther stole from all these individuals. In fact, he did even more than this. Using the memory of the real Asther, the assassin is able to make an estimate on how much each of these individuals owe him. And so, aside from the items that he needs to take, Asther also took valuables from his targets. All of it amounting to the estimates that he made.An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is another principle that the sniper lives by. If there is anyone who ever does him wrong, he will make sure that the debt is
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Ceremony and Opportunity
[Notice: You have successfully won over the juror to your side.][Notice: You have successfully taken away all suspicions on your involvement on the crimes.][You are granted a new passive skill – Silver Tongue][Skill Information: The skill is acquired through proficient conversations being made. The skill allows the user to see a dialogue box at the side of the screen whenever he talks to someone. He can choose from the options that are stated here in order to arrive at different results.][Skill Information: The type of results and the type of responses will be more favorable when the rank of the skill goes up.]These are the notifications that came up after Asther dealt with the situation. He had breakfast with the juror and, after this, went back to the basement. Here he opened the notifications.Sure enough, there’s a list that piled up for him. This didn’t surprise Asther anymore because, he expected something like this to happen after what he just did.In fact, he was also a b
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Asther dashed through the crowd of people in the blink of an eye. Along with the black mana that came out from his genesis crystal, the cloak of the teen also began to change color at that moment. Being clad in the same abyssal darkness that his crystal emitted.Along with this is a silver color for the intricate design that appeared on his cloak. The design is difficult for the bystanders to see because of the teen’s quick movement. As for Asther himself, he has no time to look at this because he needs to continue being on the run.Other than Boreas, nobody else saw Asther’s actions coming. How could they when the ominous black mana still spread around the teen. The same mana which still struck fear into them.However, this effect isn’t forever. As soon as Asther is in a considerable distance from them, the chief finally snapped back to reality. Ordering his men at that moment.“Don’t let him escape!”Asther heard this command even though he’s already far away. He could also hear the
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