All Chapters of Almighty Nathaniel Mickelson Rise To Power: Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 chapters
Iphone 15
Thelma smiled at her master’s intelligent plan. She grinned and gazed at him before responding, “Okay sir, I assure you that you’ll be pleased with the next news concerning the Addams groups” A crook smile formed on Nathaniel’s face. As he worked towards his desk to take a sit, the buzzing sound of his phone distracted him. With a frown on his face, he took his phone out of his pocket and placed it on his left ear, while supporting it with his hand.“Hello?” He answered abruptly, leaving the second party dumbfounded by his abrupt response“Nathaniel!” the lady said in anger.“Mrs. Sterling, to what do I owe this call by this hour?” He asked, leaving the lady stunned. She took the phone away from her ear to see if she had dialed the right number“Have you gone nuts? How dare you talk to your boss in such a manner? I’ll make sure I report this to the manager so that your salary will be cut by 50 percent,” she ranted, causing Nathaniel to narrow his eyes.“Will you answer me, or do you
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Hello, Father!
"Isn't that Nathaniel?" The whispers of the people around fell into Nathaniel's ear, but he ignored them. He elegantly stepped into the store, leaving the bodyguards outside"You ungrateful fool!" Mrs. Sterling immediately fired, but Nathaniel was unmoved by her words. Instead, he stood with his hands in his pocket as he gazed at her standing in frustration."Let me inform your creditors that you're here! Thank Goodness I'm not part of the many people that lent you money," she scoffed and turned to Maggie, who was standing by the wall, with a bucket of water and a mop stick in her hand."Hey! You, come here!" She hissed. Without hesitating, Maggie hurried to where she stood with her head bowed"Give the bucket to this peasant to mop the floors and call me the gentlemen and lady that came here looking for Nathaniel. You know them, right?" Mrs. Sterling asked. "Yes ma'am," Maggie seemed scared, but she didn't frown at any instruction she was given because of the fear of losing her job
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A new twist
"Who are these men?" Mr. Martin asked, confused. Nathaniel gave the phone back to one of his bodyguards before turning to Martin."Who they are isn't important. The question should be who I am and what I can now do to you and this your small cafe," Nathaniel paused and dusted the collar of their shirt while trying to straighten it"There's no need to fire me, Mr. Martin. I came here to resign," Nathanial laughed. He gritted his teeth, trying to surpass his anger when he took his phone out of his pocket, "Have a nice day Mr. Martin, I no longer work for you" He said and turned to leave, getting tired of the drama when he had bigger fish to fry."Wait! You're not going to beg me? Without this job you'll be penny less and end up dying in hunger and starvation because no one around here will hire you," Mr. Martin said, showing how stunned he was by Nathaniel's outburst of resigning instead of begging"Why is that so? James also asked them not to hire me?" Nathaniel inquired"Yes, that's r
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